Rapid Relief products are all taken short term and are formulated and marketed for symptoma5c relief

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1 Rapid Relief products are all taken short term and are formulated and marketed for symptoma5c relief

2 * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administra5on. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Tradi8onal use and Modern Science Gaia Quick Facts: Black Elderberry Syrup Black Elderberries have been recognized for centuries throughout Europe for their health suppor5ng proper5es. Modern researchers have iden5fied flavonoid compounds, including anthocyanins, querce5n, and ru5n in Black Elderberries that contribute to suppor5ng healthy immune func5on. Made with Cer5fied Organic European Black Elderberries that are fresh pressed into a juice concentrate very shortly afer their harvest. A 1 tsp serving size is 1900mg of Elderberry juice concentrate which is equivalent to 14.5grams of fresh Elderberries = most potent product in the marketplace Unlike other Elderberry Syrups, Gaia s Black Elderberry Syrup contains no ar8ficial flavor, sweeteners, or preserva8ves. Also contains 148mg organic Acerola fruit extract per serving, which is a natural source of Vitamin C, in addi5on to 13mg wholefoods vitamin C from Organic Acerola Cherry. Meet Your Herbs traceability provides proof of purity, integrity, and potency"

3 Black Elderberry NightTime Syrup Supports Sleep During Immune Stress: Black elderberries have long been used in tradi5onal cultures to support immune func5on. Research studies show Black Elderberry to have immune modula5ng and an5oxidant proper5es. Because elderberry is high in flavonoid rich compounds, it exerts an5oxidant protec5on on cells. By providing an5oxidant protec5on, elderberry aids in protec5ng cells from free radical damage from airborne elements. Features & Benefits Super Concentrated Organic Black Elderberry Syrup 1 teaspoon is equivalent to 14,500mg fresh elderberries! Grindelia provides soothing support for respiratory health.* Lemon Balm and California Poppy added to gently support res`ul sleep.* Organic Acerola fruit added for a boost of Vitamin C Meet Your Herbs traceability provides proof of purity, integrity, and potency" * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administra5on. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

4 Bronchial Wellness Syrup Soothing Support for the Respiratory System: Bronchial Wellness is a unique 100% natural herbal syrup that promotes well- being of the respiratory tract by suppor5ng bronchial health all year long. It also supports healthy throat 5ssue*. This formula synergis5cally combines freeze dried organic extracts of Grindelia floral buds, Plantain Leaf, and Helichrysum that are naturally processed to ensure the highest concentra5on and maximum absorp5on. Plantain is demulcent and provides emollient proper5es for irritated mucous membranes.* Grindelia has a healthy expectora5ng effect that can support the body s natural ability to secrete mucous.* These healing botanicals are combined in a honey base with essen5al oils of Eucalyptus, Star Anise, and Lemon. Recommended for those exposed to environmental respiratory irritants such as dust, airborne pollutants and smoke. Meet Your Herbs traceability provides proof of purity, integrity, and potency * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

5 Bronchial Wellness Tea Soothing support for respiratory health*: Bronchial irrita5on, whether acute or chronic, can leave you feeling achy and exhausted. With herbs such as Grindelia and Plantain, long known to support an irritated respiratory system, Bronchial Wellness Herbal Tea provides complete relief with cooling essen5al oils of Peppermint and Eucalyptus.* Formulated with herbs that have a naturally pleasant taste and aroma, this tea provides a soothing influence to the en5re respiratory system.* Peppermint is cooling and contains menthol, well known for its respiratory proper5es Licorice is a classic demulcent* Grindelia encourages normal mucous produc5on and has aroma5c resins* Plantain contains mucilage which is emollient and soothes occasional bronchial irrita5on* Star Anise has warming and calming flavors* Helichrysum is also soothing and contains potent an5oxidants* Companion Product: Bronchial Wellness Herbal Syrup 5.4oz * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administra5on. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

6 Echinacea Supreme Supports immune response at onset*: Echinacea has been used successfully for hundreds of years to support immune health. Gaia Herbs' Echinacea purpurea is grown on Gaia's own cer5fied organic farm. Concentrated for a fast- ac5ng response, Echinacea Supreme contains the full spectrum of Echinacea phytochemicals- including alkyamides, the cons5tuents most effec5ve at ini5a5ng an immune response.* Gaia Herbs Farm Grown Organic Echinacea One of the only formulas standardized for Isobutylamides Specifically designed for Rapid Relief at onset (short term use) Convenient alcohol free liquid in a vegetarian capsule. * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administra5on. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

7 Echinacea Goldenseal Supports immune & respiratory response*: A healthy respiratory response is essen5al for rapid recovery from immune challenges. Concentrated to be fast- ac5ng, this formula contains Echinacea purpurea grown on Gaia's own cer5fied organic farm for immune health, plus Goldenseal, Oregon Grape, and Barberry - all natural sources of the phytochemical Berberine, which benefits the mucous membranes.* Gaia Herbs Farm Grown Organic Echinacea Detailed and specific usage recommenda5ons Formulated to support mucous membranes Convenient alcohol free liquid in a vegetarian capsule overcomes objec5ons to taste of similar liquid extract formula * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administra5on. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

