Index Abnonnal behavior classification, See also Classification culture and, Absolutist approach, culture and abnormal behavior, Abu

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1 Index Abnonnal behavior classification, See also Classification culture and, Absolutist approach, culture and abnormal behavior, Abuse. See Child abuse and neglect; Pedophilia Acquaintance rape, paraphilias and, 571 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). See also Human immunodeficiency virus (HN) central nervous system dysfunction, 723 health care provider stress, sleep disorder comorbidity, 555 substance abuse and addictive behavior, 437, 478, 490 Activity monitoring, sleep disorder assessment, 536 Addictive behavior. See Substance abuse and addictive behavior Addictive personality, alcoholic personality, alcoholism assessment, See also Substance abuse and addictive behavior Adolescence. See also entries under Childhood depression, childhood behavior disorders, 774 mood disorders, 240 sleep disorders, 535 Adoption studies, schizophrenia, See also Genetics; 1\vin studies Advanced Sleep Phase syndrome, described, 539 Affect central nervous system dysfunction, 693 physical illness (antecedent), psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy, sexual response models, 585 Affective disorders. See also Mood disorders anorexia nervosa comorbidity, bulimia nervosa comorbidity, 519 delusion classification, delusions, eating disorders, differential diagnosis, 524 hypochondriasis and, 180 Aged. See Elderly Aggression and violence, Aggression and violence (Cont.) alcoholism assessment, conceptual framework, definitional issues, habit strength, inhibitions against, clinical implications, 635 factors decreasing, sources of, instigation, clinical implications, dissipation of instigation, sources of instigation, overview, physical illness (antecedent), psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy, psychopathology and, 640 reaction potential and response competition, situational factors, Aging. See Elderly Alarm reaction, stress and, 658 Alcohol amnestic disorder (Korsakoff's syndrome), alcoholism, organic mental disorders induced by, Alcohol dependence syndrome, diagnostic classification, 452, 457 Alcohol-dependent sleep disorder, described, 547 Alcohol hallucinosis, alcoholism, organic mental disorders induced by, Alcoholic personality, alcoholism assessment, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), alcoholism treatment, Alcoholism, See also Cocaine abuse; Opioid abuse; Substance abuse and addictive behavior alcohol abuse, diagnostic classification, 457 alcohol dependence syndrome, diagnostic classification, 452,457 alcohol-dependent sleep disorder, described, 547 assessment, alcoholic personality, behavior deficits and excesses,

2 844 Alcoholism (Cont.) assessment (Cont.) drinking behavior and antecedents, central nervous system dysfunction, environmental and sociocultural factors, 711 psychological change, 711 symptomatology and biological aspects, treatment, diagnostic classification, , 457 elderly, etiology, biophysical and genetic theories, psychodynamic theories, 467 social learning theories, sociocultural theories, 467 organic mental disorders induced by, alcohol amnestic disorder (Korsakoff's syndrome), alcohol hallucinosis, alcohol idiosyncratic intoxication, alcohol intoxication, 452 dementia, 456 neurological disorders, generally, 456 withdrawal delirium (delirium tremens), 454 uncomplicated alcohol, physical illness cigarette smoking and, 651 life-style factors, sleep disorders and, 547, 554 substance abuse and addictive behavior, 439, 440 treatment, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), detoxification and psychopharmacology, 469 goals in, psychological treatments, 470 Alzheimer's disease. See also Dementia; Memory disorders described, multi-infarct dementia compared, American Psychiatric Association (APA), psychiatry, classification systems, Amnesia (dissociative disorders). See also Memory disorders implicit memory, psychogenic amnesia, 208 psychogenic fugue, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, central -nervous system dysfunction, 722 Anesthesias, conversion disorder, 169 Animal studies, aggression and violence, 619 Anomalous experience, delusions and, Anorexia nervosa, See also Bulimia nervosa; Eating disorders assessment, atypical eating disorders and, comorbidity, affective disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, 511 personality disorders, 511 diagnosis and clinical description, 506 Anorexia nervosa (Cont.) elderly, etiology, behavioral theories, biological theories, psychodynamic theories, 510 prevalence, 506 treatment, Anosognosia, delusion classification, 287 Anterior function, brain, central nervous system dysfunction, 695 Anthropology, culture and, 93 Antidepressants, physical illness (antecedent to psychopathology), prescription guidelines, Antisocial personality disorder, assessment, behavior and symptom checklists, self-report inventories, structured interview, 358 Axis I disorders and, empirical tests of theories, arousal levels and responsivity, behavior extremes and impulsiveness, cognitive and neuropsychological deficits, interpersonal interaction patterns, learning and performance deficits, epidemiology, etiology, genetics, learning and behavioral factors, historical clinical view of, labeling, overview, 337 personality disorders and, prevalence and associated disorders, typologies and psychopathy construct, Anxiety alcoholism assessment, obsessive-compulsive disorders, physical illness (antecedent), assessment (psychological) and, post-traumatic stress disorder, 155 Anxiety disorders biological variables, bulimia nervosa comorbidity, 519 childhood behavior disorders, eating disorders, differential diagnosis, 524 elderly, assessment, 826 etiology, prevalence, generalized anxiety disorder, sleep disorder comorbidity, 553 Anxiolytics, physical illness (antecedent to psychopathology), prescription guidelines, Apnea, sleep apnea, described, Appearance (physical), body dysmorphic disorder, Appetitive motivation biological variables, depression and biological variables, 74-75

