C h a p t e r 7. Respiratory System. Learning Objectives. Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to

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1 C h a p t e r 7 Respiratory System Learning bjectives Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to Identify and define the combining forms and suffixes introduced in this chapter. Correctly spell and pronounce medical terms and major anatomical structures relating to the respiratory system. Locate and describe the major organs of the respiratory system and their functions. List and describe the lung volumes and capacities. Describe the process of respiration. Identify and define respiratory system anatomical terms. Identify and define selected respiratory system pathology terms. Identify and define selected respiratory system diagnostic procedures. Identify and define selected respiratory system therapeutic procedures. Identify and define selected medications relating to the respiratory system. Define selected abbreviations associated with the respiratory system Pearson ducation, Inc. Chapter 7/Respiratory System 159

2 Worksheet 7 New Combining Form and Suffix Handout Directions: For each combining form and suffix below, write out its meaning. Then locate a new term from the chapter that uses the new word part. Combining Forms Meaning Chapter Term Meaning 1. aer/o 2. alveol/o 3. anthrac/o 4. atel/o 5. bronch/o 6. bronchi/o 7. bronchiol/o 8. coni/o 9. diaphragmat/o 10. epiglott/o 11. laryng/o 12. lob/o 13. muc/o 14. nas/o 15. orth/o 16. ox/o 17. ox/i 18. pharyng/o 19. pleur/o 20. pneum/o 21. pneumon/o 22. pulmon/o 23. rhin/o 24. sept/o 160 Chapter 7/Respiratory System 2013 Pearson ducation, Inc.

3 Combining Forms Meaning Chapter Term Meaning 25. sinus/o 26. spir/o 27. trache/o 28. tuss/o Suffixes 29. -capnia 30. -osmia 31. -phonia 32. -plegia 33. -pnea 34. -ptysis 35. -spasm 36. -thorax 2013 Pearson ducation, Inc. Chapter 7/Respiratory System 161

4 Worksheet 7B Medical Term nalysis Directions: Below are terms built from word parts used in this chapter that are not analyzed in the Word Building Table. Many are built from word parts you have learned in previous chapters. nalyze each term presented below and list and define the word parts used to build each term. Medical Term Word Part nalysis 1. paranasal 2. alveolar 3. nasopharyngitis 4. visceral 5. cyanosis 6. hemoptysis 7. otorhinolaryngology 8. fibrosis 9. atelectasis 10. pneumoconiosis 11. cytology 162 Chapter 7/Respiratory System 2013 Pearson ducation, Inc.

5 Medical Term Word Part nalysis 12. bronchography 13. bronchoscopy 14. angiography 15. laryngoscopy 16. oximetry 17. spirometry 18. tracheotomy 19. thoracocentesis 20. cardiopulmonary 2013 Pearson ducation, Inc. Chapter 7/Respiratory System 163

6 Worksheet 7C Unscramble Directions: Unscramble each medical term below. definition for the term is given below each scrambled term. 1. h p y s m m a e e Condition resulting from the destruction of alveolar walls 2. p m b c r h n s s a o o Involuntary muscle spasm in a bronchus 3. n a l f u n i z e Viral infection with chills, fever, body aches, and dry cough 4. n i n m e u p o a Death may occur as alveoli fill up with fluid 5. r e o n i t v a t l Mechanical device that assists in breathing 6. s c o a s i n y _ bnormal condition of being blue 7. p r a y l g o s n c e o Instrument to view the voice box 8. s p e i t a s i x Nosebleed 9. h i n s r l p a o y t Surgical repair of the nose 10. a o s n h r p a n e g a l y Pertaining to the nose and throat 164 Chapter 7/Respiratory System 2013 Pearson ducation, Inc.

