C h a p t e r 4. Learning Objectives. Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to

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1 C h a p t e r 4 Musculoskeletal System Learning Objectives Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to Identify and define the combining forms, prefixes, and suffixes introduced in this chapter. Correctly spell and pronounce medical terms and major anatomical structures relating to the musculoskeletal system. Locate and describe the major organs of the musculoskeletal system and their functions. Correctly place bones in either the axial or the appendicular skeleton. List and describe the components of a long bone. Identify bony projections and depressions. Identify the parts of a synovial joint. Describe the characteristics of the three types of muscle tissue. Use movement terminology correctly. Identify and define musculoskeletal system anatomical terms. Identify and define selected musculoskeletal system pathology terms. Identify and define selected musculoskeletal system diagnostic procedures. Identify and define selected musculoskeletal system therapeutic procedures. Identify and define selected medications relating to the musculoskeletal system. Define selected abbreviations associated with the musculoskeletal system. 78 Chapter 4/Musculoskeletal System 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.

2 Worksheet 4A New Combining Form, Prefix, and Suffix Handout Directions: For each combining form, prefix, and suffix below write out its meaning. Then locate a new term from the chapter that uses the word part and its meaning. Combining Forms Meaning Chapter Term Meaning 1. ankyl/o 2. arthr/o 3. articul/o 4. burs/o 5. carp/o 6. cervic/o 7. chondr/o 8. clavicul/o 9. coccyg/o 10. cortic/o 11. cost/o 12. crani/o 13. femor/o 14. fibul/o 15. humer/o 16. ili/o 17. ischi/o 18. kyph/o 19. lamin/o 20. lord/o 21. lumb/o 22. mandibul/o 23. maxill/o 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 4/Musculoskeletal System 79

3 Combining Forms Meaning Chapter Term Meaning 24. medull/o 25. metacarp/o 26. metatars/o 27. myel/o 28. orth/o 29. oste/o 30. patell/o 31. ped/o 32. pelv/o 33. phalang/o 34. pod/o 35. pub/o 36. radi/o 37. sacr/o 38. scapul/o 39. scoli/o 40. spin/o 41. spondyl/o 42. stern/o 43. synovi/o 44. synov/o 45. tars/o 46. thorac/o 47. tibi/o 48. uln/o 49. vertebr/o 80 Chapter 4/Musculoskeletal System 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.

4 Combining Forms Meaning Chapter Term Meaning 50. duct/o 51. extens/o 52. fasci/o 53. fibr/o 54. flex/o 55. kinesi/o 56. muscul/o 57. my/o 58. myocardi/o 59. myos/o 60. plant/o 61. rotat/o 62. ten/o 63. tend/o 64. tendin/o 65. vers/o Suffixes 66. -blast 67. -clasia 68. -desis 69. -listhesis 70. -porosis 71. -asthenia 72. -ion 73. -kinesia 74. -tonia 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 4/Musculoskeletal System 81

5 Prefixes Meaning Chapter Term Meaning 75. ab- 76. ad- 77. circum- 78. e- 79. in- 82 Chapter 4/Musculoskeletal System 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.

6 Worksheet 4B Medical Term Analysis Directions: Below are terms built from word parts used in this chapter that are not analyzed in the Word Building Table. Many are built from word parts you have learned in previous chapters. Analyze each term presented below and list and define the word parts used to build each term. Medical Term Word Part Analysis 1. osteocyte 2. osteoblast 3. articular 4. kyphosis 5. scoliosis 6. orthotic 7. osteogenic 8. osteomalacia 9. osteoporosis 10. spondylolisthesis 11. osteoarthritis 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 4/Musculoskeletal System 83

7 Medical Term Word Part Analysis 12. systemic 13. arthrography 14. arthroscopy 15. arthroplasty 16. myoneural 17. electromyography 18. atrophy 19. pseudohypertrophic 20. fibromyalgia 84 Chapter 4/Musculoskeletal System 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.

8 Worksheet 4C Unscramble Directions: Unscramble each medical term below. A definition for the term is given below each scrambled term. 1. m r a o f e l Pertaining to the thigh 2. l a t e a l p r Pertaining to the knee cap 3. t a o s c l Pertaining to a rib 4. b l a d i a n m u r Pertaining to the lower jaw 5. p a c u s r a l Pertaining to the shoulder blade 6. l u c v i l a r a c Pertaining to the collar bone 7. l i s o c o i s s _ Abnormal lateral curvature of the spine 8. p a r a i o r d h g y Imaging procedure using X-rays 9. o c t u r a n r t e c Abnormal shortening of muscle fibers 10. r t t o i o h c Orthopedic appliance, such as a brace 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 4/Musculoskeletal System 85

9 Worksheet 4D Sound It Out Directions: The following are some of the key terms from this chapter written as their phonetic spellings. Sound out each term and write it in the blank. Pronunciations for all terms are included in the glossary at the end of the book and in the audio glossary located on Medical Terminology Interactive. 1. figh-broh-my-al-jee-ah 2. brad-ee-kih-nee-see-ah 3. KON-droh-plas-tee 4. mack-sih-lair-ree 5. ee-lek-troh-my-oh-gram 6. or-tho-sis 7. sin-oh-vee-al 8. FEM-or-all 9. ILL-ee-ack 10. in-ter-ver-teh-bral 11. ber-sigh-tis 12. met-ah-car-pal 13. FIB-yoo-lar 14. ar-thro-sen-tee-sis 15. kray-nee-ott-oh-mee 16. my-oh-rek-sis _ 17. oss-tee-oh-mi-ell-eye-tis 18. skoh-lee-oh-sis 19. pa-tell-ar 20. pross-thee-sis _ 21. ray-dee-og-rah-fee 22. spon-dih-low-sis 23. oss-tee-oh-por-roh-sis 24. ten-oh-din-ee-ah 25. kon-track-chur 86 Chapter 4/Musculoskeletal System 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.

