Drugs Awareness. The Effects of Specific Drugs on the Body: Alcohol. The Effects of Specific Drugs on the Body: Nicotine

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1 1 10 Drugs Awareness Aim: To investigate the effects on the body of legal and illegal substances and the risks and consequences of their misuse. Health and the Impact of Drugs Activity 1 Drugs And You The Effects of Specific Drugs on the Body: Nicotine Activity 2 What Do You Know About Smoking? The Effects of Specific Drugs on the Body: Alcohol Activity 3 What Do You Know About Alcohol? The Effects of Specific Drugs on the Body: Cannabis, Solvents, Ecstasy... Activity 4 What Do You Know About Drugs?

2 10 Drugs Awareness Aim: To investigate the effects on the body of legal and illegal substances and the risks and consequences of their misuse. Health and the Impact of Drugs Activity 1: Drugs And You Learning Intentions Pupils are learning: - to know about the immediate and long term effects of drugs on the body; - to be aware of some of the myths about drugs; - to identify their health concerns and priorities; - to examine options and weigh up pros and cons. Sharing learning intentions and success criteria Skills and Capabilities - Thinking, Problem-Solving and Decision Making: Examine options, weigh up pros and cons. - Communication - Using Mathematics Learning Experiences - Relevant and enjoyable - Offers choice - Challenging and engaging - Varied to suit learning style Attitudes and Dispositions - Personal responsibility - Curiosity Resources - Human Body Outline (Resource 1) - Body Parts Resource Sheet (Resource 2) - Parts of the Body (Resource 3a) - Teacher Reference Sheet (Resource 3b) - Bidding For Your Health (Resource 4) - Myth or Truth? (Resources 5a and b) - Did You Know That? (Resource 6) Methodologies - Group work - Debate - Bidding game 10.1

3 Health and the Impact of Drugs Activity 1: Drugs And You It is important to remind pupils that if a pupil discloses specifi c information indicating they are, or could potentially be at risk, then this information cannot remain confi dential and must be passed on. 1.1 Body Parts Activity. Give each pupil a copy of the Body Outline and Body Parts resource sheets (Resource 1 and 2). In pairs or in small groups. pupils identify: - Where each part is located by cutting and pasting the organs onto the Human Body Outline; - What each part is called; - What basic function that part of the body has towards keeping us healthy. (See the Teacher Reference Sheet - Resource 3b.) If there is not enough time for the activity above - distribute the labelled Parts of the Body sheet, ask pupils to discuss and complete the function labels (Resource 3a). Discuss how these are the primary organs which are affected by drugs including alcohol, cannabis and nicotine. 1.2 Self-assessment and formative feedback This activity is designed to give pupils the opportunity to explore how lifestyle choices made now can have longer term implications for their health, while also examining the importance they put on their health. Ask the class to consider what they want their bodies to look like in fi ve years time. Do they want to be fi t? Do they want nice teeth and clear skin? Divide the class into groups and give each group a copy of the Bidding For Your Health worksheet (Resource 4). Each group will be given a fi gure of 10,000 to spend (this fi gure can be adapted according to the ability of the group). Groups have to bid against each other to buy healthy body items. Ask each group to decide on how much they are willing to bid for each item. During the healthy body part auction, each group can bid more than once and the healthy body part will go to the highest bidder (keep a tally). You may want a volunteer from the class to play the part of the auctioneer. At the end of the auction discuss which items had a high value and why. 1.3 Formative feedback and peer refl ection This last activity explores and clarifi es some of the misinformation pupils often receive about alcohol and other drugs. Give pupils a copy of the Myth or Truth? sheet (Resource 5a) to complete individually or in pairs. Alternatively, read each statement and ask pupils to move to a wall labelled Myth or Truth, or, as a stand up/sit down activity. Use the Teacher s Answer Sheet (Resource 5b) to guide the discussion. 10.2

