The MultiPlus with Brain Essentials e-learning will cover free radicals and antioxidants if you wish to know more

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1 This presentation focuses on heart health and function using the MultiPlus with Cardio Essentials as our guide. This is an iron free, broad spectrum multivitamin and mineral with a wholefood complex but also includes botanical support for circulation and as well as extra nutritional support from CoQ10, Resveratrol and Fish oil We will cover Relevant anatomy and physiology Risk factors for heart health including diet and lifestyle The importance of cellular energy Building a support programme using other Solgar supplements for the heart and vascular system 1

2 Anatomy & Physiology of the Cardiovascular system The heart is a strong muscle responsible for pumping blood around the body. Nutrients absorbed into the blood through the gut and oxygen picked up through the lungs are transported around the body to feed the cells and organs, including the heart itself. Waste products from the cells including carbon dioxide are picked up by the blood and removed from the body. Waste products go through the liver and kidneys and are excreted through the urinary system or the digestive tract. Carbon dioxide is exhaled via the lungs. This work is done continuously. Regular exercise will make that heart muscle stronger and improve vascular health which in turn improves the heart s ability to pump the blood round the body effectively. Diet obviously plays a major role here too....for example ensuring a healthy ratio of saturated to unsaturated fats to improve blood viscosity, controlling our sugar intake to reduce damage to the vascular system by glycation reducing free radical load by reviewing our lifestyle and dietary choices which will also help reduce the damage to the vascular system. The MultiPlus with Brain Essentials e-learning will cover free radicals and antioxidants if you wish to know more 2

3 The aorta is the major artery leaving the heart carrying freshly oxygenated blood. The very first arteries to branch from it are the coronary arteries which supply the heart. These arteries branch off into smaller arteries and capillaries to ensure this hardworking muscle is well supplied. If there is an issue regarding the health and function of these arteries it impacts on the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the heart muscle and ultimately its health and function. 3

4 Inside the heart are 4 chambers The small and large chambers on the left side of the heart are separated from the small and large chambers on the right; there is no mixing of the blood here. Left side of the heart is responsible for systemic circulation Right side of the heart is responsible for pulmonary circulation. 4

5 Systemic circulation carries oxygenated blood and nutrients from the left side of the heart around the body to deliver nutrients and oxygen to the cells. It carries waste products through the liver and kidneys for detoxification. It returns deoxygenated blood, carbon dioxide and waste materials from the cells to the right side of the heart, ready to enter the pulmonary circulation. Pulmonary circulation carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs where is offloads the carbon dioxide waste gas which is exhaled by the lungs. Oxygen is picked up when we breath and the freshly oxygenated blood is returned to the left side of the heart, ready to be pumped round the systemic circulation... and so it continues... 5

6 The 2 upper chambers, called atria, are holding stations. The blood rests here while the various valves are closed behind it and the next set are opened. This is a one way system and there should be no backflow through the valves. As the atrial walls contract, the blood is pushed into the large chambers the ventricles. The muscular walls of the ventricles are thicker and stronger than those of the atria because when they contract they force the blood out of the heart and along the pulmonary arteries to the lungs or the aorta to the body. Backflow of blood in the chambers is controlled by the heart valves i.e. tricuspid valve between the right atrium and ventricle and the mitral valve between the left atrium and ventricle. There are also valves on the major veins and arteries entering and leaving the heart. The sort of lubdub sound of the heartbeat is the sound of the valves closing. If you take your pulse by lightly pressing on an artery near the surface i.e. wrist or neck, you can feel the blood pulsing through the artery. 6