3 845 Appetitive motivation (Cant.) substance abuse, Approach-avoidance concept, anorexia nervosa, 507 Armed conflict, post-traumatic stress disorder, 145 Arousal aggression and violence, 624 antisocial personality disorder, Arousal disorders described, , nocturnal penile tumescence testing, Asperger's syndrome, autism, differential diagnosis, 794 Assessment. See also entries under specific disorders: assessment culture, behavioral assessment, 96 interviewing, problems involved in multicultural assessment, tests and scales, 95, 97 diagnosis contrasted, 30 dissociative disorders, 216 Associates (peers), aggression and violence, 637 Attention, anomalous experience, delusions and, 279 Attention-deficit disorder (ADD), diagnosis and, Attention-deficit disorder without hyperactivity (ADDWO), described, 768 Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), described, Attitude, physical illness and, Atypical eating disorders, See also Eating disorders assessment, 523 diagnosis and clinical description, anorexia and bulimia variants, compulsive overeating, 522 other problems, etiology, 523 prevalence, 523 treatment, 524 Atypical factitious disorder. See Factitious disorders Autism, assessment, behavioral characteristics, cognition, communication and language, restriction and stereotyping, social deficits, diagnosis, classification, differential diagnosis, epidemiology, 800 etiology, biochemical factors, 800 genetics, neurological factors, overview, 791 prognosis, 806 treatment, Aversive behavioral repertoires, social learning taxonomy, 17 Aversive motivation biological variables, Aversive motivation (Cant.) depression and biological variables, schizophrenia, biological variables, Aversive self-reinforcing systems, social learning taxonomy, Avoidant personality disorder, assessment, 430 diagnostic classification, discussed, 431 history and theoretical perspectives, overview, schizoid personality disorder and, treatment, Backward visual masking, schizophrenia, 322 Base rates, research issues and, 41 Bayesian reasoning, delusions, Beatings, sadomasochism, 571 Behavioral activation anxiety disorders and biological variables, appetitive and aversive motivation, biological variables, 60, 61 mania and biological variables, substance abuse, Behavioral change alcoholism, 711 central nervous system dysfunction, cerebrovascular disorders, 714 dementia (primary degenerative and multi-infarct), epilepsy, 719 head injury, 716 Huntington's disease, multiple sclerosis, 709 Parkinson's disease, 707 tumors, 722 Behavioral deficit schizophrenia, social learning taxonomy, 17 Behavioral repertoires, aversive, social learning taxonomy, 17 Behavioral theory and therapy. See also Social learning theory anorexia nervosa, antisocial personality disorder, anxiety disorders, elderly, 826 assessment, cross-cultural, 96 avoidant personality disorder, 431 delusions, 289 mood disorders, elderly, obsessive-compulsive disorders etiology, treatment, post-traumatic stress disorder treatment, schizophrenia, 326 substance abuse and addictive behavior, Behavior classification system, response system and, 8 Behavior disorders, culture and, See also Childhood behavior disorders Behavior problems antisocial personality disorder, physical illness (antecedent), psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy,

4 846 Belief, delusional, delusional perception contrasted, Bereavement diagnostic criteria, elderly, 822 Beta taxonomy, classification issues and, 7 Bias culture bias, treatment considerations and, gender bias dependent personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder, Biochemistry. See also Endocrine system autism, 800 mood disorders, schizophrenia, Biological factors and perspective, alcoholism, anxiety disorders, appetitive and aversive motivation, 59-62, borderline personality disorder, central nervous system dysfunction, delusions, 283 depression, appetitive and aversive motivation in, genes and, psychosocial factors in, eating disorders anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, 516, 518 Huntington's disease, 704 interdisciplinary issues, mania, mood disorders biochemistry, genetics, psychopharmacological treatment, theoretical models, obsessive-compulsive disorders theories of, treatment of, opioid abuse, overview, 57 panic disorder, 116 psychopathy, schizophrenia, chronicity, negative symptoms, and aversive motivation, dopamine hypothesis, environmental contributions, genetics, sexual dysfunction, 582, sleep, specificity and prediction issues, substance abuse, 70-71, Biomedical assessment dementia (primary degenerative and multi-infarct), sexual dysfunction assessment, Bipolar mood disorder. See also Mood disorders diagnosis, unipolar-bipolar distinction, Bipolar mood disorder (Cont.) diagnostic criteria, elderly, Birth defects, alcoholism, 456 Bleulerian criteria, schizophrenia and, 209 Body dysmorphic disorder, diagnosis, overview, 181 psychopathology associated with, treatment, 183 Bondage, sadomasochism, 571 Borderline cases diagnosis and, 34 evaluation and, classification principles, 16 Borderline personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, 341, 342 assessment instruments, comorbidity, , mood disorders, personality disorders, 377 course of, 377, diagnosis, etiology and pathology, factitious disorders with psychological symptoms, 195 family history studies, overview, 371 prevalence, schizotypal personality disorder relationship, 414 sex ratio, Brain alcoholism, diagnostic classification, 451 anorexia nervosa, antisocial personality disorder, central nervous system dysfunction, cocaine effects, 491 dementias, 736 organic mental syndrome dementias and memory, substance abuse, 439 schizophrenia, Brainwashing, dissociative disorders, 203 Bruxism, described, Bulimia nervosa, See also Anorexia nervosa; Eating disorders assessment, atypical eating disorders and, comorbidity, 519 diagnosis and clinical description, etiology, behavioral theories, 516 biological theories, 516, 518 psychoanalytic theories, prevalence, treatment, Caffeine, sleep disorders and, 546 Cancer, tobacco consumption, Capgras syndrome, delusion classification, 287 Cardiac ischemia, sleep disorder comorbidity,

