Ursuline College Accelerated Program

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1 Ursuline College Accelerated Program CRITICAL INFORMATION! DO NOT SKIP THIS LINK BELOW... BEFORE PROCEEDING TO READ THE UCAP MODULE, YOU ARE EXPECTED TO READ AND ADHERE TO ALL UCAP POLICY INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THIS LINK BELOW CLICK HERE... PS 330 Abnormal Psychology Facilitator: Nancy Gould, B.S., MEd, MA, CEC Home phone: Cell phone: (primarily used in car) Schedule: November 11 - Class #1 November 18 Class #2 November 25 No Class - Thanksgiving Break December 2 Class #3 December 9 Class #4 December 16 Class #5 final class Prerequisite: PS 101 General Psychology Course Description An investigation of the application of basic psychological theory and research in the problem of maladaptive behavior. Prerequisite: PS 101. Course Objectives Knowledge: The student will learn the essentials of diagnostic classification in Abnormal Psychology. Attitude: The student will develop an objective, scientific attitude with regard to abnormal behavior. Values: The student will learn to appreciate the complexity of human behavior.

2 Skills: The student will learn appropriate descriptive terminology utilized in classifying behavior. Materials Comer, R. J. (2005). Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology. (5th Ed.). New York: Worth. Optional Materials Wilson, C. & Nicolai, K. (2007) Student workbook to accompany Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology. (5th Ed.). New York: Worth. Additional Resources Available: Using the Publisher s Companion Website The textbook that we are using is Comer s Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology. (5th Ed.). One of the valuable features of this text is the online support that is provided at no extra cost to the student. The book has a companion website that you can access at: I highly encourage you visit the website and find out about the resources that are offered. You will need to register first in order to be able to gain access to those resources. Preparation and Assignments Students are responsible for the preparation of course material before each class, and to actively participate in class discussions. We will open the floor for discussion of the day s issues, revolving around the objectives for each chapter. Debate topics are discussed with the idea that both sides of an argument might have some merit. The application of your content knowledge and life s experiences to a controversial topic is a useful exercise. Even if you believe that there is a clear position to take on a debate topic, try the opposing position as an intellectual exercise. Grading Criteria Quizzes 30% Movie Assessment/Research paper 30% Journal entries 20% Class participation and contribution 20% % Quizzes There are two quizzes to be taken on-line per chapter. Open book. I will record the best of the two scores. If you like your first score, you don t have to do the

3 second quiz for that chapter. Register at Under instructor put: Your test scores will automatically be sent to me online. Research Paper / Movie Assessment Choose a movie with a topic that interests you from the list provided by your facilitator. Write a 7 page report. (This includes the Title page and the References page. You do not have to write an Abstract. See APA formatting requirements - ) Students should: Summarize the plot of the film in sufficient detail to demonstrate familiarity (probably not more than one page), but the focus of the paper should be on the depiction of the psychological abnormality. Specifically describe the psychological abnormality you observed. Refer to the DSM IV diagnostic criteria. (Do a Google search for DSM IV and then the disorder your are researching. There are many sites. BehaveNet and mentalhealthchannel.net are among the many good ones. Our textbook also describes many. Give several concrete examples from the movie to defend your choice. What errors or liberties did the filmmaker make or take? What is the message (implicit or explicit) concerning the mentally ill? Presentation: Students will present their information to the class along with a brief snippet of the movie. Choose not more than a 5-minute section of the movie that best exemplifies the psychological disorder. Practice the technological part, so that there aren t long interruptions in your presentation while you try to get the film segment projecting. Your entire presentation should not take more than 15 minutes. Please do not choose the most graphic, horrific, gory scenes from your movies. Some of your classmates might not want to view that kind of film. Keep your segment to a PG-13 rating. Whenever possible please plan to present your film report on the week that the topic is being covered. Please let your facilitator know ahead of time. Journal Entries

4 As you read through each chapter, reflect upon what you ve learned. For example, consider a particular disorder or issue and make it as personal and relevant as possible. Reflect on the life of a friend, family member, or acquaintance with respect to how she or he lives with the disorder, or how a friend, family member or acquaintance copes with a loved one who has the disorder. Try to imagine that you must live with the disorder. What is your life like? For chapters without discussion of disorders, (#1, #2, #16) reflect upon public policy, or public perception of relevant issues. Each journal entry should be approximately 1-2 pages in length and should demonstrate depth of understanding and considerable reflection on the issue(s) at hand.