7 Artery walls are thicker than vein walls because they need to withstand the greater pressure exerted on them when the heart pumps and forces blood through them. Arteries also need to be flexible and able to stretch with each pulse otherwise the increased pressure on the inner walls would damage them. Damage to the inner walls could ultimately lead to, cholesterol build up, inflammation and narrowing of the arteries. Veins walls are thinner and the pressure in them is lower. Veins need a little help returning blood back to the heart especially if it s working against gravity when returning blood back up the body to the heart. Valves along the length of the veins ensure one-way flow of the blood back to the heart. The reason we need to be aware of these differences is because many of the botanicals used in supporting vascular health work in differing ways and often prioritise specific blood vessels i.e. veins, arteries or capillaries. If you know their target you are best able to help your consumers with their support. 7

8 While we cannot control all factors related to heart disease there is a lot we can do to maintain cardiovascular health. If we can feed the heart and vascular system the nutrients it needs then we are taking steps towards optimal health. MultiPlus was designed as a support product for daily use for those looking for something to further support their dietary and lifestyle changes. 8

9 There are several risk factors associated with an increase risk of Coronary Heart disease. Ageing Gender; men are more likely to have a heart attack, more women suffer strokes than men Genetic factors; if you have a close relative with heart disease you may be at greater risk due to possible inherited factors Ethnic background may increase your risk e.g. if you are from South Asia your risk is higher Medical history; if you have already suffered heart attack or stroke the risk for another is higher. If you suspect that an individual falls into the categories of possible genetic factors of family history it may be prudent to seek advice from a doctor/other healthcare practitioner. 9

10 Risk factors that can be changed or avoided: Smoking; increases the free radical load and heavy metal levels which can damage the nerves and blood vessels walls. Raised cholesterol; a problem if it becomes oxidised and builds up causing narrowing of the arteries, reduced circulation and increased blood pressure. High blood pressure can cause tears along the blood vessels causing inflammation and narrowing of the arteries as the body tries to mend the damage and increase the risk of cholesterol build up in those damaged areas. Diabetes and Syndrome X (pre-diabetes); can lead to poor blood sugar control and potentially glycation damage (sugar damage to the vascular walls). Stress can raise blood pressure so again increase the risk of vascular damage. Can also produce heart arrhythmias and narrowing of the blood vessels = greater pressure on the heart. Stress can affect mood and that can lead to emotional eating, poor food choices and lack of exercise due to apathy which can lead to obesity. Chronic stress can trigger endocrine oversensitivity. (see next page) 10

11 The hypothalamus is a gland in the brain which controls endocrine function. Stress increases the sensitivity of the hypothalamus which can cause the overproduction of cortisol and insulin. Excess insulin can result is an increase in white fat. White fat can lead to inflammation and tissue damage. Tissue damage and inflammation are risk factors for cardiovascular health. 11

12 And obesity is another risk factor as it can raise cholesterol and triglyceride levels, raise blood pressure and increase the risk of diabetes so this is a major concern for heart disease risk. 12

13 Obesity is particularly problematic when the weight is carried around the middle. People who are apple-shaped have a lower waist to hip ratio and because abdominal fat holds a greater risk factor for cardiovascular health, hip:waist ratio is a better indicator than BMI or Body Mass Index. Body Mass Index = weight in kg divided by height in metres squared. Overweight is considered to be a BMI or 25+ and Obesity a BMI of 30+. This does not account for muscle:fat ration so may not be a good measure in some cases e.g. athletes with a lot of muscle. Hip:Waist ratio = measure waist at smallest point and hips at largest then divide waist by hip measurement. Obesity = W/H ratio of >0.95 for men and >0.8 for women. 13

14 Lack of exercise: Exercise would burn off some of the stress hormones, increase metabolic rate so the risk of obesity would reduce, it would help maintain healthy blood sugar levels and exercise the heart muscle to make it stronger and better able to function. The more of these risk factors you are exposed to, the greater the risk of developing heart disease. 14

15 We need to focus on certain areas: Support heart function with a good supply of oxygen and nutrients Maintain a healthy vascular system - Oxidative stress (free radicals) with antioxidants - Glycation caused by sugars attack the proteins in the interior vascular walls - Homocysteine triggers damage to interior vascular walls 15