7 Worksheet 7D Sound It ut Directions: The following are some of the key terms from this chapter written as their phonetic spellings. Sound out each term and write it in the blank. Pronunciations for all terms are included in the glossary at the end of the book and in the audio glossary located on Medical Terminology Interactive. 1. P-nee-ah _ 2. Z-mah 3. al-vee-h-lar 4. sigh-ah-n-sis 5. em-fih-s-mah _ 6. PULL-mon-air-ee 7. in-floo-n-za 8. en-doh-try-kee-al 9. brong-kg-rah-fee 10. new-moh-thh-raks _ 11. too-ber-kyoo-lh-sis 12. tho-rss-ik 13. spy-rm-eh-tree 14. ploor-oh-sen-t-sis 15. ah-nk-see-ah 16. thor-ah-kt-oh-mee 17. ah-nz-mee-ah _ 18. dif-thr-ee-ah 19. dis-fh-nee-ah _ 20. lair-ring-go-scope 21. pan-sigh-nus-y-tis 22. per-tuh-is 23. rye-ny-tis 24. rye-noh-r-ah _ 25. tray-kee-oh-steh-nh-sis 2013 Pearson ducation, Inc. Chapter 7/Respiratory System 165

8 Worksheet 7 Word Search Puzzle Directions: Find and circle the answer for each fill-in-the-blank question in the word search puzzle. H Y P R V N T I L T I N F V H F B B R H V R L F T Q N N Q T T R S I S S U T R P J P J Z N T J T N S N B T M M Q M H M V G B G R Y K I D X R Y L K D P S L Z X Y B P X T J R K T N V P M B T H U I W P Z C Z W W L U L P Z X N R T Q K N U Y Z T T N P R Y Q M N S D K M J C T Y U R C H Z G G L I K K R W V L M N P K U B G P R T Z M R B M P N S K N K M G R H F C F C P C T N K L L J P H Z K C L H L P K T D N M N R T T K L N Z C T P K K L H K F R Y R T P Q F L C J J V G L X X 1. _ is also called suffocation. 2. _ is a viral infection in children with a characteristic barking cough. 3. Breathing too fast and too deep is called _. 4. When phlegm is coughed up and expelled through the mouth it is called _. 5. _ may result in a collapsed lung. 6. (n) _ is a medication to reduce nasal and sinus stuffiness. 7. The medical term for whooping cough is _. 8. _ is the medical term for nosebleed. 9. The symptoms of _ include a barking cough. 10. nasal _ is a two-pronged plastic device for delivering oxygen. 166 Chapter 7/Respiratory System 2013 Pearson ducation, Inc.

9 Worksheet 7F Crossword Puzzle Directions: Use the definitions given to complete the crossword puzzle CRSS 3 Term meaning difficulty breathing 9 Breathing too slowly and too shallowly 10 Results in collapse of lung DWN 1 Instrument to measure breathing 2 Medication that widens bronchi 4 Commonly called windpipe 5 Infection in which fluid fills the alveoli 6 Inflammation of pleura 7 Condition that destroys alveolar walls 8 Term for insufficient oxygen in the body 2013 Pearson ducation, Inc. Chapter 7/Respiratory System 167

10 Crossword Puzzle Directions: Use the definitions given to complete the crossword puzzle CRSS 1 nasal _ delivers oxygen directly into nose 4 Term meaning without carbon dioxide 6 natomical name for windpipe 8 Medication to reduce nasal stuffiness 9 Whooping cough 10 Term meaning process of viewing voice box DWN 2 Term meaning without voice 3 Nosebleed 5 Term meaning spitting up blood 7 natomical name for throat 168 Chapter 7/Respiratory System 2013 Pearson ducation, Inc.