4 Health and the Impact of Drugs Activity 1: Drugs And You Distribute Did You Know That? (Resource 6). This is a fun trivia activity, which can be done in a variety of ways e.g. quiz, Fact or Fiction, or as a group discussion to conclude the lesson. Effective questioning Allow pupils to refl ect on their learning from this activity in their personal journal. Pupil refl ection 10.3

5 10 Drugs Awareness Aim: To investigate the effects on the body of legal and illegal substances and the risks and consequences of their misuse. The Effects of Specific Drugs on the Body: Nicotine Activity 2: What Do You Know About Smoking? Learning Intentions Pupils are learning: - facts about the effects of smoking cigarettes; - to be aware of the implications of smoking for health; - to be aware of the risks of smoking cigarettes; - to be aware of the links between smoking now and our health in the future. Sharing learning intentions and success criteria Skills and Capabilities - Being Creative: Make new connections between ideas and information. - Communication Learning Experiences - Challenging and engaging - Ongoing refl ection - Relevant and enjoyable Attitudes and Dispositions - Personal responsibility - Concern for others - Respect Resources - Smoking Quiz (Resource 7) - Smoking...What It Does To Your Body (Resource 8) - Did You Know? (Resource 9a) - Facts About Smoking (Resource 9b) Methodologies - Quiz - Group work - Analysing information 10.4

6 The Effects of Specific Drugs on the Body: Nicotine Activity 2: What Do You Know About Smoking? Pupils will already have a lot of information and opinions about smoking and it is important for them to establish whether the information they have is accurate. 2.1 Ask pupils to individually complete the Smoking Quiz (Resource 7). In small groups ask them to compare and discuss their responses. As a class, discuss the questions and clarify the information. The answers are given below: 1 - T; 2 - T; 3 - F; 4 - F; 5 - T; 6 - T; 7 - T; 8 - T; 9 - F; 10 - T; 11 - T; 12 - T; 13 - T; 14 - F; 15 - T; 16 - T. 2.3 Distribute Did You Know? (Resource 9a) (The Facts About Smoking (Resource 9b) can be used as an alternative, according to class ability). In groups, ask pupils to discuss the information contained and identify two things they knew already and two or three new facts they have learned. They record this in their personal journal. Peer and self-assessment Pupil refl ection and self evaluation 2.2 This activity explores some of the physical effects of smoking. Distribute the smoking information sheet (Resource 8). Draw an image of a body on the board to represent a person called Jo. Divide the class into groups, assigning a body part to each group. Each group must describe how smoking for 20 years has affected this part of Jo s body and how Jo feels. Gather feedback from each group or ask them to write their fi ndings on Jo on the board. Encourage discussion on how life is for Jo. - Why do people smoke when they know it is not good for them? - How does a person s smoking behaviour affect others? Formative feedback and refl ection 10.5

7 10 Drugs Awareness Aim: To investigate the effects on the body of legal and illegal substances and the risks and consequences of their misuse. The Effects of Specific Drugs on the Body: Alcohol Activity 3: What Do You Know About Alcohol? Learning Intentions Pupils are learning: - to know about the short and long term physical effects of alcohol on the body; - to understand the potential impact of alcohol misuse on the individual; - To understand the concept of units of alcohol; - to make predictions, examine evidence and distinguish fact from opinion. Sharing learning intentions and success criteria Skills and Capabilities - Thinking, Problem-Solving and Decision Making: Make predictions, examine evidence, distinguish fact from opinion. - Communication - Using Mathematics Learning Experiences - Investigating and problem-solving - Offers choice - Challenging and engaging Attitudes and Dispositions - Personal responsibility - Pragmatism - Curiosity Resources - Alcohol - Effects On The Body card match (Resource 10 a and b) - Alcohol - What Does It Do To...? Teacher Resource Sheet (Resource 11) - Alcohol - Effects (Resource 12) - The Effects And Risks Of Alcohol Misuse Teacher Resource Sheet (Resource 13) - Oh What A Night! scenario (Resource 14) - Prompt Questions (Resource 15) - Wine bottle, spirit bottle and beer bottle, with appropriately coloured liquid inside each - A measuring jug - Plastic containers - Large wine glass (optional) Methodologies - Card match - Discussion of scenario - Class discussion 10.6