16 Diagram showing the pathway of metabolism of protein into the amino acids Methionine and Cysteine, showing the intermediate compound Homocysteine. Homocysteine is an intermediate compound It shouldn t be a problem if sufficient levels of B6, B12 and folic acid to metabolise it. If homocysteine levels are allowed to rise it triggers damage to the vascular walls resulting in inflammation and narrowing which can result in poor blood flow and the potential risk for cholesterol build up in the damaged areas. These B vitamins and the TMG or TriMethylglycine are methyl donors and help convert Homocysteine onto cysteine or back into methionine. B vitamins are vital for energy production... energised cells are healthy cells! 16

17 Blood sugar control and why it is important for the vascular system. When you eat refined carbs or sugary foods they convert to glucose quickly and blood sugar levels increase. Insulin from the pancreas stimulates their use as a source of fuel as the first option. If blood sugars are surplus to the body s requirements it will be stored in the liver in the form of glycogen. If blood sugars remain high they are stored as white fat. In times of low blood sugar levels glucagon metabolises the glycogen and converts it back to glucose, releasing it into the blood stream. If cellular energy requirements are still not met, glucagon stimulates conversion of stored fat into fatty acids which can be burned as a fuel source. But sometimes this system is slow in dealing with the excess sugars we have eaten and the sugars levels in the blood remain high, increasing the risk of glycation. 17

18 When collagen is damaged in the skin, the damage comes from the outside as environmental attack from the sun, pollution, smoke etc. but there is also oxidative stress damage from the inside too from poor diet, lack of antioxidants from veg and fruit and chronic stress all of which cause damage to elastin and collagen which become brittle and inflexible and so we see wrinkles. 18

19 It s a similar action with the blood vessels too as they have collagen-rich walls.... But rather than the damage being from external environmental sources the oxidative stress is coming from dietary or lifestyle sources. The resulting damage causes stiff and inflexible blood vessel walls and an increased risk of cholesterol build up. Inflammation and narrowing can lead to increases in blood pressure, poor circulation, inflammation of the blood vessels walls and potentially greater pressure on the heart. Reminder: Damaged to the vascular system is caused by Oxidative stress (free radicals) High blood pressure Obesity Stress Glycation Homocysteine 19

20 Our plan of action should include: Normalising and maintaining blood sugar balance by reducing or avoiding refined sugars and foods high on the glycaemic index, ensuring good fibre intake to slow the release of dietary sugars for absorption in the gut, keeping stress levels down to reduce cortisol production adequate levels of the key nutrients involved in insulin metabolism... Like chromium, zinc, magnesium and manganese (blue arrows) Support vascular integrity Ester C, polyphenols in botanicals and fruit and veg Antioxidants Keep Homocysteine levels down B vits (yellow arrows) and adding TMG to the supplements Diet..& Lifestyle Exercise Diet rich in fruit and vegetables. which we have enhanced with a wholefoods complex Add supplements for additional support. 20

21 We all know the health benefits of fruit and veg they contain a wide range of antioxidant compounds to help the fight against oxidative stress in other words, free radical damage. Their primary source should be through the diet. 21

22 The wholefood energy-rich complex has a range of fruits and vegetables to provide additional antioxidant protective compounds like carotenoids and those polyphenols which help connective tissue repair. 22

23 The product is further supported by the botanical Circulatory Complex which provides a mixture of standardised extracts and concentrated extracts. 23

24 They support maintenance of cardiovascular health. Many of the ingredients in the circulatory complex are known to you for their role in general vascular health and function. The botanicals work synergistically, pooling their resources to give support through gentle improvement in blood viscosity & improving blood flow especially to the coronary arteries and capillaries, supporting the heart muscle, helping to modulate blood pressure and inflammatory response and supporting cholesterol regulation to provide overall support to the health and functioning of the heart and vascular system. 24