11 Worksheet 7G Chapter Review natomy and Physiology 1. The three parts of respiration are _, _, and _. 2. Inhalation brings in fresh _ and exhalation removes _ from the body. 3. The nasal cavity and much of the respiratory tract is covered by _, which secretes a sticky fluid called _. 4. The eustachian tube extends from the _ to the _. 5. The _ is a flap of cartilage that covers the larynx to prevent food from entering the trachea. 6. The smallest bronchial tubes are called _. 7. _ are the air sacs in the lungs. 8. The bronchi, pulmonary blood vessels, and nerves enter each lung along its medial border in an area called the _. 9. _ is the volume of air that moves into or out of your lungs during quiet breathing. 10. The vital signs consists of _, _, _, and _. Word Building Directions: Build a term that means: 1. surgical repair of bronchus 2. inflammation of voice box 3. removal of lobe 4. condition of no oxygen _ 5. puncture pleura to withdraw fluid 2013 Pearson ducation, Inc. Chapter 7/Respiratory System 169

12 6. nose discharge 7. inflammation of all sinuses 8. pertaining to throat 9. blood in chest 10. fast breathing Matching 1. epistaxis 2. cyanosis 3. hyperventilation 4. nasal cannula 5. hemoptysis 6. patent 7. crackles 8. SB 9. rhonchi a. Cough up blood b. Wheezing sound c. blood test d. Dyspnea e. Test for sleep apnea f. Harsh, high-pitched breath sound g. Improves ability to cough up mucus h. Two-pronged plastic device to deliver oxygen i. Inherited condition 10. pertussis 11. stridor 12. anthracosis 13. CF 14. emphysema 15. histoplasmosis 16. PCP 17. empyema 18. SIDS 19. BGs 20. sputum cytology 21. laryngoscopy 22. polysomnography 23. ventilator 24. antitussive 25. expectorant j. Pyothorax k. Nosebleed l. Destruction of alveolar walls m. pportunistic infection seen in IDS patient n. Test looking for malignant cells o. Breathe too fast and too deep p. Visual examination of voice box q. Crackling sound r. Respirator s. Whooping cough t. pen u. Reduces urge to cough v. Black lung w. Unexplained death of apparently well infant x. Fungal infection y. Bluish tint to skin 170 Chapter 7/Respiratory System 2013 Pearson ducation, Inc.

13 Name Date Score Quiz 7 New Word Parts Quiz Directions: Define the combining form or suffix in the spaces provided. 1. bronchiol/o 2. atel/o 3. coni/o 4. epiglott/o _ 5. laryng/o 6. pharyng/o _ 7. trache/o 8. pulmon/o _ 9. pneum/o 10. ox/i _ 11. orth/o 12. nas/o 13. anthrac/o 14. pleur/o 15. sinus/o 16. spir/o 17. rhin/o 18. alveol/o 19. bronchi/o _ 20. diaphragmat/o 21. -capnia 22. -thorax 23. -osmia 24. -pnea 25. -ptysis 2013 Pearson ducation, Inc. Chapter 7/Respiratory System 171

14 Name Date Score Quiz 7B Spelling Quiz Directions: Write each term as your instructor pronounces it Chapter 7/Respiratory System 2013 Pearson ducation, Inc.

15 Name Date Score Quiz 7C Labeling Diagram Directions: Label the structures of the upper respiratory system _ _ 2013 Pearson ducation, Inc. Chapter 7/Respiratory System 173

16 Name Date Score Directions: Label the structures of the lungs. Quiz 7D Labeling Diagram Chapter 7/Respiratory System 2013 Pearson ducation, Inc.

17 Name Date Score Quiz 7 Word Building Quiz Directions: Build a single medical term for each phrase below. 1. surgical repair of bronchus 2. instrument to view inside bronchus 3. removal of voice box 4. paralysis of voice box 5. puncture of pleura to withdraw fluid _ 6. condition of insufficient oxygen 7. lung specialist 8. nose discharge 9. abnormal condition of nose fungus 10. instrument to measure oxygen _ 11. removal of lobe 12. chest pain _ 13. inflammation of all sinuses 14. inflammation of nose and throat 15. pleural pain 16. pertaining to lung 17. pertaining to inside trachea 18. pertaining to chest 19. pertaining to voice box _ 20. no voice 21. excessive carbon dioxide 22. no smell 23. slow breathing 24. pus in chest 25. normal breathing _ 2013 Pearson ducation, Inc. Chapter 7/Respiratory System 175