8 Gas & Bloa8ng Fast ac8ng relief for diges8ve discomfort*: Gas & Bloa5ng works quickly to help reduce bloa5ng, gas and the feeling of heaviness that can occur afer meals.* Pure natural Vegetable Charcoal and Fennel promote the absorp5on and elimina5on of gastrointes5nal gas, while a proprietary blend of different herbs helps support diges5ve func5on and provide natural relief to the intes5ne.* Features & Benefits: Addresses problems with Carbohydrate metabolism* Vegetable Charcoal has absorbent and astringent proper5es Essen5al oils encourage op5mal produc5on of enzymes* No binders, fillers, excipients or other ingredients to interfere with diges5on Meet Your Herbs traceability provides proof of purity, integrity, and potency * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administra5on. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

9 Gas & Bloa8ng Tea Fast ac8ng relief for diges8ve discomfort*: It is a common occurrence to eat too quickly or eat foods that your body may not agree with. This may result in a feeling of fullness accompanied by diges5ve gas and bloa5ng. This unique tea formula5on combines herbs such as Peppermint, Caraway and Licorice Root with Fennel seed essen5al oil to sooth your diges5ve system and provide fast ac5ng relief for occasional indiges5on.* Fast Ac5ng Relief for Diges5ve Comfort* Star Anise is warming and a tradi5onal diges5ve Fennel and Caraway provide support for occasional gas* Chamomile was given to Peter Rabbit by his Mommy when his tummy was upset Peppermint adds a cooling element and the oils have a relaxing effect on the gastric mucosa* Companion Product: Gas & Bloa5ng vegetarian capsules 50ct * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administra5on. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

10 Migra- Profen Promotes Comfort for Occasional Aches and Pains Minor aches and pains, including headaches, can result from the normal stresses of daily life. Migra Profen is designed to modulate inflammatory pathways in the body, helping reduce muscle tension and occasional aches and pains.* With herbs scien5fically shown to induce relaxa5on, Migra Profen gently supports the body in 5mes of temporary physical stress.* Features and Benefits Condi5on specific dosing increases efficacy With Kava and Valerian to help relax the body Useful for occasional muscle tension in addi5on to tradi5onal uses of Feverfew to support the inflammatory response Most appropriate for short term use Meet Your Herbs traceability provides proof of purity, integrity, and potency * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

11 Natural Laxa8ve Gentle support for occasional cons8pa8on*: Natural Laxa5ve is an all- natural herbal formula that works gently for occasional cons5pa5on.* Senna, Cape Aloe and a proprietary blend of herbal ingredients work together to encourage intes5nal ac5vity, support the body's natural elimina5on processes, and soothe the intes5nal tract. Features & Benefits Herbs to assist in bile flow and enzyme produc5on through bioer principles: Dandelion, Boldo, Chicory. Fennel and Cumin are soothing to irritated diges5on Works on restoring diges5ve balance Meet Your Herbs traceability provides proof of purity, integrity, and potency * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administra5on. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

12 Natural Laxa8ve Tea Gentle support for occasional cons8pa8on*: Natural Laxa5ve Herbal Tea gently and reliably encourages physiological intes5nal transit for people who have occasional cons5pa5on.* This carefully formulated blend of 100% organic herbal ingredients, such as Senna and Licorice, will leave your diges5ve system feeling revitalized.* The aroma5c flavor comes from plants such as Fennel, Caraway and Lemon Balm, which give the tea a sweet, earthy taste. Gentle Support for Occasional Cons5pa5on* 100% Organic (EU standards) Senna contains plant chemicals called Sennosides. These are converted to ac5ve chemicals in the bowel causing an accumula5on of fluid in the intes5nal lumen and increased mo5lity* Mallow leaf contains mucilage and is considered demulcent* Lemon Balm aids in relaxa5on and has a pleasant taste* Companion Product: Natural Laxa5ve vegetarian tablets 90ct * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administra5on. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

13 Rapid Immune Response at Onset: Gaia Quick Facts: Quick Defense Quick Defense supports the body's rapid response to immune stressors. Made with cer5fied organic Echinacea, Black Elderberry, and Ginger extracts, plus wild- harvested Andrographis, Quick Defense is highly effec5ve when taken at onset. It has a high concentra5on of Echinacea Alkylamides - the cons5tuents most effec5ve at ini5a5ng an immune response.* Normalizes the Immune Response: total Alkylamides 10mg* Support for Respiratory Defenses: Effec5ve Synergis5c Formula Product of Federally Funded Research and 25 Years of Prac5cal and Commercial Development Meet Your Herbs traceability provides proof of purity, integrity, and potency * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

