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1 ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS - REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM GROUP 3 CHAPTER 28 QUESTIONS AMANDA HUYNH, TUYEN PHAM, NGOC VU, AND ELBA 1. Which hormone initiates the changes in puberty? A. FSH (initiates follicular growth) B. ICSH (is LH in male) C. Testosterone (steroid male hormone) D. GnRH (the first to initiate the sequence of pituitary hormones release including FSH,LH,ICSH) E. LH Rationale: GnRH is the first hormone (secreted by hypothalamus) to initiate the sequence of pituitary hormones release. GnRH stimulate secretion of FSH and LH/ICSH which then stimulate secretion of sex hormones. [ Figure (pg. 1160) ] 2. The shedding and bleeding of the deciduas during menses is directly caused by low level of A. FSH B. LH C. Sex steroids D. GnRH E. ICSH Rationale: the declining levels of progesterone and estrogens stimulate release of prostaglandins that cause the uterine spiral arterioles to constrict blood, mucus, tissue fluid, epithelial cells shred from endothelium. (Page 1161) 3. The mature follicle is also called a (Page 1161) A. Graafian follicle B. Granulosa cell C. Primary follicle D. Secondary follicle E. Stromal cell Rationale: Usually the one dominant follicle becomes the mature (Graafian) follicle, which continue to enlarge to be ready for ovulation. B= layers of cells surrounding follicular cells nourish the developing oocyte and begin to secret estrogen as the follicle grow larger 4. Which of these is NOT a function of ESTROGEN?( page 1161) A. Decrease adipose B. Breast development C. Increase protein anabolism D. Moderate level of estrogen inhibit release of GnRH and LH and FSH E. Increase blood cholesterol level Rationale: (increase adipose at the breast, hips, pubic, abdominal area, etc. which support secondary female sex characteristics) 1

2 5. What area experiences the greatest changes in a menstrual cycle? A. Vagina B. Perimetrium C. Cervix D. Endometrium E. Uterus Rationale: (Endometrium is thinned or thickened throughout different phases of the female reproductive cycle) 6. Where is the majority of progesterone produced? A. Graafian follicle B. Corpus luteum C. Secondary follicle D. Adrenal cortex E. Primordial follicle Rationale: stimulated by LH, the Corpus luteum produces & secretes progesterone, estrogens, relaxin, and inhibin. Pg Which structure is formed following ovulation? A. Graafian follicle B. Secondary oocyte C. Corpus luteum D. Coronal radiate E. Primary follicle Rationale: at Postovulatory phase, The a interna cells mix with the granulosa cells as they all become transformed into corpus luteum cells under the influence of LH. 8. All of the following are true about breast cancer treatment EXCEPT: (page 1172) A. Staging which shows the size and spread of malignancy B. Identifying the present of BCRA (Breast cancer tumor marker) predicting risk for optimum treatment C. Performing breast sparing surgery (lumpectomy) D. Incorporating chemotherapy as an adjunct to surgery E. Hormone therapy Rationale: B= this is screening for breast cancer not a treatment phase, all other answers are treatment phases. 9. Which statement is true regarding to testosterone level? A. Increase risk of prostate cancer B. Little or no libido can indicate the sign of low testosterone C. Testosterone promotes aggregation and violence D. Abstinence increases testosterone level in men E. Increase during female puberty Rationale: A= cause by PSA that produced by prostate epithelial cells- enlarge prostate C= masculine but not violence D= abstinence = no sexual intercourse decrease testosterone) 2