18 Name Date Score Quiz 7F bbreviations Quiz Directions: Write the medical term for which each abbreviation stands. 1. BGs 2. RDS 3. C 2 4. CPD 5. CT 6. CXR 7. NT 8. IPPB 9. IRDS 10. LLL _ 11. MDI _ 13. PFT _ 14. R _ 15. RDS 16. RRT 17. SRS 18. SIDS 19. SB 20. TB _ 21. TLC 22. TPR 23. TV _ 24. URI _ 25. CPR 176 Chapter 7/Respiratory System 2013 Pearson ducation, Inc.

19 Name Date Score Quiz 7G Chapter Review Part I: Multiple Choice Directions: Circle the correct answer. 1. The volume of air that can be exhaled after a maximum inhalation is a. inspiratory reserve volume. b. tidal volume. c. total lung volume. d. vital capacity. 2. The term for abnormal crackling sounds made during inspiration is a. pleural rub. b. rales. c. rhonchi. d. stridor. 3. The acute respiratory condition found in infants characterized by a barking cough is a. asthma. b. bronchitis. c. croup. d. laryngitis. 4. The name for the condition in which an area of lung tissue collapses is a. bronchiectasis. b. atelectasis. c. emphysema. d. asthma. 5. When lung tissue retains an excessive amount of fluid, this is called a. pulmonary edema. b. pulmonary embolism. c. pleural effusion. d. thoracalgia. 6. The medical term that means open or unblocked is a. aspirate. b. asphyxia. c. patent. d. rhonchi. 7. Which abbreviation stands for a type of pneumonia? a. PCP. b. SRS. c. PFT. d. RDS. 8. laboratory test for the presence of malignant cells is a. sputum culture and sensitivity. b. throat culture. c. endotracheal intubation. d. sputum cytology. 9. The term for using a device to measure the breathing capacity of the lungs is a. pulmonary angiography. b. intermittent positive pressure breathing. c. spirometry. d. bronchography. 10. Using the fingertips to tap on a surface to determine the condition beneath is called a. auscultation. b. palpation. c. inspection. d. percussion Pearson ducation, Inc. Chapter 7/Respiratory System 177

20 Part II: Matching Directions: Match the term with its definition. 1. nares 2. glottis 3. eupnea 4. aspiration 5. phlegm 6. asthma 7. Mycoplasma 8. silicosis 9. ventilation-perfusion scan a. Normal breathing b. May cause severe bronchospasms c. type of pneumoconiosis d. xternal openings of the nose e. Causes walking pneumonia f. nuclear medicine test g. Thick mucus of the respiratory tract h. pening through vocal cords i. Blocks allergy attack 10. antihistamine j. Withdraw fluid using suction Part III: bbreviations Directions: Write the full meaning of the following abbreviations. 1. CPD 2. TPR 3. URI 4. SB 5. CXR 178 Chapter 7/Respiratory System 2013 Pearson ducation, Inc.

