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1 BIOL 252 LAB Winter 2018 NERVOUS SYSTEM LABS Name NOTE: Except as otherwise indicated in this manual, you are responsible for knowing a function of any organ, tissue, structure or cell listed below on lab models, prepared specimens, or microscope slides. [no function] means you don t need a function for that structure. When answering exam questions, always give the most specific answer possible. E.g., superior colliculus is a much more specific answer than corpora quadrigemina. BRAIN MODELS AND SHEEP BRAIN Except as otherwise indicated, know on both models and sheep brains. Underlined structures can and should be found on sheep brains. Meninges and general brain structures Arachnoid Choroid plexuses Dura mater Dural sinuses Note: All dural sinuses have the same general function. Know on both models and sheep brains: cavernous sinus, superior sagittal sinus, confluence of sinuses Know on models only: straight sinus, transverse sinus, sigmoid sinus, inferior petrosal sinus, superior petrosal sinus Epidural space (spinal cord model only) Falx cerebri Hypophysis (pituitary gland) Pia mater Subarachnoid space (models only) Subdural space (models only) [no function] Tentorium cerebelli Cerebrum Corpus callosum: genu and body (trunk) Fornix Lateral ventricles Lobes: frontal, occipital, parietal, temporal, insula (all on brain models only) Longitudinal fissure [no function] Olfactory bulb and olfactory tract Septum pellucidum Specific gyri: precentral, postcentral, and superior temporal gyri (all on models only) Specific sulci [no function for the sulci] (all on models only): lateral sulcus (of Sylvius), central sulcus (of Rolondo) White and gray matter (know composition of each) 1

2 Cerebellum Arbor vitae Cerebellar cortex Fourth ventricle Diencephalon is a region that contains: Anterior and posterior commissures Hypophysis (or pituitary gland) and infundibulum Hypothalamus Interventricular foramen (or foramen of Monro) Mamillary bodies Optic chiasma Optic nerve (II) Optic tract Pineal (or pineal gland or pineal body or cerebri epiphysis) Thalamus massa intermedia (intermediate mass or middle commissure or interthalamic adhesion) Third ventricle Midbrain (mesencephalon) Cerebral aqueduct Cerebral peduncle Oculomotor nerve (III), trochlear nerve (IV) Corpora quadrigemina composed of: Superior colliculus, inferior colliculus (plural is colliculi) Tectum (or tectal lamina or tectal plate) Pons Cranial nerves: Trigeminal nerve (V), Abducens nerve (VI), facial nerve (VII), vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII) Medulla oblongata Fourth ventricle Cranial nerves: glossopharyngeal nerve (IX), vagus nerve (X), spinal accessory nerve (XI), hypoglossal nerve (XII) (all on models only) Pyramids (models only) Cranial Nerves Know all 12 nerves on models Know ONLY the following nerves on sheep brains: optic (II), oculomotor (III), trochlear (IV), trigeminal (V), abducens (VI) - i.e, II through VI Ventricle models Cerebral aqueduct (aqueduct of Sylvius) Choroid plexuses Interventricular foramen (foramen of Monro) - 2 -

3 Lateral and median apertures Lateral ventricles, third and fourth ventricles Massa intermedia (part of thalamus: the hole in the third ventricle of ventricle model) Cerebrospinal fluid pathway Know the path that cerebrospinal fluid takes to get from the choroid plexus of a lateral ventricle to the superior sagittal sinus. Spinal Cord Models and Slides* (asterisked structures are those to be viewed on slides also) Know a function except structures marked [no function] Central canal* Commissures: dorsal* and ventral gray*; ventral white Dorsal median sulcus* [no function] Dorsal root ganglion Dorsal and ventral roots Ependymal cells (lining of central canal slides only) Gray matter: dorsal*, lateral*, and ventral* horns On models only, know the cell body locations and axon pathway for: somatic motor (efferent), somatic sensory (afferent), visceral motor, and visceral sensory neurons Meninges: dura mater*, arachnoid, pia mater*, epidural space, epidural adipose tissue subdural space [no function], subarachnoid space Ramus communicans Spinal nerve, dorsal and ventral rami of spinal nerve (some models) Sympathetic ganglia and sympathetic chain (models only) Ventral median fissure* [no function] White matter: dorsal*, lateral*, and ventral* columns Know the location in or near the spinal cord of the following: somatic motor neuron cell body somatic sensory neuron cell body visceral motor neuron cell body visceral sensory neuron cell body For each of the above, be able to find and trace on a diagram the path from dendrite to axon terminal. Know a function for each of these neuron types. Nerve Slides (c.s. and l.s.) Axon Endoneurium Epineurium Fascicle Myelin (myelin sheath) Node of Ranvier (l.s. only) Perineurium Schwann cell (neurilemmocyte) - 3 -