3 E= increase during male puberty 10. AIDS virus can be transmitted under specific condition and through infected bodily fluid EXCEPT: A. Blood B. Feces C. Semen D. Plasma E. Breast milk Rationale refers to Roxy s presentation 11. The most effective method of treating HIV virus is targeted at limiting replication of cells by the administration of which type of medication? A. Antifungal B. Antiretroviral C. Antiviral D. Antibiotic E. Antidepressant Refers to Roxy s presentation and because HIV is family of retrovirus and especially it destroys T-helper cell and CD4, massively decrease therefore, the infected person s immune response become weak and susceptible to any opportunistic infections. 12. Which statement is true about breasts and their functions: page 1158 A. Breasts are supported by and attached to the chest wall, resting on the scapular chest muscle. B. The ejection of milk is stimulating by prolactin hormone C. The areola deliver milk via the opening of the nipple D. Fibrosis, cyst, mastitis contribute more than 70% added risk to developing breast cancer E. The major hormones affecting breast are progesterone, estrogen, and prolactin Rationale: A= Anterior to pectoralis major and serratus anterior muscles B= Oxytocin= milk ejection ; prolactin = stimulating or making milk C = the circular pigmented area of skin surrounding the nipple, contains sebaceous(oil) gland E= Correct and also responsible for making (synthesis) of milk 13. About half of people who become infected with HIV are: A. Develop abnormal discharge from penis and vagina within a few days B. Experience flu-like symptoms within a few weeks C. Develop a rash within 3-10 days D. Develop genital warts (Genital herpes not HIV infected patients) E. Develop chancre during primary stage (Syphilis not HIV) Rationale: A= Abnormal discharge are likely applied to Gonorrhea B= very nonspecific C= Applied more to Genital herpes, HSV-2 D = Chancre=characteristic of Syphillis Also refers to Roxy s presentation 3

4 14. At what age, the hormone-directed changes start to occur? (page 1170) A. 15 B. 10 C. 12 D. 18 E The puberty is marked by (page 1170) A. Pulse or burst of ADH (function in water reabsorptions) B. Pulse or burst of hgh (stimulate general body growth and regulate aspect of metabolism) C. Pulse or burst of TSH( function in gland developments) D. Pulse or burst of LH &FSH (trigger by GnRH) E. Pulse or burst of ACTH &MSH ( secrete melanin, protein breakdown and provide resistance to stress) 16. Which method is 100% reliable for preventing pregnancy? (table 28.3 page 1165) A. Surgical sterilization B. Spermicides C. Hormonal methods D. Complete abstinence E. Period abstinence Rationale: A= if done correctly, it is close to 100% effective. The procedure can be reversed, but the chance of regaining fertility only 30-40% B= the perfect-use failure rate is 15% and typical use is 29% C= one of the most effective methods, but the perfect use failure rate is less than 1% D= the avoidance of sexual intercourse E= the effectiveness is poor in many women due to the irregularity of the reproductive cycle and the fertility is very likely if intercourse occurs 1 or 2 days before ovulation 17. All of the following are the benefits of oral contraceptives, EXCEPT: A. Regulation the length of menstrual cycle B. Reduce hypertension C. Decrease menstrual flow D. Reduce the risk of endometriosis E. Provide protection, endometrial, ovarian cancer Rationale: oral contraceptives -> block implantation in the uterus and inhibit the transport of ova and sperm in the uterine tube. The benefits are regulation of the length of menstrual cycle and decreased menstrual flow (decreased risk of anemia), also provide protection against endometrial and ovarian cancer and reduce the risk of endometriosis. (Page 1166) 4

5 18. Which method can provide the protection against sexual transmitted disease (STDs) A. Intrauterine device (IUD) B. Spermicides C. Hormonal therapy D. Barrier method (practice safe sex) E. Oral contraceptives Rationale: in addition to prevent pregnancy, certain barrier methods (male condom and vaginal pouch) may also provide some protection against sexual transmitted disease (STDs) such as ADIS. In contrast, oral contraceptives and IUDs confer no such protection. (Barrier Methods, page 1166) 19. All of the following are true about oral contraceptive, EXCEPT: A. Contains hormones designed to prevent pregnancy B. COCs action is to inhibit ovulation by suppressing the gonaldotropins hormones FSH and LH C. Block implantation in the uterus D. Inhibit the transportation of sperm and ova in the uterine tubes E. Contains estrogen and progesterone, act by inhibiting FSH and LH (page 1166) Rationale: oral contraceptive contains estrogen and progestin; inhibit ovulation by suppressing LH and FSH (page 1166) 20. All embryos have the following external structure, EXCEPT: (page 1169) A. Urethra grove B. Clitoris C. Genital tubercle D. Labioscrotal swelling E. Urethral (urogenital) folds Rationale: In male embryos, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) stimulates the development of the urethra, prostate and external genitals. Part of genital tubercle elongates and develops into penis. In Female embryos, due to the absence of DHT, the genital tubercle gives rise to the clitoris (page 1170). 21. Which of the following hormone that combined oral contraceptives (COCs) suppress in order to prevent pregnancy? (Page 1166) A. Progesterone and estrogen (inhibit ovulation by suppressing LH and FSH. The low level of these two hormones usually prevent the development of a dominant follicle in the ovary B. FSH & LH ( secrete estrogen in female and progesterone and testosterone in male for fertility) C. Testosterone (male sex hormone) D. Prolactin and oxytocin (secreting and ejecting milk) E. Inhibin and relaxin (inhibit FSH & reduce LH respectively) 5