5 847 Cardiovascular disease, tobacco consumption, 650. See also Cerebrovascular disorders Catatonic schizophrenia, 303 Categorical model of classification, evaluation, classification principles and, Causality. See also entries under specific disorders: etiology biological variables and, 59 central nervous system dysfunction, evaluation, classification principles and, 13 genetics and, See also Genetics Central nervous system aggression and violence, 622, alcoholism, diagnostic classification, 451 anorexia nervosa, cocaine effects, 491 Central nervous system dysfunction, alcoholism, environmental and sociocultural factors, 711 psychological change, 711 symptomatology and biological aspects, treatment, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, 722 autism, 799 behavioral changes, brain organization and function, causality, cerebral palsy, cerebrovascular disorders, biological aspects, environmental and sociocultural factors, 714 psychological changes, symptomatology, 712 treatment, 714 dementia (primary degenerative and multi-infarct), biological aspects (neuropathology and pathophysiology), biomedical test results, environmental and sociocultural factors, 702 etiology environmental, genetics, overview, psychological changes, symptomatology, treatment, endocrine and metabolic disorders, epidemiology, epilepsy, biological aspects, environmental and sociocultural factors, overview, psychological changes, 719 symptomatology, 718 treatment, 720 Friedreich's ataxia, 722 head injury, biological aspects, 715 environmental and sociocultural factors, 716 Central nervous system dysfunction (Cont.) head injury (Cont.) psychological changes, symptomatology, 715 treatment and recovery, 717 Huntington's disease, biological and genetic aspects, 704 psychological changes, symptomatology, treatment, 705 infections, 723 multiple sclerosis, biological aspects, 708 environmental and social factors, 709 etiology, 708 psychological changes, 709 symptomatology, 708 treatment, neurological approach, 690 neuropsychological approach, overview, 689 Parkinson's disease, biological aspects, 706 biomedical tests, 706 environmental and social factors, 707 etiology, 706 psychological changes, symptomatology, treatment, 707 psychiatric approach, toxic disorders, 723 tumors, Central sleep apnea, described, 544 Cerebral blood flow, dementia, Cerebral degenerative disorder, sleep disorder comorbidity, 554. See also Central nervous system dysfunction Cerebral palsy, central nervous system dysfunction, Cerebrovascular disorders, See also Cardiovascular disease biological aspects, environmental and sociocultural factors, 714 psychological changes, symptomatology, 712 treatment, 714 Character disorders, hypochondriasis and, 180 Child abuse and neglect autism, differential diagnosis, 796 dissociative disorders and, 218 pedophilia characteristics of, legal issues, Childhood autism, See also Autism sleep and, Childhood behavior disorders, developmental disorders, learning disabilities, speech and language disorders, diagnostic classification,

6 848 Childhood behavior disorders (Cont.) disruptive, attention-deficit disorder without hyperactivity (ADDWO), 768 attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), conduct problems, epidemiology, 765 internalizing anxiety disorders, depression, psychophysiological disorders, incontinence disorders, overview, 776 somatoform disorders, stereotyped movement disorders, Childhood psychiatric disorders, diagnosis and, Chronicity, schizophrenia, biological variables, Chronic medical illness. See Physical illness Chronic pain, sleep disorder comorbidity, 555 Cigarette smoking. See Tobacco consumption Circadian rhythm, sleep and, 532, 535, Circumplex of personality disorders, classification principles, 15 Qassical conditioning, physical illness and, See also Behavioral theory and therapy Classification, 3-25 culture, current systems, interpersonal diagnosis, psychiatric approaches, social learning taxonomy, diagnosis, overview, 3-5 principles, 5-16 evaluation and, measurement and, normal behavior and psychopathology, 7-10 Class (qualitative difference) model, classification principles, 9-10 Clinical diagnosis. See Diagnosis Clinical poverty syndrome, schizophrenia, 69 Clinical psychology, professional rivalries and, Clinical versus statistical significance, research issues and, Cluster model of classification, evaluation, classification principles and, Cocaine abuse, See also Alcoholism; Opioid abuse; Substance abuse and addictive behavior abuse liability, characteristics of abusers, psychopathology as antecedent, psychopathology as concomitant and/or consequent, psychopathology as multidetermined or interactive, contemporary patterns, 491 historical perspective, neuropharmacology, , 491 overview, 487 routes of administration, Cognition. See also Perception aggression and violence, 627 alcoholism, 711 assessment, 461, elderly, antisocial pel1!onality disorder, anxiety disorders, elderly, 825 autism, central nervous' system dysfunction, 693 cerebrovascular disorders, delusions, dementia (primary degenerative and multi-infarct), 702 epilepsy, 719 head injury, Huntington's disease, 704 multiple sclerosis, 709 Parkinson's disease, physical illness (antecedent), psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy, sexual response models, 585 tumors, Cognitive-behavioral theory borderline personality disorder, 382 bulimia nervosa, 520 Cognitive restructuring, bulimia nervosa, 521 Cognitive theory avoidant personality disorder, 431 mood disorders elderly, generall~ substance abuse and addictive behavior, Communication. See also Language autism, behavioral characteristics, classification and, 3 Comorbidity. See entries under specific disorders: comorbidity Compassion, aggression and violence, 632 Compliance, noncompliance with medical regimen, life-style factors, Compulsive disorder, opioid abuse, 483 Compulsive overeating, atypical eating disorders, 522 Conditioning, physical illness and, Conduct problems, described, See also Childhood behavior disorders Conflict, specificity theories of illness, 648 Conjunctive categories, DSM, 6 Control groups, research issues and, Conversion disorder, childhood behavior disorders, diagnosis, dissociative disorders, 226 etiology, hypnotizability, 218 organic illness and misdiagnosis, 174 overview, psychopathology associated with, treatment and prognosis, Coprophilia, characteristics of, 575 Coronary heart disease. See also Heart obesity, 654