4 EYE AND EAR MODELS AND SLIDES Eye Models Anterior cavity: anterior and posterior chambers, contain aqueous humor Choroid coat Ciliary body: ciliaris muscle and ciliary processes Cornea Extrinsic muscles: superior, inferior, medial, and lateral rectus superior and inferior oblique Iris Lacrimal gland: excretory ducts of lacrimal gland lacrimal canaliculi, lacrimal (nasolacrimal) sac Lens Limbus [no function] Optic nerve Posterior cavity: contains vitreous humor (or body) Pupil Retina Fovea centralis, optic disc (blind spot) Sclera Suspensory ligaments Eye Slides Anterior cavity: anterior and posterior chambers (aqueous humor) Choroid Ciliaris (ciliary muscle) Ciliary processes Cornea Corneal epithelium Iris Ocular (bulbar) conjunctiva (extends to edge of corneal epithelium) Palpebra (eyelid) Palpebral conjunctiva (lines inner surface of eyelids) Posterior cavity (vitreous humor) Retina: Optic disk (some slides only) Optic nerve Rods and cones layer Sclera Scleral venous sinus (canal of Schlemm) Ear Models External ear External auditory canal Pinna (auricle) Tympanic membrane - 4 -

5 Middle ear Auditory (Eustachian) tube Auditory ossicles: malleus, incus, stapes Tensor tympani muscle Tympanic membrane Inner ear models Ampulla Cochlea Basilar membrane Cochlear duct (scala media) Organ of Corti, hair cells Tectorial membrane Tympanic duct (scala tympani) Vestibular membrane Vestibular duct (scala vestibuli) Oval window (located under the stapes on some models) Round window Semicircular canal (bony labyrinth: contains perilymph) Semicircular duct (membranous labyrinth: contains endolymph) Spiral ganglion, vestibular ganglion Vestibule (perilymph): saccule and utricle (endolymph) Vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII) Cochlear branch Vestibular branch Ear Slides (labeled crista ampullaris and cochlea) Ampulla Crista ampullaris Basilar membrane Cochlear duct (scala media) Endolymph (in membranous labyrinth) Organ of Corti Hair cells Perilymph (in bony labyrinth) Spiral ganglion Tectorial membrane Tympanic duct (scala tympani) Vestibular duct (scala vestibuli) Vestibular membrane Vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII) (not on all slides) Cochlear branch of VIII Vestibular branch of VIII END LAB PRACTICAL #1 MATERIAL - 5 -

6 Name BEGIN LAB PRACTICAL #2 MATERIAL ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Introduction - Endocrinology is the study of the structure and function of the endocrine glands and their hormones. We will examine microscope slides of endocrine glands and relate their structures to their functions. We will study the gross anatomy of these organs using models this term. Endocrine gross anatomy on the cadavers will be covered next term in 253. Microscope Slides Space is provided below the name of each gland to allow you to sketch what you see. Clues are provided to help you identify many of the structures. For each slide, be able to identify the gland, structures, zones, or cells listed as well as the: hormone each produces, the cause of the hormone s release, the hormone's target, and the hormone s effect on the target organ. As usual, you are also responsible for the functions of any other structures listed as well. 1. Hypophysis - See slides labeled as such or pituitary cat or hypophysis cat. Identify also: adenohypophysis (or anterior pituitary or pars distalis), neurohypophysis (or posterior pituitary or pars nervosa), pars intermedia Note that the neurohypophysis and the hypothalamus have the same color and texture, while the adenohypophysis has a darker stain and a more textured appearance. What is the reason for this difference in staining? The pars intermedia is a heavily nucleated band that circles and adheres tightly to the neurohypophysis

7 2. Thyroid Gland - See slides labeled as thyroid gland or parathyroid gland. Identify also: colloid, follicles, follicular cells, parafollicular cells (or C cells) Hints: Any cell that comes in contact with the pink colloid is a follicular cell. Parafollicular cells are located between the follicles, are not part of follicles, and do not contact colloid. 3. Parathyroid Glands - See slides labeled as parathyroid gland monkey. Hints: The parathyroid gland is found embedded in the posterior surface of the thyroid gland, so all of the structures listed under the thyroid gland can also be seen on this slide. The parathyroid will appear as an oval, heavily nucleated, and darkly stained area

8 4. Adrenal Glands - See slides labeled as Adrenal Gland. Identify also: adrenal cortex, capsule, adrenal medulla (containing chromaffin cells), sinusoids, zona fasciculata, zona glomerulosa, zona reticularis Hints: If you find a good slide the three zones and the capsule will stand out clearly. The medulla will contain openings where sinusoids pass between the chromaffin cells