5 CLASS #1 1. Abnormal Psychology: Past and Present 2. Models of Abnormality 3. Clinical Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment 4. Anxiety Disorders ASSIGNMENTS TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO CLASS #1 Read: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 OBJECTIVES: The student will: Chapter 1: Abnormal Psychology: Past and Present 1. Describe the different ways of defining abnormality from the perspectives of deviance, distress, dysfunction, and danger. 2. Discuss some of the difficulties of defining a person s behavior as abnormal. 3. Describe the main modern treatments of abnormality. 4. Describe the ways that ancient peoples, Greeks, Romans, and persons in the age of the Renaissance viewed and treated abnormal behavior. 5. Describe moral treatment. 6. Describe the somatogenic and psychogenic perspectives of the early 1900s. 7. Describe the current treatment of severely disturbed individuals. Contrast this with the current treatment of less severely disturbed individuals. 8. Discuss the impact of deinstitutionalization on the care and treatment of the severely mentally ill. 9. Discuss the development and foci of (a) prevention programs and (b) positive psychology. How are they related to the community mental health approach? 10. Describe the influence of managed care programs on the treatment of psychological abnormality? What is parity? 11. Compare and contrast the current dominant theories in abnormal psychology. 12. Compare and contrast the professions that study and treat abnormal behavior. 13. Describe the role of clinical researchers in the field of abnormal psychology. 14. Describe the case study, including its uses and limitations (strengths and weaknesses). 15. Describe the correlational method. What is a positive versus a negative versus a null correlation? What are the uses and limitations of correlational research? 16. Describe the experiment. Describe the reasons that experimenters use control groups, random assignment, and blind design. 17. Describe the following alternative experimental designs: quasi-experimental design; natural experiments; analogue experiments; single-subject experiments. Chapter 2: Models of Abnormality

6 1. Define and describe the basic biological terminology, including parts of neurons, the brain, and types of neurotransmitters. Discuss the various therapies used by the biological model, including a discussion of drugs, electroconvulsive therapy, and psychosurgery. 2. Summarize the origins of Freud s theory. Describe Freud s explanation of abnormal functioning, including descriptions of the id, ego, superego, ego defense mechanisms, and psychosexual stages. 3. Summarize the behavioral model of abnormal functioning, including the main features of classical conditioning and operant conditioning and how they are used to explain abnormal behavior. 4. Summarize the cognitive model. Give examples of typical maladaptive assumptions, specific upsetting thoughts, and illogical thinking processes. Describe cognitive therapy. 5. Summarize Rogers s theory and therapy, including definitions of unconditional positive regard, unconditional self-regard, and conditions of worth. Describe Gestalt theory and therapy. Describe existential theories and therapies. 6. Summarize the sociocultural model. Describe the various sociocultural therapies. 7. Summarize the integration approach. Include the biopsychosocial model, the diathesis-stress approach, and the concept of eclecticism. 8. Compare and contrast the various models of abnormal functioning. Describe the different ways of defining abnormality from the perspectives of deviance, distress, dysfunction, and danger. Chapter 3: Clinical Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment 1. Define clinical assessment and discuss the roles of the clinical interview, tests, and observations. 2. Summarize the axis approach of the DSM series and describe the general features of DSM-IV-TR. 3. List the major classification of disorders from Axis I of the DSM-IV-TR. 4. Discuss the dangers of diagnosing and labeling in classifying mental disorders. 5. Discuss types and effectiveness of treatments for mental disorders. Chapter 4: Anxiety Disorders 1. Describe the anxiety disorders and how common these disorders are. 2. Define phobia; then describe agoraphobia, social phobia, and specific phobia. 3. Discuss treatments for generalized anxiety disorder and phobias. 4. Discuss the current state of the field in relation to generalized anxiety disorder and phobias. 5. Describe the features of panic disorder and discuss the biological and cognitive explanations and therapies for this disorder. 6. Distinguish between obsessions and compulsions. Discuss the major theories and treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder.