7 84~ Coronary heart disease (Cont.) sedentary life-style, 655 type A behavior pattern (TABP), Cortical functioning central nervous system dysfunction, 695 dementias, 736 Costs, of substance abuse, 437, 489 Couples therapy, alcoholism treatment, 470 Crack cocaine, cocaine abuse, routes of administration, 489. See also Cocaine abuse Creutzfeldt-Jakob's disease, central nervous system dysfunction, 723. See also Dementia Criminality antisocial personality disorder, 338, 339, 342 cocaine abuse, 487, 491 pedophilia, characteristics of, rape, paraphilias, 565 Crisis counseling, post-traumatic stress disorder treatment, 159 Criterion of adjustment, classification principles and, normal behavior and psychopathology, 9 Criterion of labeled deviance, classification principles and, normal behavior and psychopathology, 9 Cross-cultural perspective, psychology and, See also Culture Cross-dressing, transvestic fetishism, 573 Cross-validation, research issues and, Crowding, aggression and violence, 637 Cult indoctrination, dissociative disorders, 203 Culture, abnormality, aggression and violence, assessment, behavioral assessment, 96 interviewing, problems involved in multicultural assessment, tests and scales, 95, 97 cross-cultural perspective, diagnostic classifications and, overview, sedentary life-style and, 655 transcultural psychiatry, delusions, treatment considerations, Data presentation, research issues and, Date rape, paraphilias and, 571 De Clerambault's syndrome, delusion classification, 287 Defective stimulus control, social learning taxonomy, 17 Delayed Sleep Phase syndrome, described, Delirium alcohol withdrawal (delirium tremens), 454 dementia contrasted, 736 Delusional disorder. See also Delusions delusion classification, 284 eating disorders, differential diagnosis, 525 Delusional Parasitosis, delusion classification, Delusions, See also Delusional disorder classification, , affective disorders, delusions in, anosognosia, 287 Delusions (Cont.) Capgras syndrome, 287 De Clerambault's syndrome, 287 delusional disorder, 284 Delusional Parasitosis, folie a deux, 287 Paranoid Personality Disorder, 286 schizophrenia, somatic disorders, definitions, DSM-III-R, empirical perspective, 267 Heidelberg School, perception/belief distinction, etiology, anomalous experience, biological factors, 283 cognitive defects, inflammation model, motivationavaffective models, social attribution processes, 283 investigative methods, overview, 263 treatment and prognosis, Dementia, alcoholism, organic mental disorders induced by, 456 biological aspects (neuropathology and pathophysiology), biomedical test results, delirium contrasted, 736 diagnostic classification, 736 environmental and sociocultural factors, 702 etiology, memory disorders, See also Memory disorders misconceptions about elderly, 816 overview, psychological changes, sleep disorder comorbidity, 554 symptomatology, treatment, Dependency, alcohol consumption and, 653 Dependent personality disorder, assessment measures, overview, reliability of, validity, , 403 classification, 397, comorbidity, gender bias, historical perspective on, prevalence, 399 treatment, Depersonalization/derealization, dissociative disorders, See also Dissociative disorders Depression. See also Mood disorders alcoholism assessment, biological variables, appetitive and aversive motivation in, genes and, 71-72