9 5. Pancreas - See slides labeled as: pancreas human and pancreas monkey. Identify also: cells of acini (acinar/acini cells), pancreatic islets (islets of Langerhans), pancreatic ducts (They have a lumen!) Hints: A pancreatic duct has a noticeable lumen in the center and is lined by a cuboidal or columnar epithelium; Islets are endocrine structures and so do not have ducts. The acini cells (with their associated ducts) surround the islets and make up most of the pancreas. Models of the Endocrine System Large Human Model: pituitary, thyroid, pancreas, adrenal glands Duodenum and Related Structures: pancreas, adrenal glands Larynx: thyroid and parathyroid glands Brains: hypothalamus, hypophysis, pineal - 9 -

10 REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMS Lab Equipment - Slides, models, charts, and cadavers A. Microscope Slides You will not find any one slide that will display all of the characteristics you are to identify, so it will be necessary to look at a variety of slides dealing with each subject. For example, a slide labeled "Ovary Cat" may have primary and secondary follicles, but no corpus luteum. In this case, there are slides labeled corpus luteum, but in other cases it may be just a matter of looking at a larger number of similarly labeled slides. 1. Spermatic Cord See slides labeled as: spermatic cord monkey Identify also: testicular vessels (These are arteries and veins just identify them as being testicular vessels.), vas deferens, cremaster muscle Structures contained in the spermatic cord:

11 2. Fallopian Tube (Oviduct) See slides labeled as such. Identify also: ciliated columnar epithelium, mucosal folds, muscular wall (muscularis), serosa. 3. Penis (c.s.) See slides labeled as: penis, monkey c.s. or penis fetal human Identify also: central (deep) artery, corpora cavernosa penis (CCP), corpus cavernosum urethrae (CCU or corpus spongiosum), urethra. Drawing

12 4. Testis See slides labeled as: Testis Monkey. Identify also: interstitial cells (of Leydig), seminiferous tubules, spermatids, spermatocytes, spermatogonia, spermatozoa, sustentacular cell nucleus (nurse or Sertoli cells). 5. Epididymis See slides labeled as such. Identify also: pseudostratified epithelium, spermatozoa, stereocilia

13 6. Ovaries See slides labeled as: ovary, ovarian follicles monkey, ovary monkey, cat ovary, corpus luteumovary human, corpus luteum of pregnancy human, mammalian ovary corpus luteum verum. Identify also: antrum, corona radiata, corpus albicans (see slide labeled as such), corpus luteum (see slide labeled as such), mammalian Graafian (mature) follicles, granulosa cells, oocyte, primary follicles, primordial follicles, secondary follicles, thecal cells, zona granulosa Please note that you will have to observe several slides to see all the stages of follicular development and atresia. If you are looking for a corpus luteum or a corpus albicans, use the appropriately labeled slides. Drawings:

14 B. Models of the Reproductive Systems Male Models of the midsagittal view of the male pelvis are available in lab. Using these models and the course text, you should be able to identify the structures listed. Know function(s) for structures marked with an asterisk (*). The cremaster muscle is not visible on the models, but know its function and location (**). abdominal cavity anal canal coccyx corpus cavernosum (CCP)* corpus spongiosum (CCU)* cremaster muscle** ductus (vas) deferens* ejaculatory duct* epididymis* external anal sphincter glans penis pampiniform plexus pelvic diaphragm penis* penile urethra prepuce prostate gland* pubic symphysis rectum sacrum scrotum* seminal vesicle* spermatic cord testis* urethral meatus/orifice urinary bladder vertebral canal Female Models of the midsagittal view of the female pelvic region are available in lab. Using these models, your text and Netter s atlas, you should be able to identify the structures listed below. Know function(s) for structures marked with an asterisk (*). anal canal cervical canal cervix clitoris coccyx endometrium* external and internal os fimbriae* fundus of uterus greater vestibular glands* infundibulum labium majus labium minus mons pubis myometrium* ovary* oviduct (uterine tube, fallopian tube)* pelvic diaphragm prepuce of clitoris pubic symphysis recto-uterine pouch rectum round ligament sacrum urethra* urinary bladder uterine cavity uterus* vagina* vaginal orifice vestibular bulbs* END LAB PRACTICAL #2 MATERIAL

Model 3-50B or 3-88 III VIII. Olfactory Nerve. Optic Nerve. Oculomotor Nerve. Trochlear Nerve. Trigeminal Nerve. Abducens Nerve.

Model 3-50B or 3-88 III VIII. Olfactory Nerve. Optic Nerve. Oculomotor Nerve. Trochlear Nerve. Trigeminal Nerve. Abducens Nerve. Model 3-50B or 3-88 I Olfactory Nerve II Optic Nerve Oculomotor Nerve III IV Trochlear Nerve Trigeminal Nerve V VI Abducens Nerve Glossopharyngeal Nerve IX VII Facial Nerve VIII Vestibocochlear Nerve or

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