7 ACTIVITIES: 1. Introductions 2. Overview of course and establish policies and procedures. 3. In lieu of the quiz, please write a two to three page (1.5 spaced, typed) description of "abnormal psychology". What is it? When is a pattern of behavior considered abnormal? What impact does a person's environment play in determining abnormality? Can you think of any examples of conditions that some people might consider "abnormal" while others would not? We will discuss this topic in class. You will turn in the written part of the assignment. 4. Instructor led discussion of objectives related to chapter 1 including the topic listed above. 5. Student led discussion of objectives related to chapters 2, 3 (including timeline), & 4. Students will divide into groups to discuss the topics in Chapter Debate: Do we need names (labels) for disorders? Why? Aren t labels self-fulfilling prophecies? 7. Debate: The difference between one person s OCD and another s is how much society values the productivity of the compulsion. 8. Facilitator feedback to each participant about her/his level of participation and contribution to the day s material. These comments will be sent to you online by Friday.

8 CLASS #2 5. Stress Disorders 6. Somatoform and Dissociative Disorders 7. Mood 8. Suicide ASSIGNMENTS TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO CLASS #2 Read: Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8 OBJECTIVES: The student will: Chapter 5: Stress Disorders 1. Distinguish between fear and anxiety. 2. Define stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder, list typical symptoms, and provide psychological explanations and treatments for these disorders. 3. Discuss the most common triggers of stress disorders. 4. Describe the traditional psychophysiological disorders: ulcers, asthma, chronic headaches, hypertension, and coronary heart disease. 5. Discuss how perceptions of control, personality, mood, and social support affect immune system functioning. 6. Discuss typical psychological treatments for psychophysiological disorders. Chapter 6: Somatoform and Dissociative Disorders 1. Define somatoform disorders, including conversion disorders, somatization disorders, and pain disorders. 2. Explain how physicians distinguish between hysterical somatoform disorders and true medical problems. 3. Describe the criteria for diagnosing factitious disorder; include in this discussion Munchausen syndrome and the Munchausen syndrome by proxy. 4. Compare and contrast hypochondriasis and body dysmorphic disorders. 5. Compare and contrast the psychodynamic, cognitive, and behavioral views of somatoform disorders. 6. Describe the general characteristics of the dissociative disorders: dissociative amnesia, dissociative fugue, and dissociative identity disorder. 7. Discuss the explanations of dissociative disorder to include psychodynamic explanations, behavioral explanations, state-dependent learning, and selfhypnosis. 8. Discuss treatment for the dissociative disorders. Chapter 7: Mood Disorders 1. Compare depression and mania while discussing the symptoms of each.

9 2. Contrast unipolar depression and bipolar disorders while discussing the symptoms of each. 3. Describe the biological, psychological, and sociocultural perspectives of depression, including treatment approaches. 4. Describe the possible roles of the neurotransmitters in unipolar depression. 5. Describe ECT. Compare and contrast early antidepressants to currently used antidepressants. 6. Distinguish between the three diagnostic options for bipolar disorders. 7. Discuss the biological theory of bipolar disorder. 8. Describe lithium therapy for bipolar disorder, including issues related to its use and its mechanism of action. 9. Describe adjunctive psychotherapy for bipolar disorder. What is it and why is it important? Chapter 8: Suicide 1. Define suicide and know the current prevalence. 2. Describe each of the four kinds of people who intentionally end their lives: death seekers, death initiators, death ignorers, and death darers. Also describe the category of subintentional death. 3. Know the effects of cultural factors, race, and sex on suicide rates. 4. Understand the common precipitating factors in suicide. 5. Discuss how mood changes, hopelessness, and dichotomous thinking are related to suicide. 6. Describe the common predictors of suicide. 7. Give the psychodynamic view for suicide, including the role of Thanatos. 8. Explain the role of biological factors in suicide, including the role of serotonin. 9. Explain the role of sociocultural factors while comparing and contrasting Durkheim s three categories of suicide: egoistic, altruistic, anomic. 10. Discuss the characteristics of suicide prevention programs. ACTIVITIES: 1. Quizzes online over chapters 5, 6, 7, & 8 taken at home. 2. Journal assignments for chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8 due. 3. Student led discussion of objectives related to chapters 5, 6, 7, & 8. Each student should come to class prepared to lead one (1) topics from each chapter. 4. Debate: DID is a convenient excuse for irresponsible behaviors. 5. Debate: The difference between one person s bad day and someone else s diagnosed depression is the strength of each person s constitution. 6. Debate: Suicide is a rational behavior and should be legal and culturally supported.