8 850 Depression (Cont.) biological variables (Cont.) psychosocial factors in, childhood behavior disorders, conversion disorder and, 173 culture, elderly anorexia nervosa, 836 mood disorders, See also Elderly: mood disorders mood disorder, diagnostic criteria, 239 obsessive-compulsive disorders, 132 opioid abuse, 483 physical illness (antecedent), assessment (psychological), sleep disorder comorbidity, unipolar mood disorders, diagnostic criteria, Dermatology, Delusional Parasitosis, Detoxification, alcoholism treatment, 469 Developmental disorders, See also entries under Childhood autism, differential diagnosis, See also Autism learning disabilities, speech and language disorders, Deviance classification principles, 9 paraphilias, 563 Diabetes mellitus obesity, 654 sexual dysfunction elderly, 833 generally, stress, Diagnosis, See also Assessment; entries under specific disorders: diagnosis assessment contrasted, 30 classification, 4. See also Classification culture, definitional issues in, disjunctive categories (DSM), 6 dissociative disorders, 216 DSM-III and DSM-III-R systems, interpersonal diagnosis, classification, current systems of, overview, 27 reliability and validity issues, research issues, base rates, 41 clinical versus statistical significance, control groups, cross-validation, data presentation, sampling problems, schizophrenia, tests and scales, validating of, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-I (DSM-I) alcoholism, 451 classification issues, 5-6, 29 dependent personality disorder, 396, 398 Diagnosis (Cont.) dissociative disorders, 207, 225 gross stress reactions, histrionic personality disorder, 396 memory disorders, 735 paraphilias, 564 sociopathic personality disorder, 338 substance abuse and addictive behavior, 440 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-II (DSM-II) alcoholism, 451 antisocial personality disorder, 338, 339 classification issues, 8, 28, 29, 36 dependent personality disorder, 396, 398 dissociative disorders, 207, 225 histrionic personality disorder, 396, 397, 398 homosexuality, 564 memory disorders, 735 mood disorders, 235 paraphilias, 564 schizoid personality disorder, 418 schizophrenia, 299 stress reactions, 146 substance abuse and addictive behavior, 440 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-III (DSM-III) alcoholism, 451, 457 anorexia nervosa, 506, 510 antisocial personality disorder, 338, 339, 340, 344, 358 autism, 791, 792 avoidant personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, 372, 373 bulimia nervosa, 514 classification issues, 6, 15, 16, 20-23, 28, 29, 30, 32-35, 36,44 cocaine abuse, 487 delusions, 284 dependent personality disorder, 395, 397, 398, 399 dissociative disorders, 207, 225 elderly, 818, 823, 828, 829 histrionic personality disorder, 395, 397, 398 memory disorders, 736 narcissistic personality disorder, 385, 386, 387, 388 paranoid personality disorder, 426 paraphilias, 564 personality disorders, 411 post-traumatic stress disorder, 146, schizoid personality disorder, 418, 419, 420 schizophrenia, 68, 297, 300, 303 schizotypal personality disorder, 412, 413, 415, 416 substance abuse and addictive behavior, 440 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-III-R (DSM-III-R) alcoholism, , 455, 456, 457 anorexia nervosa, 506 antisocial personality disorder, 338, 339, 341, 343, 358 autism, 791, 792, 794, 804 avoidant personality disorder, bereavement, 240 borderline personality disorder, 372, 373 bulimia nervosa, 514, 515 central nervous system dysfunction, 690, 691

9 851 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-IlI-R (DSM-III-R) (Cant.) childhood behavior disorders, 766, 769, 771, 774, 779 classification issues, 6, 16, 20-23, 29, 32-35, 36, 38, 44 cocaine abuse, 488 culture, 88 delusions, , , , 284, 286 dependent personality disorder, 396, 398, 399 dissociative disorders, 225 eating disorders, atypical, 521, 523 elderly, 817, 835 histrionic personality disorder, 396, 398 memory disorders and dementia, 736, 740 mood disorders, 236, 237, narcissistic personality disorder, 385, 386, 388 paranoid personality disorder, paraphilias, fetishism, 572 frotteurism, 572 gender identity disorders, 573 pedophilia, 568, 569 rape, 571 sadomasochism, 570 transvestic fetishism, 573 personality disorders, 411, 412 physical illness, 660 post-traumatic stress disorder, 146, 152 schizoid personality disorder, 417, 418, 419, , 422 schizophrenia, 297, 300, , 304 schizotypal personality disorder, 412, 413, sexual dysfunctions, arousal disorders, 589 hypoactive sexual desire disorder, 587 orgasmic disorders, 591, 592 pain disorders, 592 sexual aversion disorder, 588 sexual response cycle model, somatoform pain disorder, 663 substance abuse and addictive behavior, , 442 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-IV (DSM -IV) autism, 793 classification issues, 23, 44 dissociative disorders, 207, 225 mood disorders, 236 schizophrenia, 303 Diathesis-generalized deficit model, genetics, described, Diathesis latent structure model, genetics, described, 49, Direct observation, sexual dysfunction assessment, 603 Disease. See Physical illness Disease-entity concept, diagnosis and, Disintegrative psychosis, autism, differential diagnosis, 795 Disjunctive categories, DSM, 6 Displacement aggression and violence, 626 obsessive-compulsive disorders, 137 Dissociative disorders, concept of, depersonalization and derealization, diagnosis and assessment, 216 diagnosis of, Dissociative disorders (Cant.) etiology, forensic aspects of, 217 implicit memory in, multiple personality, experimental studies, history of, overview, sociocultural factors, overview, 203 psychogenic amnesia, 208 psychogenic fugue, spectrum and diagnosis, treatment, Dopamine, schizophrenia, 63-64, Drugs. See also Substance abuse and addictive behavior aggression and violence, 623 drug-dependent sleep disorder, described, Dual personality. See Multiple personality Dynamic psychiatry. See Psychodynamic theory Dysmorphic disorder. See Body dysmorphic disorder Dyspareunia, described, 592 Dyssomnias. See Sleep disorders: dyssomnias Eating disorders, anorexia nervosa, diagnosis and clinical description, 506 etiology, behavioral theories, biological theories, psychodynamic theories, 510 prevalence, 506 atypical eating disorders, assessment, 523 diagnosis and clinical description, anorexia and bulimia variants, compulsive overeating, 522 other problems, etiology, 523 prevalence, 523 treatment, 524 bulimia nervosa, assessment, comorbidity, 519 diagnosis and clinical description, etiology, behavioral theories, 516 biological theories, 516, 518 psychoanalytic theories, prevalence, treatment, 520~521 differential diagnosis, affective disorders, 524 anxiety disorders, 524 psychotic or delusional disorders, 525 somatoform disorders, elderly, overview, Education and training, culture, treatment considerations, 100