8 The Effects of Specific Drugs on the Body: Alcohol Activity 3: What Do You Know About Alcohol? Activity 3.1 looks at the physical effects of alcohol. It is important to refl ect on how short term decisions pupils make now, and their lifestyle choices, will have longer term implications on their health. Activity 3.2 considers the impact of alcohol misuse. For many people, alcohol use does not cause serious problems in their lives. However, the misuse of alcohol can lead to physical and emotional damage not only to the individual but to others that come into contact with that individual. An important point to emphasise here is that while we often talk about having the right to make our own choices about what we do, this may impact on others in a negative way. We have a responsibility therefore to consider how our actions not only affect ourselves but how they may affect others. Be aware of the fact that some people in the class may be presently experiencing the damaging emotional effects of alcohol misuse through the behaviour of one of their parents. Activity 3.3 includes a practical demonstration to identify misconceptions about the size of a unit of alcohol. Invariably pupils will overestimate the amount of liquid that contains 1 unit of alcohol. Alcoholic drinks contain the following units: - Pub Measure Spirits (35ml) 1.5 units - Small glass wine (125ml) 1.5 units - Alcopop (WKD/Breezer) 1.5 units - Half Pint - ordinary beer (284ml) 1 unit - Pint ordinary beer (568ml) 2 units Men are recommended to drink no more than four units of alcohol a day. Women are recommended to drink no more than three units of alcohol a day. All adults are recommended to have at least two alcohol-free days per week. Alcohol can be broken down by the liver at a rate of only 1 unit per hour. Children and young people will be more affected by alcohol than adults because their bodies are still growing. These recommendations are for adults. (Adapted from the School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project (SHAHRP) with the kind permission of Lisburn YMCA) 10.7

9 The Effects of Specific Drugs on the Body: Alcohol Activity 3: What Do You Know About Alcohol? 3.1 Divide the class into groups. Give each group a set of cards, which include body parts (Resource 10a) and harmful effects of alcohol (Resource 10b). Ask the pupils to match the cards against each body part. Allow suffi cient time for feedback from groups and for discussion following this activity. Effective questioning and formative feedback The discussion should highlight the immediate and long term effects of alcohol. Alcohol What Does It Do To...? teacher resource sheet (Resource 11), can be used as a guide. Ask pupils to identify their three main concerns about alcohol and to consider whether this is related to an immediate or long-term effect (use the worksheet Alcohol - Effects (Resource 12)). Pupils may want to record this information in their personal journal. Effective questioning and pupil refl ection 3.2 Brainstorm what alcohol misuse means and agree a class defi nition. Discuss the effects and risks associated with alcohol misuse, writing down suggestions on the board (use Resource 13 to prompt discussion if necessary). Identify those areas that cause damage or risk to the individual and those that could cause damage or risk to others. Depending on ability, get the class to read through the scenario, Oh What a Night! (Resource 14), looking at how alcohol affects decision making skills. Discuss the scenario in groups or as a whole class. Use the Prompt Questions (Resource 15) to work through the scenario. In each case identify: - What infl uences were at work; - What were the real or potential dangers in the situation; and - What can be learned from the scenario. Take feedback as necessary. Effective questioning and formative feedback Conclude with a general class discussion exploring: - Reasons why people start drinking; - The social aspects of drinking; - Why alcohol is socially acceptable compared to illegal drugs. Pupil refl ection and self evaluation 10.8