21 Chapter 7 nswer Keys Worksheet 7 nswer Key 1. air 2. alveolus, air sac 3. coal 4. incomplete 5. bronchus 6. bronchus 7. bronchiole 8. dust 9. diaphragm 10. epiglottis 11. larynx 12. lobe 13. mucus 14. nose 15. straight, upright 16. oxygen 17. oxygen 18. throat 19. pleura 20. lung, air 21. lung, air 22. chest 23. nose 24. a wall 25. sinus, cavity 26. breathing 27. trachea, windpipe 28. cough Suffixes 29. carbon dioxide 30. smell 31. voice 32. paralysis 33. breathing 34. spitting 35. involuntary muscle contraction 36. chest Worksheet 7B nswer Key 1. para- = beside, near; nas/o = nose; -al = pertaining to 2. alveol/o = alveolus, air sac; -ar = pertaining to 3. nas/o = nose; pharyng/o = throat; -itis = inflammation 4. viscer/o = internal organ; -al = pertaining to 5. cyan/o = blue; -osis = abnormal condition 6. hem/o = blood; -ptysis = spitting 7. ot/o = ear; rhin/o = nose; laryng/o = voice box; -logy = study of 8. fibr/o = fibers; -osis = abnormal condition 9. atel/o = incomplete; -ectasis = dilation 10. pneum/o = lung; coni/o = dust; -osis = abnormal condition 11. cyt/o = cell; -logy = study of 12. bronch/o = bronchus; -graphy = process of recording 13. bronch/o = bronchus; -scopy = process of viewing 14. angi/o = vessel; -graphy = process of recording 15. laryng/o = voice box; -scopy = process of viewing 16. ox/i = oxygen; -metry = process of measuring 17. spir/o = breathing; -metry = process of measuring 18. trache/o = trachea; -otomy = cutting into 19. thorac/o = chest; -centesis = puncture to withdraw fluid 20. cardi/o = heart; pulmon/o = lung; -ary = pertaining to Worksheet 7C nswer Key 1. emphysema 2. bronchospasm 3. influenza 4. pneumonia 5. ventilator 6. cyanosis 7. laryngoscope 8. epistaxis 9. rhinoplasty 10. nasopharyngeal 2013 Pearson ducation, Inc. Chapter 7/Respiratory System 179

22 Worksheet 7D nswer Key 1. apnea 2. asthma 3. alveolar 4. cyanosis 5. emphysema 6. pulmonary 7. influenza 8. endotracheal 9. bronchography 10. pneumothorax 11. tuberculosis 12. thoracic 13. spirometry 14. pleurocentesis 15. anoxia 16. thoracotomy 17. anosmia 18. diphtheria 19. dysphonia 20. laryngoscope 21. pansinusitis 22. pertussis 23. rhinitis 24. rhinorrhea 25. tracheostenosis Worksheet 7 nswer Key 1. asphyxia 2. croup 3. hyperventilation 4. sputum 5. pneumothorax 6. decongestant 7. pertussis 8. epistaxis 9. croup 10. cannula H Y P R V N T I L T I N F V H F B B R H V R L F T Q N N Q T T R S I S S U T R P J P J Z N T J T N S N B T M M Q M H M V G B G R Y K I D X R Y L K D P S L Z X Y B P X T J R K T N V P M B T H U I W P Z C Z W W L U L P Z X N R T Q K N U Y Z T T N P R Y Q M N S D K M J C T Y U R C H Z G G L I K K R W V L M N P K U B G P R T Z M R B M P N S K N K M G R H F C F C P C T N K L L J P H Z K C L H L P K T D N M N R T T K L N Z C T P K K L H K F R Y R T P Q F L C J J V G L X X 180 Chapter 7/Respiratory System 2013 Pearson ducation, Inc.

23 2013 Pearson ducation, Inc. Chapter 7/Respiratory System 181 Solution: N C C C G G I I I I L L U M X X Y Y Y Y T H H U S S S S C C R P P P P P P P D T I T R R H H R N N N N N N T T I T S S Solution: H R N C I I I L L L U U M V X X Y Y Y Y Y N N T H H H U S S S M M M M C R P P P P P P D D B T R I T R R H R N N N T T I T S Worksheet 7F nswer Key