10 852 Elderly, arixiety disorders, assessment, 826 etiology, prevalence, chronic medical illness, 671 dementia, primary degenerative and multi-infarct, eating disorders, memory disorders, 735. See also Memory disorders methodological issues, mood disorders, assessment, bipolar disorder, etiology, prevalence, 818 myths about, 816 population composition, psychoactive substance use disorders, psychosis, assessment, 829 paranoia, schizophrenia, sexual disorders, etiology and assessment, , implications, prevalence, 832 sleep disorders, 535 Electroencephalography (EEG), sleep disorders, 532 Emotion central nervous system dysfunction, 693 cerebrovascular disorders, 714 dementia (primary degenerative and multi-infarct), epilepsy, 719 head injury, 716 Huntington's disease, multiple sclerosis, 709 Parkinson's disease, 707 tumors, 722 Empathy, aggression and violence, 632 Empiricism, delusion and, 267, 270 Encephalitis, central nervous system dysfunction, 723 Encopresis, incontinence disorders, childhood behavior disorders, 778 Endocrine system. See also Biochemistry aggression and violence, , 633 alcohol consumption, 653 central nervous system dysfunction, elderly eating disorders, 836 mood disorders, 820 Enuresis childhood hehavior disorders, described, 550 Environment alcoholism, 711 biological variables, 58 central nervous system dysfunction, cerebrovascular disorders, 714 Environment (Cont.) epilepsy, head injury, 716 Huntington's disease, 705 mood disorders, 245 multiple sclerosis, 709 panic disorder, Parkinson's disease, 707 schizophrenia, biological variables, simple phobias, sleep disorders, 546 social phobia, 120 stress, toxic hazards, dementia, 701 tumors, 722 Epidemiology anorexia nervosa, 506 antisocial personality disorder, anxiety disorders childhood hehavior disorders, elderly, generalized anxiety disorder, 110 assessment, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 767 autism, 793, 800 borderline personality disorder, bulimia nervosa, central nervous system dysfunction, childhood behavior disorders, 765 conduct problems, conversion disorder, 170 culture, dependent personality disorder, 399 depression, childhood behavior disorders, 775 eating disorders, atypical eating disorders, 523 generalized anxiety disorder, 110 histrionic personality disorder, 399 hypochondriasis, incontinence disorders, childhood behavior disorders, 778 learning disabilities, 781 mood disorders elderly, 818 generally, multi-infarct dementia, 738 narcissistic personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorders, panic disorder, 113 paranoia, elderly, personality disorders, 411 phobias simple phobias, 121 social phobia, 117 physical illness generally, life-style factors, 650 post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia elderly, generally,

11 853 Epidemiology (Cant.) sexual disorders, elderly, 832 sleep disorders, 534 somatization disorder, speech and language disorders, 781 Epilepsy, biological aspects, environmental and sociocultural factors, overview, psychological changes, 719 sleep disorder comorbidity, 554 symptomatology, 718 treatment, 720 Epiphenomenon latent structure model, genetics, described, 49,52 Episodic memory, memory disorders, Ethics culture, treatment considerations, 100 paraphilias, Ethnic and race differences culture, treatment considerations and, 100 schizophrenia, 306 Etiology, evaluation, classification principles, 13. See also entries under specific disorders: etiology Evaluation, classification principles, Exercise, sedentary life-style, Exhibitionism, characteristics of, Experience, anomalous experience, delusions and, Extrinsic disadvantages, schizophrenia, 70 Extrinsic motivation, aggression and violence, 624 Eye schizophrenia, sleep disorder assessment, Factitious disorders, See also Somatoform disorders generally, 191 not otherwise specified, 195 physical symptoms, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, etiology, 193 treatment, psychological symptoms, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, 195 somatoform disorders compared, 167 Factor analysis dependent personality disorder, diagnosis and, 30 histrionic personality disorder, False-alarm panic, anxiety disorders and biological variables, 77 Falsifiability concept (genetics), latent trait model, 51 underdetermination models, Family factors generalized anxiety disorder, 111 panic disorder, 114 post-traumatic stress disorder treatment, schizophrenia, Family factors (Cont.) simple phobias, 121 social phobia, Family history studies, borderline personality disorder, Family therapy alcoholism treatment, 470 anorexia nervosa, 513 schizophrenia, 326 Fatigue, aggression and violence, Fear of loss, physical illness (antecedent), emotional reactions, 673 of retaliation, physical illness (antecedent), emotional reactions, 673 of strangers, physical illness (antecedent), emotional reactions, 672 Female arousal disorders, 589 Female orgasmic disorders, Fetal alcohol syndrome, described, 456 Fetishism characteristics of, transvestic fetishism, characteristics of, 572, 573 Fibrositis, sleep disorder comorbidity, 555 Fight-or-flight response, anxiety disorders and biological variables, 77 Firearm availability, aggression and violence, 638 Focal effects, brain, central nervous system dysfunction, Folie a deux, delusion classification, 287 Forensic medicine, dissociative disorders and, 217. See also Law Formal reasoning, delusions, 274 Fragile X syndrome, autism, , Freebase cocaine, cocaine abuse, routes of administration, 489. See also Cocaine abuse Friedreich's ataxia, central nervous system dysfunction, 722 Frotteurism, characteristics of, 572 Functional encopresis, incontinence disorders, childhood behavior disorders, 778 Functional retrograde amnesia, psychogenic fugue, dissociative disorders, Ganser's syndrome dissociative disorders, 203 factitious disorders with psychological symptoms, 195 Gender bias dependent personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder, Gender identity disorders characteristics of, DSM-III-R, General adaptation syndrome (GAS), stress and, 658 General arousal, aggression and violence, 624 Generalized anxiety disorder, See also Anxiety disorders clinical features, diagnosis, etiology and maintenance,