10 The Effects of Specific Drugs on the Body: Alcohol Activity 3: What Do You Know About Alcohol? 3.3 In Year 8, a teacher demonstration Size Does Matter! emphasised how drugs have a bigger effect on smaller people. It may be helpful to remind pupils of this before talking about units of alcohol. To demonstrate the size of units of alcohol, you will need a bottle of wine (maybe fi lled with grape juice or coloured water), a bottle of spirits in the appropriate colour and a bottle of beer. Four plastic beakers of varying sizes and a measuring jug are also required (see teaching notes for unit volumes). Ask a pupil to come up and pour a unit of spirits. Then measure their guess to see how accurate they were. Repeat this process for a number of different alcoholic drinks, including beer, extra strong beer, wine etc. - Is anyone surprised at the size of each unit of alcohol? - Does anyone know the recommended maximum amount of units of alcohol to be consumed by a person each day? - How would the following change how much alcohol we would be able to consume safely: - Age - Gender - Bodyweight - Tolerance level - If we are sick or not - If we are taking medication - If we are pregnant - How much alcohol do you think is in: bottle of vodka? (13) - 2 litres of cider? (10.5) - a large alcopop? (3.5) - a bottle of wine? (6) Formative feedback and refl ection Pupils refl ect on what new information they have learned about alcohol from this activity in their personal journal. Pupil refl ection 10.9

11 10 Drugs Awareness Aim: To investigate the effects on the body of legal and illegal substances and the risks and consequences of their misuse. The Effects of Specific Drugs on the Body: Cannabis, Solvents, Ecstasy... Activity 4: What Do You Know About Drugs? Learning Intentions Pupils are learning: - to be able to access accurate information about specifi c drugs; - to know about the effects of specifi c drugs on the body; - to understand the potential impact of specifi c drugs misuse on the individual; - to respect the views and opinions of others and reach agreements by using negotiation and compromise. Sharing learning intentions and success criteria Skills and Capabilities - Working with Others: Respect the views and opinions of others, reaching agreements using negotiation and compromise. - Communication Learning Experiences - Supportive environment - Varied to suit learning style - Active and hands on - Offers choice Attitudes and Dispositions - Community spirit - Flexibility - Curiosity Resources - What Do You Know About Drugs? game (Resources 16a-c) - Drugs Quiz sheet (Resource 17) - Drugs Quiz questions (Resource 18) Methodologies - Card match - Team quiz 10.10

12 The Effects of Specific Drugs on the Body: Cannabis, Solvents, Ecstasy... Activity 4: What Do You Know About Drugs? These activities are designed to provide accurate information about drugs and to correct any misinformation pupils might have. If time is limited you can reduce the number of drugs in the game or restrict it to particular drugs you wish the class to focus on. You will need to produce as many sets of cards as you have groups. If you can enlarge the sheets to A3 size, even better. The table quiz is split into four parts, focusing mainly on Cannabis, Solvents and Ecstasy. However, if there are other particular drugs that are popular within their community you could adapt the questions to focus on those drugs in more depth. Lifebytes.gov.uk is an extremely good website presented in a very user-friendly way. It contains a lot of relevant activities related to drugs. 4.1 Give out the What Do You Know About Drugs game - this includes a blank table (Resource 16a) and sets of information cards (Resource 16b, cut into cards) of different colours to match together on the table. Divide the class into groups and give a set time to complete the task. They have to put the information about the different drugs into the correct column (there is a master copy in Resource 16c). When fi nished, go through the answers with the group correcting any mistakes and allowing for discussion of any relevant points. Effective questioning and formative feedback When the quiz is completed give pupils the opportunity to think about their three main concerns about any particular drugs that are popular within their community. Pupils refl ect in their personal journal on the following questions: - What have they learnt today that surprised them? - Has their opinion about taking drugs changed at all? - What are their main concerns for themselves regarding drugs? Pupil refl ection and self evaluation 4.2 Divide the class into groups and give each group a copy of the quiz rounds sheet (Resource 17). Read out the questions from (Resource 18). At the end of each round, check answers and add score

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