10 CLASS #3 9. Eating Disorders 10. Substance-Related Disorders 11. Sexual Disorders and Gender Identity Disorder ASSIGNMENTS TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO CLASS #3 Read: Chapters 9, 10, 11 OBJECTIVES: The student will: Chapter 9: Eating Disorders 1. List the central features of anorexia nervosa and bulimia, then discuss the age groups in which anorexia and bulimia are most common. 2. Compare and contrast the various behavioral patterns of anorexia and bulimia. 3. Compare and contrast ways in which bulimics and anorexics perceive their eating disorders. 4. Describe medical problems that can be caused by each of the major eating disorders. 5. Explain how each of the following factors can place a person at risk for an eating disorder: societal pressures, family environment, ego deficiencies and cognitive disturbances, mood disorders, and biological factors. 6. Describe treatments for anorexia nervosa, including weight restoration and resumption of eating, then discuss broader psychological changes and the aftermath of this disorder. 7. Describe treatments for bulimia nervosa, including individual insight therapy, group therapy, behavioral therapy, and antidepressant drugs, then discuss the aftermath of this disorder. Chapter 10: Substance-Related Disorders 1. Explain the terms tolerance and withdrawal symptoms and give examples. 2. Name some commonly used depressants, including alcohol, and explain their effects on the central nervous system. 3. Distinguish between two major sedative-hypnotic drugs antianxiety drugs and barbiturates and explain why barbiturate abuse is especially dangerous. 4. Know which drugs are opioids and be able to explain the effects of these drugs, including heroin. 5. Describe the typical effects of cocaine and contrast these with the effects of the other major stimulant, amphetamines. 6. Describe the general effects of the hallucinogen LSD. 7. Describe the current short-term and long-term effects of cannabis use. 8. Describe, compare, and contrast the psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, biological, and sociocultural explanation of substance abuse, then discuss the therapies of each view.

11 Chapter 11 : Sexual Disorders and Gender Identity Disorder 1. Describe each of the four phases of the sexual response cycle: desire, arousal, orgasm, and resolution. 2. Explain the two most common dysfunctions of the desire phase, hypoactive sexual desire and sexual aversion, then describe dysfunctions of the arousal phase, male erectile disorder, and female arousal disorder. 3. Discuss the orgasmic sexual dysfunctions of premature ejaculation, male orgasmic disorder, and female orgasmic disorder. 4. Discuss the sexual pain disorders of vaginismus and dyspareunia. 5. Discuss therapy for the sexual dysfunctions. 6. Define paraphilias and fetishism and describe behavioral treatment for them. 7. Define, compare, and contrast transvestic fetishism, exhibitionism, voyeurism, frotteurism, and pedophilia. 8. Compare and contrast sexual masochism and sexual sadism. 9. Define and discuss gender identity disorder. ACTIVITIES: 1. Quizzes online over chapters 9, 10, & 11 taken at home. 2. Journal assignments for chapters 9, 10 and 11 due. 3. Student led discussion of objectives related to chapters 9, 10 & 11. Each student should come to class prepared to lead one (1) topics from each chapter. 4. Debate: The media is responsible for the occurrence of eating disorders. 5. Debate: Soft drug use does not lead to hard drug use. 6. Debate: The availability of online porn will lead to an increase/decrease in sexual disorders.