25 They provide overall antioxidant, adaptogenic support. Antioxidant protection helps fight free radical attack. Hawthorne and motherwort cover vascular support with their focus on the coronary arteries. Pomegranate helps with vascular strength and responsiveness. Cayenne supports the cardiac muscle. Amla fruit helps modulate the cholesterol ratios. Ginkgo biloba is well documented for it s support of the capillaries. While they are present in relatively small amounts we can see how these botanicals work synergistically as part of this Cardiohealth Complex 25

26 Further support comes from the addition of CoQ10, Fish oils and Resveratrol. 26

27 Fat soluble enzyme with protective benefits for fatty tissues including nerves and blood fats but also helps protect the fat soluble nutrients. CoQ10 is manufactured in the cells and facilitates the production of ATP in the mitochondria but its cellular production can be blocked by some common medications. i.e. The Contraceptive Pill Statins ACE inhibitors Beta blockers Calcium channel blockers Some tricyclic antidepressants....also Red Yeast Rice Supplementing with CoQ10 is advised if taking any of these just to support the CoQ10 levels however PLEASE NOTE: Consumers on existing medication should always seek advice from their health care practitioner before taking supplements. If additional supplementation of CoQ10 is recommended it would typically be the equivalent of 100mg daily but it will depend on individual circumstances. 27

28 Interference from statins explains the energy drop, pain and stiffness often associated with statins because the production of Q10 is inhibiting energy production from foods. Protein, fats and carbohydrates entering through the diet and are broken down into their constituent parts amino acids, glucose and fatty acids. These are absorbed into the blood which carries them to the cells of the body. Eventually those fats and carbs, and amino acids, feed into the Krebs cycle. The nutrients required to facilitate all these pathways include the B vitamins, magnesium, zinc and manganese, iron and copper and are found within the Solgar multivitamin and mineral products including the MultiPlus Cardio After the Krebs cycle comes the electron transport chain where energy is produced as ATP, an energy storage molecule. ATP is in constant production and this final stage of energy production relies upon more nutrients and in particular the coenzyme Q10. CoQ10 has a few different forms which it cycles through during ATP production but because of the relative instability of most of these forms, only ubiquinone and ubiquinol are available in supplement form. 28

29 Diagram showing the interaction as ubiquinone cycles through the various forms including ubiquinol The most abundant form available in the cells at any one time is ubiquinol. It donates it s 2 spare electrons and converts into Ubiquinone. Ubiquinone cycles through it s forms by accepting electrons and converting back into ubiquinol. This limited cycle continues hence the need for new CoQ10 to be made or supplemented particularly as we get older and CoQ10 production decreases. 29

30 Ubiquinol is difficult to stabilise as a supplement so Solgar Ubiquinol has patented stability which increases it s activity in the body but also gives twice the absorption rate of standard Ubiquinone. Solgar s exclusive NutriNano CoQ10 is ubiquinone but it provides a patented delivery system which also increases the absorption rate to twice that of standard Ubiquinone. The micelles which carry the Ubiquinone here are only 30nm in diameter - compared to approximately 3000nm in other forms this small micelle size enables the micelles to reach the absorption sites and release the coenzyme right at the brush border of the gut before the carrier material is removed via the digestive tract. 30

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32 Fish oils provide those important omega 3 components EPA and DHA. The heart s preferred source of energy is fatty acids. Cardiac muscle has the highest concentration of mitochondria (cellular power stations ) per cell and it is here that those fatty acids are burned to produce the energy it requires. EPA & DHA have a broad support of the cardiovascular system by aiding circulation, reducing inflammation, influencing enzyme pathways and playing an important part in cell structure and function. Fish oil levels in the MultiPlus with Cardio Health Essentials provide daily support to the other ingredients. Supplementing further would give greater benefits for those looking for a more targeted approach to their heart health focus. 32