24 Worksheet 7G nswer Key natomy and Physiology 1. ventilation, external respiration, internal respiration 2. oxygen, carbon dioxide 3. mucous membrane, mucus 4. nasopharynx, middle ear 5. epiglottis 6. bronchioles 7. alveoli 8. hilum 9. tidal volume 10. respiratory rate, heart rate, temperature, blood pressure Word Building 1. bronchoplasty 2. laryngitis 3. lobectomy 4. anoxia 5. pleurocentesis 6. rhinorrhea 7. pansinusitis 8. pharyngeal 9. hemothorax 10. tachypnea Matching 1. k 2. y 3. o 4. h 5. a 6. t 7. q 8. d 9. b 10. s 11. f 12. v 13. i 14. l 15. x 16. m 17. j 18. w 19. c 20. n 21. p 22. e 23. r 24. u 25. g Quiz 7 nswer Key 1. bronchiole 2. incomplete 3. dust 4. epiglottis 5. larynx, voice box 6. pharynx, throat 7. trachea, windpipe 8. lung 9. air, lung 10. oxygen 11. straight 12. nose 13. coal 14. pleura 15. sinus, cavity 16. breathing 17. nose 18. alveoli, air sacs 19. bronchus 20. diaphragm 21. carbon dioxide 22. dilated, expansion 23. smell 24. breathing 25. spitting 182 Chapter 7/Respiratory System 2013 Pearson ducation, Inc.

25 Quiz 7B nswer Key 1. histoplasmosis 2. eustachian 3. epiglottis 4. bronchioles 5. mediastinum 6. diaphragm 7. bronchiectasis 8. laryngectomy 9. nasopharyngitis 10. pneumoconiosis 11. asphyxia 12. epistaxis 13. hemoptysis 14. orthopnea 15. phlegm 16. rhonchi 17. diphtheria 18. pertussis 19. polysomnography 20. resuscitation Quiz 7C nswer Key 1. nares 2. paranasal sinuses 3. nasal cavity 4. pharyngeal tonsil 5. eustachian tube 6. hard palate 7. soft palate 8. palatine tonsil 9. epiglottis 10. vocal cords 11. esophagus 12. trachea Quiz 7D nswer Key 1. trachea 2. right upper lobe 3. right middle lobe 4. right lower lobe 5. apex of lung 6. left upper lobe 7. left lower lobe 8. diaphragm Quiz 7 nswer Key 1. bronchoplasty 2. bronchoscope 3. laryngectomy 4. laryngoplegia 5. pleurocentesis 6. hypoxia 7. pulmonologist 8. rhinorrhea 9. rhinomycosis 10. oximeter 11. lobectomy 12. thoracalgia 13. pansinusitis 14. nasopharyngitis 15. pleurodynia 16. pulmonary 17. endotracheal 18. thoracic 19. laryngeal 20. aphonia 21. hypercapnia 22. anosmia 23. bradypnea 24. pyothorax 25. eupnea 2013 Pearson ducation, Inc. Chapter 7/Respiratory System 183

26 Quiz 7F nswer Key 1. arterial blood gases 2. adult (acute) respiratory distress syndrome 3. carbon dioxide 4. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 5. clear to auscultation 6. chest X-ray 7. ear, nose, and throat 8. intermittent positive pressure breathing 9. infant respiratory distress syndrome 10. left lower lobe 11. metered-dose inhaler 12. oxygen 13. pulmonary function test 14. room air 15. respiratory distress syndrome 16. registered respiratory therapist 17. severe acute respiratory syndrome 18. sudden infant death syndrome 19. shortness of breath 20. tuberculosis 21. total lung capacity 22. temperature, pulse, and respiration 23. tidal volume 24. upper respiratory infection 25. cardiopulmonary resuscitation Quiz 7G nswer Key Multiple Choice 1. d 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. c 7. a 8. d 9. c 10. d Matching 1. d 2. h 3. a 4. j 5. g 6. b 7. e 8. c 9. f 10. i bbreviations 1. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 2. temperature, pulse, and respirations 3. upper respiratory infection 4. shortness of breath 5. chest X-ray 184 Chapter 7/Respiratory System 2013 Pearson ducation, Inc.

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