12 854 Generalized anxiety disorder (Cont.) sleep disorder comorbidity, 553 treatment, Genetics, aggression and violence, 622, , 632 alcohol, , 653 anorexia nervosa, 509 antisocial personality disorder, autism, borderline personality disorder, causal models, dementia, depression, diathesis-generalized deficit model, estimation of CP(l,m) from pedigree data, 54 fragile X syndrome, , generalized anxiety disorder, 111 Huntington's disease, 704 latent structure models, latent trait model, mood disorders, obesity, 654 opioid abuse, panic disorder, 114 phobias simple phobias, 121 social phobia, schizophrenia, biological variables, underdetermination models, Genotype, genetics, estimationofct>(l,m) from pedigree data, 54 Gerontology. See Elderly Gilles de la Tourette syndrome, childhood behavior disorders, 779 Grafenberg spot, 585 Gross stress reactions, DSM, Guilt, physical illness (antecedent to psychopathology), emotional reactions, 673 Habit strength, aggression and violence, Hallucination, schizophrenia and, 302 Hallucinosis (alcohol), organic mental disorders, Hatred, delusions as expression of, 282 Headache, sleep disorder comorbidity, 554 Head injury, biological aspects, 715 environmental and sociocultural factors, 716 psychological changes, symptomatology, 715 treatment and recovery, 717 Health care provider stress, chronically ill patients and, Heart cardiac ischemia, sleep disorder comorbidity, cardiovascular disease, tobacco consumption, 650 coronary heart disease obesity, 654 sedentary life-style, 655 type A behavior pattern (TABP), Hebephrenic schizophrenia, 303 Heidelberg School, delusions, Heller's disease, autism, differential diagnosis, 795 Herpes simplex, central nervous system dysfunction, 723 Hierarchical model of classification, classification principles, Histrionic personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder and, 341 assessment measures, overview, reliability of, validity, , 403 classification, comorbidity, 402 conversion disorder and, gender bias, historical perspective on, prevalence, 399 treatment, Holocaust survivors, post-traumatic stress disorder treatment, 159 Homosexuality delusions, DSM-II,564 sadomasochism, 570 sex-reassignment surgery, 575 transvestic fetishism, 573 Hospitalization rates, culture, 89 Hostility, aggression and violence, Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). See also Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) central nervous system dysfunction, 723 substance abuse and addictive behavior, 437, 478, 490 Human T-lymphotropic virus, type 1 (HTLV-l), substance abuse and addictive behavior, 437 Humiliation delusions as expression of, 282 sadomasochism, 571 Huntington's disease, biological and genetic aspects, 704 described, 739 memory disorders, psychological changes, symptomatology, treatment, 705 Hypnic jerks, described, 549 Hypnotic-dependent sleep disorder, described, Hypnotizability, dissociative disorders, 218 Hypoactive sexual desire disorder, described, Hypochondriasis, constellation of illnesses, diagnosis, epidemiology, etiology, overview, 175 psychopathology associated with, treatment and prognosis, 181 Hypomania, mood disorders, diagnosis, Hysterical personality disorder, conversion disorder and, 172, 173