12 CLASS #4 12. Schizophrenia 13. Personality Disorders 14. Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence ASSIGNMENTS TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO CLASS #4 Read: Chapters 12, 13, 14 OBJECTIVES: The student will: Chapter 12 : Schizophrenia 1. Describe the positive symptoms of schizophrenia: delusions, disorganized thinking, heightened perceptions and hallucinations, and inappropriate affect. 2. Compare and describe delusions of persecution, reference, grandeur, and control. 3. Discuss the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, that is, poverty of speech, blunted and flat affect, and social withdrawal. 4. Describe the psychomotor symptoms of schizophrenia. 5. Summarize the characteristics of the prodromal, active, and residual phases of schizophrenia. 6. Compare and contrast disorganized, catatonic, paranoid, and undifferentiated schizophrenia. 7. Describe residual schizophrenia. 8. Summarize evidence from twin and adoption studies that supports the genetic view of schizophrenia. 9. Discuss the dopamine hypothesis and evidence that both supports and fails to support it. 10. Describe the abnormal brain structures of schizophrenic people. 11. Discuss the psychodynamic, cognitive, and sociocultural views of schizophrenia. 12. Summarize past institutional care and the improved institutional care of the milieu therapy and token economy programs. 13. Discuss the effectiveness of antipsychotic drugs. 14. Discuss the side effects of antipsychotic drugs: Parkinsonian and related symptoms, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, and tardive dyskinesia. 15. Discuss newer antipsychotic drugs, such as Clozapine. 16. Discuss the effects of psychotherapy on schizophrenia, including insight, social, and family therapies. 17. Describe effective community care of schizophrenic patients. 18. Discuss the problems with community care and potential solutions. Chapter 13: Personality Disorders

13 1. Define and discuss explanations and treatments for the odd personality disorders, including paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal. 2. Define and discuss explanations and treatments for the dramatic personality disorders, including antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic. 3. Define and discuss explanations and treatments for the anxious personality disorders, including avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive. 4. Discuss difficulties involved in the categorizing of personality disorders. 5. Summarize the state of the field with respect to personality disorders. Chapter 14: Learning Objectives: Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence 1. Describe the prevalence, symptoms, causes, and treatments of oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder. 2. Describe the prevalence, symptoms, causes, and treatments of attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). 3. Name and describe the elimination disorders. Discuss possible treatments. 4. Describe the types and symptoms of pervasive developmental disorders. Discuss the various etiologies and treatments that have been proposed. 5. Describe the prevalence of the various types of mental retardation, and discuss the environmental, genetic, and biological factors that contribute to mental retardation. Describe and evaluate treatments and therapies for individuals with mental retardation, including normalization programs and behavioral techniques. ACTIVITIES: 1. Quizzes online over chapters 12,13, & 14 taken at home. 2. Journal assignments for chapters 12,13 and 14 are due. 3. Student led discussion of objectives related to chapters 12, 13, & 14. Each student should come to class prepared to lead one (1) topics from each chapter. 4. Debate: Schizophrenic adults should not have children. 5. Debate: Personality disorders are simply modern descriptions of personal shortcomings and should not be DSM-IV diagnoses. 6. Debate: Conduct disorders are the result of poor parenting.

14 CLASS #5 15. Disorders of Aging and Cognition 16. Law, Society, and the Mental Health Profession Topics ASSIGNMENTS TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO CLASS #5 Read: Chapters 15, 16 Final day for presentation of movie assessments Research papers due OBJECTIVES: The student will: Chapter 15: Disorders of Aging and Cognition 1. Discuss the issues of old age and stress. 2. Describe the disorders of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and psychotic disorders in later life. 3. Describe the disorders of cognition. 4. Describe the dementias, including Alzheimer s disease, Pick s disease, Huntington s disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and Parkinson s disease. 5. Describe the genetic, structural, and biochemical causes of Alzheimer s disease. 6. Discuss treatments for dementias. 7. Describe the issues affecting the mental health of the elderly. Chapter 16: Law, Society, and the Mental Health Profession 1. Define and discuss criminal commitment and insanity during the commission of a crime. 2. Discuss criticisms of the insanity defense. 3. Define and discuss criminal commitment and incompetence to stand trial. 4. Compare and contrast the M Naghten test, the irresistible impulse test, and the Durham test. 5. Define civil commitment and include the topics of why one ought to consider commitment, current procedures, emergency commitments, who is dangerous, and criticisms of civil commitment. 6. Define and discuss the concept of protecting patients rights. Include the topic of the right to treatment, the right to refuse treatment, and other patients rights. 7. Discuss the concepts of business and mental health and economics and mental health. ACTIVITIES:

15 1. Quizzes online over chapters 15, & 16 taken at home. 2. Journal assignments for chapters 15 and 16 due. 3. Student led discussion of objectives related to chapters 15 & Final day to turn in research papers 5. Final day for movie assessment presentations 6. Each student should come to class prepared to lead one (1) topic from each chapter. 7. Debate: Insanity is too convenient of a defense for horrific crimes. 8. Debate: An individual s rights trump society s need for social order. 9. Course evaluation.

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