10 Worksheet 4E Word Search Puzzle Directions: Find and circle the answer for each fill-in-the-blank question in the word search puzzle. W C O M P R E S S I O N G S A I S A L C O R H T R A T I R G M A L R C T N N Q S G Q R S I R E K Y R B K I L J E T N C D B V K H D D A S E N A N U L P P B M E Y I N E R Y C X H T C M P M S S M C Q T L R K U M O O O T A A F I D K N L M H R H I G R N O K R P V C T B P C I T H N E B J Q L R I Y K L N G T F C G B F O F K M Y I S Y N D J M P 1. The bones are joined together by to form the skeleton. 2. Orthopedic surgeons are also referred to as. 3. The anatomical name for the breast bone is the. 4. is a term meaning to surgically break a joint. 5. is a term meaning inside the skull. 6. A fracture results in loss of height of a vertebral body. 7. is a chronic condition with widespread aching and pain in the muscles and fibrous soft tissue. 8. A fracture is commonly seen in children. 9. An abnormal increase in the normal outward curvature of the thoracic spine is called. 10. means to realign the bones in a fracture or dislocation Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 4/Musculoskeletal System 87

11 Worksheet 4F Crossword Puzzle Directions: Use the definitions given to complete the crossword puzzle ACROSS 1 Imaging procedure using x-rays 4 arthritis is an autoimmune disease 6 Externally applied brace or splint 8 Abnormal lateral curvature of the spine 10 Artificial device used to substitute for a missing body part 11 Fracture with a line straight across the shaft of bone DOWN 1 Procedure to correct fracture by realigning bone 2 Arthritis caused by loss of cartilage cushion covering bone 3 Osteogenic is the most common type of bone cancer 5 An fracture line runs on an angle to the bone shaft 7 Slight fracture caused by repetitive low-impact forces 9 Sudden, involuntary, strong muscle contraction 88 Chapter 4/Musculoskeletal System 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.

12 Crossword Puzzle Directions: Use the definitions given to complete the crossword puzzle ACROSS 2 Procedure to stabilize fractured bone 6 Chronic condition with widespread muscle aching and pain 8 Fracture in which broken bone causes open skin wound 9 Abnormal shortening of muscle fibers 10 Damage to the muscles or tendons from overstretching 11 Medical term for swayback DOWN 1 Fracture with shattered bone 3 Anatomical name for the lower jaw 4 Fracture with incomplete break 5 Joint is displaced from normal alignment 7 Medical term for hunchback 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 4/Musculoskeletal System 89

13 Worksheet 4G Chapter Review Anatomy and Physiology 1. The four classifications of bones by their shape are _, _, _, and _. 2. Dense and hard exterior surface bone is called _ or _ bone. 3. A _ is a large, smooth, ball-shaped process on the end of a long bone. 4. The bones that form the central axis for the whole body are part of the _ skeleton. 5. The pectoral girdle consists of the _ and _. 6. The most common type of joint in the body is a _ joint. 7. Visceral muscle is another name for _ muscle. 8. _ muscles are voluntary. 9. _ is movement away from the midline. 10. A _ anchors a muscle to a bone. Word Building Directions: Build a term that means: 1. cartilage softening 2. fusion of a joint _ 3. pertaining to between vertebrae 4. bone and cartilage tumor 5. pertaining to the femur 6. pertaining to the breast bone 7. lack of tone 8. study of movement 9. incision into fascia 10. record of muscle electricity 90 Chapter 4/Musculoskeletal System 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.

14 Matching 1. clavicle 2. phalanges 3. exostosis 4. orthotic 5. comminuted 6. greenstick 7. HNP 8. subluxation 9. RA a. Brace or splint b. Realigning bones in a fracture c. Fracture commonly seen in children d. Procedure to stabilize a joint e. Loss of bone mass f. Abnormal shortening of muscle fibers g. Bone spur h. Sudden, strong muscle contraction i. Fracture with shattered bone 10. spina bifida 11. osteoporosis 12. prosthesis 13. crepitation 14. DXA 15. reduction 16. NSAIDs 17. contracture 18. spasm 19. fibromyalgia 20. carpal tunnel syndrome 21. torticollis 22. adhesion 23. MD 24. sprain 25. tenodesis j. Wryneck k. Noise from two bones rubbing together l. Inherited muscle degeneration disease m. Considered an autoimmune disease n. Damage to ligaments around a joint o. Fingers p. Aching and pain in muscles and soft tissue q. Collarbone r. Scar tissue in the fascia s. Device to substitute a missing body part t. Protruding intervertebral disk u. Provide mild pain relief v. Measures bone density w. Congenital anomaly x. A repetitive motion disorder y. Incomplete dislocation 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 4/Musculoskeletal System 91

15 Name Date Score Quiz 4A New Word Parts Quiz Directions: Define the combining form or suffix in the spaces provided. 1. arth/o 2. carp/o 3. cost/o 4. lord/o 5. scoli/o 6. medull/o _ 7. myel/o 8. lumb/o 9. thorac/o _ 10. spondyl/o 11. fasci/o 12. myos/o 13. plant/o 14. tend/o 15. kinesi/o 16. fibr/o 17. my/o 18. synovi/o _ 19. orth/o 20. circum tonia 22. -asthenia _ 23. -desis 24. -clasia 25. -listhesis _ 92 Chapter 4/Musculoskeletal System 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.

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