13 855 Idiographic description, delusions, Idiosyncratic intoxication, alcoholism, organic mental disorders induced by, lliness. See Mental illness; Physical illness; Psychopathology Illness behavior, defined, 663 Immune response, stress and, 660 Implicit memory dissociative disorders, memory disorders, Impotence male arousal disorders, described, 589 nocturnal penile tumescence testing, Impulsiveness, antisocial personality disorder, Inappropriate stimulus control, social learning taxonomy, 17 Incentive systems, social learning taxonomy, 17 Incontinence disorders, childhood behavior disorders, Indifference, conversion disorder, La belle indifference, Infants, sleep and, Infections, central nervous system dysfunction, 723 Inflammation model, delusions, Insomnia, described, Instigation. See Aggression and violence: instigation Instrumental motivation, aggression and violence, 624 International Classification of Disease, psychiatry, classification systems, 20 International Statistical Classification of Disease (ICD-9) culture, 88 psychiatry, classification systems, 20 International Statistical Classification of Disease (ICD-IO), autism, 791, 792, 794 Interpersonal diagnosis, classification, current systems of, Interpersonal models, borderline personality disorder, 382 Interpersonal relations aggression and violence, 637 alcoholism assessment, antisocial personality disorder, autism behavioral characteristics, sexual response models, Interrater agreement, diagnosis and, Interviewing, culture and assessment, See also Tests and scales Intoxication, alcoholism, organic mental disorders induced by, 452 Intrinsic motivation, aggression and violence, Irregular Sleep-Wakp pattern, described, 539 Irritable bowel syndrome, incontinence disorders, childhood behavior disorders, 778 Isolation, obsessive-compulsive disorders, 137 Klismaphilia, characteristics of, 575 Korsakoff's syndrome (alcohol amnestic disorder), alcoholism, organic mental disorders induced by, Labeling, antisocial personality disorder, La belle indifference, conversion disorder, Language. See also Communication acquisition of, classification, 3 Language (Cont.) autism behavioral characteristics, differential diagnosis, culture, 84, 86, 97, 99 speech and language disorders, childhood behavior disorders, Latent structure model, genetics, described, Latent trait model, genetics, described, Lateralization, brain, central nervous system dysfunction, 695 Law dissociative disorders, 217 forensic medicine, dissociative disorders, 217 paraphilias, Learned helplessness model, mood disorders, Learned theory, physical illness, Learning disabilities, childhood behavior disorders, Learning theory alcohol consumption, 653 antisocial personality disorder, , opioid abuse, Life events, schizophrenia, 69 Life-style factors, alcohol use, dementia (primary degenerative and multi-infarct), 701 noncompliance with medical regimen, obesity, sedentary life-style, tobacco consumption, Light treatment, sleep disorders, 540 Limited functional amnesia, psychogenic amnesia, dissociative disorders, 208 Linkage biology, schizophrenia, Lithium carbonate, physical illness (antecedent to psychopathology), prescription gnidelines, 684 Localization of function, brain, central nervous system dysfunction, Lung disease, tobacco consumption, 651 Male arousal disorder described, 589 nocturnal penile tumescence testing, Male orgasmic disorder, Malpractice, health care provider stress, chronically ill patients and, 685 Mania biological variables, mood disorders, diagnosis, sleep disorder comorbidity, 553 Masochism characteristics of, transvestic fetishism, 573 McCollough Effect, sleep disorder assessment, 538 Measurement classification principles, problems of, elderly, methodological problems, Media, anorexia nervosa, 507 Medical education. See Education and training Medical illness. See Physical illness

14 856 Medical model childhood behavior disorders, 766 classification, 4 diagnosis, Medication. See Pharmacology Memory disorders, Alzheimer's disease, dissociative disorders, Huntington's disease, 739 multi-infarct dementia, overview, Parkinson's disease, types of memory, episodic memory, implicit memory, semantic memory, taxonomy, Mental illness. See also Psychopathology diagnosis and, dissociative disorders, 204 genetics latent structure models and, underdetermination models and, Mental retardation, autism, differential diagnosis, 796 Metabolic disorders, central nervous system dysfunction, Methodological problems culture, 92 diagnosis, See also Diagnosis elderly, Milieu therapy post-traumatic stress disorder, 159 schizophrenia, Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). See also Tests and scales culture, 84, 97, diagnostic research issues, 36 measurement, classification principles, 10 Molecular biology, schizophrenia, Mood disorders, See also Affective disorders; Bipolar mood disorder biological perspective, genetics, psychopharmacological treatment, theoretical models, borderline personality disorder and, diagnosis, bipolar disorder criteria, mania and hypomania, other distinctions, unipolar-bipolar distinction, unipolar criteria, elderly, assessment, bipolar disorder, etiology, prevalence, 818 environmental perspective, 245 epidemiology, Mood disorders (Cont.) narcissistic personality disorder and, 388 sleep disorder comorbidity, theory, cognitive theory, learned helplessness model, psychodynamic models, 246 reinforcement models, self-control theory, social skills model, treatment psychopharmacology, theoretical perspective and, Moral research paradigms, substance abuse and addictive behavior, Moral therapy, schizophrenia, Moral values, aggression and violence, , 633 Motivation aggression and violence, appetitive and aversive motivation biological variables, biological variables and depression, appetitive motivation, substance abuse, aversive motivation, schizophrenia, biological variables, delusions, sexual response models, 585 Motor habits, stereotyped, childhood behavior disorders, 780 Multi-axial diagnostic systems evaluation, classification principles and, 16, interpersonal diagnosis, classification, current systems of, 18 Multicultural assessment, problems involved in, Multi-infarct dementia, described, Multimodal and multistage models, post-traumatic stress disorder treatment, 159 Multiple personality, See also Dissociative disorders etiology, experimental studies, history of, overview, sociocultural factors, Multiple sclerosis, biological aspects, 708 environmental and social factors, 709 etiology, 708 psychological changes, 709 symptomatology, 708 treatment, Multivariate models, classification principles and, normal behavior and psychopathology, 9 Munchausen's syndrome, factitious disorders with physical symptoms, See also Factitious disorders Mutism, childhood behavior disorders, 781 Narcissistic integrity, physical illness (antecedent to psychopathology), emotional reactions, 672 Narcissistic personality disorder, 383, comorbidity, 388

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