6 22. Which of the following is NOT the result of menopause? A. Increase bone mineral density (decrease due to the loss of estrogen) B. Decline production of estrogen C. Insomnia D. Atrophy of ovaries and breasts E. Moodswing 23. Progesterone is secreted from a female s to help the implanted embryo and continue the pregnancy: A. Corpus luteum (progesterone, estrogen, inhibin, relaxin) B. Mesoderm (middle layer between Ectoderm and Endoderm, the three layers of germ layer in the very early embryo) C. Endoderm D. Thyroid E. Ovary (estrogen) 24. Ovulation occurs in which of the following phase? (page 1162 fig 28.24) A. Menstrual B. Secretory C. Proliferation D. Follicle E. Postovulatory phase Rationale: A= first phase, first 5days of cycle, progesterone and estrogen level decline (happens in uterus) B= postovulatory phase in uterine phase C= for ovarian cycle (follicular phase, ovulation, and luteal phase ; for uterine cycle (menstrual, proliferative, and secretory phase), therefore ovulation happens in proliferative phase of uterine cycle. D=ovarian cycle=luteal phase; uterine cycle=secretory phase 25. Where does spermatogenesis occur? (page 1131) A. Seminiferous tubules B. Corpus spongiosum C. Prostate gland D. Scrotum E. Epididymis Rationale: A= tightly coil tubules where sperms are produce. The process is called spermatogenesis. B=prevent urethra pinching closed during erection therefore maintain urethra as a viable channel for ejaculation. C= gland, D= function as a sag and maintain the temperature. E= tightly coiled tube connecting to efferent duct from each of testicles to vas deferent, function in storage of sperm and ejaculant 6

7 26. Where does fertilization occur? Page1151 A. Ovaries (produce female gametes) B. Vagina (receives penis during sexual intercourse) C. Fallopian tubes (ampulla of uterine tubes) D. Infundibulum E. Urethra (passageway for urinary secretion) 27. Which of the following anchor the ovary to the pelvic wall? (page 1143) A. Broad ligament B. Suspensory ligament C. Mesovarium D. Ovarian ligament E. Hilum Rationale: A= connects the sides of the uterus to the walls and floor of the pelvis. B=attached the ovary to the pelvis wall. C= doubled-layered fold of peritoneum, portion of broad ligament, anchor the ovaries to broad ligament. C= anchors the ovaries to the uterus. E=enter/exit for blood vessels and nerves along which mesovarium is attched 28. Which muscles responses to the regulation of temperature of the testes? Page1130 A. Bulbospongiosus muscle B. Dartos and cremaster muscles C. Gluteus maximus muscle (buttock muscle) D. Ischiocavernosus E. Multifidus Rationale: A=contribute to erection, ejaculation in male and clitoral erection in female; also the feel of orgasm both gender. B=When temperature decrease cremaster move testes closer to the body to absorb the body heat and dartos tights the testes to prevent heat loss. Reverse action when temperature is increased. D=helps reflex anus, stabilizes the erected penis. E=thin, deep muscle of the back 29. Which of the following statement is correct for the pathway of sperm from production to ejaculation? A. Ejaculatory duct prostatic urethra membraneous urethra spongy urethra external urethra orifice ductus deferens Seminiferous tubules straight tubules rete testes epididymis. B. external urethra orifice ductus deferens Seminiferous tubules straight tubules rete testes epididymis Ejaculatory duct prostatic urethra membraneous urethra spongy urethra. C. Seminiferous tubules straight tubules rete testes epididymis Ejaculatory duct prostatic urethra membraneous urethra spongy urethra external urethra orifice ductus deferens D. Seminiferous tubules straight tubules rete testes epididymis ductus deferens Ejaculatory duct prostatic urethra membraneous urethra spongy urethra external urethra orifice Rationale: reference to page 91 Lab book exercise 10 7

8 30. Androgen is a hormone that promotes: A. The development of masculine characteristics B. The growth, development, and maintenance of female reproductive system. C. Functions of the ovarian cycle D. Spermatogenesis 8

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