14 Features & Benefits: Gaia Quick Facts: Reflux Relief For occasional upset stomach and heartburn*: Reflux Relief combines botanicals with mineral nutrients to provide relief for occasional heartburn and acid indiges5on while promo5ng healthy stomach func5on. * Limestone and Nacholite: Natural mineral forma5ons of Calcium Carbonate and Sodium Bicarbonate; not from synthe5c chemical synthesis Acts as an alkalinizing salt in the gut Buffering ac5on in the presence of acids Aloe, Barley, Marshmallow, Licorice: High mucilage content is deeply emollient, Creates a protec5ve film and for5fies mucus membranes. Promotes Intes5nal Flora. Meet Your Herbs traceability provides proof of purity, integrity, and potency * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administra5on. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

15 Supports deep and resxul sleep* Gaia Quick Facts: Sound Sleep Gesng a res`ul night's sleep is essen5al for op5mal health. Sound Sleep combines botanicals historically recognized to address difficulty with sleep, working to normalize the restlessness, physical tension, and worry some5mes associated with occasional sleeplessness.* It may also be used when nervous excitement and/or stress affect normal sleep paoerns. Valerian root (Gaia Farm Grown): Numerous clinical studies have substan5ated the efficacy of Valerian root for healthy sleep paoerns*. Giving Back- Kava: Ecologically harvested from the Island of Vanuatu. The money collected from Gaia s purchase of Kava goes directly back to the community to support building roads, schools and community centers. 10% of proceeds last year went to school supplies in Vanuatu. This year 10% will go towards home improvements for women who are widows. Passionflower vine (Cer8fied Organic from Italy): Passionflower has been approved by the European Scien5fic Co- Opera5ve on Phytotherapy (ESCOP) for tenseness, restlessness and irritability with difficulty in falling asleep * * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

16 Throat Shield Lozenges Supports Throat Health: A healthy throat is moist and consists of a mucous membrane layer, which acts as a protec5ve barrier. This mucous layer is ofen referred to as the first line of defense for our immune system as it contains important immune cells such as macrophages. When the throat is irritated, mucilaginous herbs such as those found in this proprietary blend, help to restore a normal protec5ve lining in the membrane of the throat by providing hydra5on and immune support. Features & Benefits Polysaccharides and resins, naturally found in this proprietary blend of Sage, Aloe and Myrrh, have natural adhesive and immune suppor5ve characteris5cs that help the mucous membranes of the throat support a healthy inflammatory response.* Delicious lozenges melt quickly, and easy blister pack format delivers a compact, grab- and- go product Meet Your Herbs traceability provides proof of purity, integrity, and potency" * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administra5on. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

17 Throat Shield Spray Supports Throat Health: A healthy throat is moist and consists of a mucous membrane layer, which acts as a protec5ve barrier. This mucous layer is ofen referred to as the first line of defense for our immune system as it contains important immune cells such as macrophages. When the throat is irritated, mucilaginous herbs such as those found in this proprietary blend, help to restore a normal protec5ve lining in the membrane of the throat by providing hydra5on and immune support. Polysaccharides and resins, naturally found in this proprietary blend of Sage, Aloe and Myrrh, have natural adhesive and immune supportive characteristics that help the mucous membranes of the throat support a healthy inflammatory response.* Throat Shield Throat Spray wand allows for direct application to the pharynx. *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

18 Throat Shield Spray Supports Throat Health: A healthy throat is moist and consists of a mucous membrane layer, which acts as a protec5ve barrier. This mucous layer is ofen referred to as the first line of defense for our immune system as it contains important immune cells such as macrophages. When the throat is irritated, mucilaginous herbs such as those found in this proprietary blend, help to restore a normal protec5ve lining in the membrane of the throat by providing hydra5on and immune support. Polysaccharides and resins, naturally found in this proprietary blend of Sage, Aloe and Myrrh, have natural adhesive and immune supportive characteristics that help the mucous membranes of the throat support a healthy inflammatory response.* Throat Shield Throat Spray wand allows for direct application to the pharynx. *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

19 Throat Shield Polysaccharides, resins, and mucilage naturally found in this herbal tea, have natural adhesive and immune suppor5ve characteris5cs that support a healthy inflammatory response in the mucous membranes of the throat. Essen5al oils of Peppermint and Sage provide both great taste and a welcome cooling sensa5on. Supports throat hydra5on and immune health* Made with EU Organic Herbs Grindelia supports healthy respiratory func5on Marshmallow is rich in mucilage which provides hydra5on for the throat. Companion Products: Throat Shield Sage & Aloe lozenges and spray * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Rapid Relief products are all taken short term and are formulated and marketed for symptoma5c relief

Rapid Relief products are all taken short term and are formulated and marketed for symptoma5c relief Rapid Relief products are all taken short term and are formulated and marketed for symptoma5c relief Tradi8onal use and Modern Science Black Elderberry Syrup Black Elderberries have been recognized for

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