33 Red wine is considered to be one of the best dietary sources of resveratrol and reputed to be a key part of red wine s heart-protective attributes. In order to gain 10mg of Resveratrol you would need to drink at least one full bottle of red wine! So 10mg it is definitely worthy including in this multiple. Solgar uses Japanese knotweed to source the resveratrol for the 100mg and 250mg products because it is considerably more concentrated than in red wine or red grapes. 33

34 Synergy is the key to the MultiPlus range of products and with the MultiPlus with Cardio Health Essentials we have those accessory nutrients of CoQ10, resveratrol and fish oils along with a Circulatory complex, the wholefood complex and the vitamins and minerals. The MultiPlus with Cardio Health Essentials is designed as a support for those looking for a general approach to heart and vascular health support. What about those who are looking for more than general daily support? 34

35 27/07/2016 How can we build programmes that will give the best results based on an individual s specific needs? Here are some suggestions COQ10 Key enzyme in the final stages of energy production This would be the form of choice if optimum cardiovascular health is to be the goal. The heart cells require a constant source of energy. Ubiquinol s superior absorption and utilisation means this vital enzyme can play its part in energy production for the heart and blood vessels. NutriNano Q10 also has superior bioavailability over standard oil or dry forms of Q10 and would make an excellent option if preferred. D-Ribose. The backbone of the ATP molecule so energy production is dependent on Ribose levels. Supplementing with Ribose increases the speed of ATP production especially in the heart and muscles. Carnitine Carrying fatty acids into the cells and their mitochondria so they can be burned as a source of energy. The Solgar complex has 4 forms of carnitine, 2 of which are bound to amino acids, taurine and arginine, which enhances their application here because taurine and arginine also have cardiovascular functions. Fish oils Further supplementation will give greater anti-inflammatory, circulatory and energy support. Solgar s Triple Strength Fish Oil provides high doses of EPA and DHA whilst the Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil and the Double Strength Fish Oil are also excellent options with higher than average EPA/DHA levels. Magnesium Citrate Magnesium is required for the relaxation of the muscle layer in the blood vessels which helps the circulation but also helps to reduce the potential damage caused by increases in pressure. Key energy nutrient, playing a part in blood sugar regulation Key supporting nutrient during stress. Homocysteine modulators Contain TMG, B6, B12 and folic acid and all of these are methyl donors. Methylation of homocysteine reduces the potential damage it can cause to the vascular system. Gold Specifics Cardiovascular Support A combination of many of the ingredients listed above including CoQ10, carnitine, magnesium and TMG and at good levels too. If the programme requires broad enhancement this is a cost effective way of supplying those key products. For internal training purposes only. 35

36 27/07/2016 Resveratrol Supports vascular health through improving dilation and helping to reduce glycation. It also helps reduce damage to the heart muscle when oxygen levels are reduced. Has anti-inflammatory potential. Arginine Helps release nitric oxide, a vasodilator which aids circulation and would be particularly helpful when supporting the heart during moderate exercise or exertion. Bilberry Horse Chestnut complex Contains Bilberry, Horse Chestnut, Bromelain and Rutin with extracts from Grape seed, Yarrow, Lime blossom, Hawthorne Berry, Gotu Kola and Cayenne. A comprehensive range of botanicals to support the arteries, veins and capillaries including structural support of vascular walls, inflammation and blood viscosity. Phytosterols Block the absorption and reabsorption of cholesterol through the gut, allowing its removal via the gut Plays a part in controlling blood cholesterol levels. Olive leaf Shows antioxidant protection May also influence vasodilation of the coronary arteries which ensure blood flow to the heart muscle.. Balance Rhodiola The extra nutrient and botanical support would be helpful targeting support during stress. Rhodiola also has a modulating effect on the hypothalamus so may have potential role in reducing the oversensitivity which triggers that excess cortisol release. For internal training purposes only. 36

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39 Thank you for being part of the Solgar elearning programme. 39

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