Table of Contents: Part I: Introduction and Thorax

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1 Table of Contents: Part I: Introduction and Thorax Cartoon: The Four "Birds" of the Thorax 1 Planes of the body 2 Anatomic position 3 Some common movements 4 Skeletal landmarks (upper anterior) 5 Bones of the skeleton (lower anterior) 6 Skeletal landmarks (upper posterior) 7 Skeletal landmarks (lower posterior) 8 Muscles of anterior trunk 9 Muscles of anterior thorax and abdomen 10 Section through lactating breast 11 Fibrous supporting membranes in the breast 12 Lactating breast Cartoon: Coracoid process and acromion 13 Skeletal landmarks (thorax and upper arm) 14 Skeletal landmarks (pelvis and hip) 15 Anterior thoracic muscles 16 Muscle attachments of the anterior thorax 17 Anterior thoracic wall seen from inside 18 Contents of thorax with anterior wall removed 19 Intercostal muscles 20 Intercostal muscles 21 Cross section of thoracic wall with intercostal arteries 22 Section of thoracic wall with intercostal arteries 23 Arteries of the thorax and upper arm 24 Thoracic spinal nerve 25 The pericardium 26 The interior of the posterior pericardial sac with the heart removed and the great vessels cut 27 Exterior of the heart 28 Interior of the heart 29 Trace the course of blood through the heart 30 The heart: ventricles exposed 31 Base and diaphragmatic surface of heart 32 Right atrium and right ventricle 33 Left ventricle 34 Heart valves and valve action 35 The four heart valves Cartoon: Muscle 36 Coronary arteries (most common pattern) 37 Coronary veins 38 Cardiac conducting system 39 Cardiac fibrous skeleton 40 Aortic valve and its fibrous support 41 Nerves to the heart 42 Trachea, bronchi, and mediastinal surface of the lungs 43 Bronchopulmonary segments: left lung 44 Bronchopulmonary segments: right lung 45A Bronchopulmonary segment

2 45B Bronchopulmonary segment 46 Lungs and pleura 47 The pleura and pleural recesses 48 Trachea, esophagus, and vagus nerve 49 Right mediastinum 50 Left mediastinum 51 Diaphragm 52 Azygos vein and its tributaries 53 Blood flow in the fetus 54 Fetal heart in late development 55 Circulatory changes after birth 56 Thoracic splanchnic nerves 57 Autonomic nervous system 58 Thoracic duct and related structures 59 Mediastinum after removal of heart and pericardium 60 Cross section at thorax level of bifurcation of pulmonary trunk 61 Cross section of thorax just below pulmonary valve 62 Cross section of thorax just below aortic valve 63 Cross section of thorax at level of male nipple 64 Cross section of thorax with right dome of diaphragm and right lobe of liver Part II: The Abdomen Cartoon: Duodenum 1 Segmental innervation of the skin of the anterior trunk 2 Muscles of the anterior and lateral abdominal walls I 3 Muscles of the anterior and lateral abdominal walls II 4 Muscles and layers of the anterior abdominal wall 5 External abdominal oblique aponeurosis and superficial inguinal ring 6 Inguinal canal dissection 7 Inguinal ligament and related structures 8 Lower anterior abdomen wall viewed from the inside 9 Thoracic and abdominal viscera after removal of anterior thoracic and abdominal walls 10 Thorax and abdominal viscera in relation to the skeleton, anterior view 11 Frontal (coronal) section of the trunk 12 Thoracic and abdominal viscera, left aspect 13 Thoracic and abdominal viscera, right aspect 14 Thoracic and abdominal viscera in relation to the skeleton, posterior view 15 Midsagittal section of the female peritoneal cavity 16 The stomach 17 Blood supply of the stomach 18 Stomach, duodenum, and pancreas 19 Pancreas, duodenum, and spleen Cartoon: Some Latin anatomic terms 20 Celiac trunk and its branches 21 Nerve supply of the stomach 22 The liver (hepar)

3 23 Liver, visceral surface (posterior/inferior aspect) 24A The intestines I 24B The intestines II 25 Distribution of the superior mesenteric artery and vein 26 Blood supply of the jejunum 27 Blood supply to the small intestine 28 Mucosa of jejunum and ileum 29 Blood supply of large intestine 30 Ileocecal valve, vermiform appendix, terminal ileum, and cecum 31 Arterial supply of vermiform appendix, terminal ileum, and cecum 32 The hepatic portal system 33 Posterior abdominal wall, peritoneal attachments 34 Posterior abdominal wall, kidneys, and related structures 35 The kidney I 36 The kidney II 37 Posterior abdominal wall, showing principal muscles and nerves Part III: Pelvis and Perineum Cartoon: Testicle, Latin, little witness 1 Hip (coxal) bone, lateral aspect 2 Hip bone, medial aspect 3 Hip bone lines of fusion 4 Male pelvis dissection 5 Male pelvis median section 6 Male reproductive organs 7 The penis 8 Scrotum and spermatic cord 9 The testis 10 Urethral sphincter in the male 11 Male pelvis, frontal section I 12 Male pelvis, frontal section II 13 Pelvis and perineum 14 Muscles of male perineum 15 Nerves and arteries of the male perineum 16 Male pelvis and perineal muscles 17 Arterial supply of male pelvis 18 Male urogenital tract 19 Autonomic ganglia and nerves in the male abdomen and pelvis 20 Female perineum 21 Female erectile tissue 22 Clitoris and vestibular bulb 23 Female pelvis, median section 24 Female superficial perineal muscles 25 Nerves of female perineum 26 Arteries of the female perineum 27 The uterus 28 Female pelvic diaphragm and related structures

4 29 Female pelvis from the front and above 30 Uterus and related structures 31 Female pelvic diaphragm from above 32 Arterial supply of the female pelvis 33 Muscles on medial surface of pelvis 34 Female urogenital sphincter I 35 Female striated urethral sphincter II 36 Pelvis and ligaments Part IV: The Upper Limb Cartoon: Phalanx 1 Bones of the upper extremity, anterior aspect 2 Bones of the upper extremity, posterior aspect 3 Muscles of upper extremity I 4 Muscles of upper extremity II 5 Muscles of upper extremity III 6 Right scapula (shoulder blade) 7 The humerus 8 The radius and ulna 9 Bones of the hand (manus), palmar aspect 10 Bones of the hand (manus), dorsal aspect 11 Dissection of posterior shoulder and arm 12 Nerves and arteries of the posterior shoulder 13 Quadrangular space 14 The brachial plexus: general plan 15 Brachial plexus and its nerves 16 Arteries of the posterior shoulder and arm 17 Subclavian, axillary, and brachial arteries 18 Superficial veins and nerves of the anterior arm 19 Superficial veins and nerves of the posterior arm 20 Deep dissection of the posterior arm 21 Brachial plexus III 22 Nerves of the upper right limb 23 Biceps brachii: a flexor and supinator 24 Dissection of upper arm, anterior aspect 25 Anterior forearm dissection 26 Arteries and nerves of the anterior forearm 27 Brachial plexus and major nerves of the arm 28 Pronator teres and superficial wrist flexors 29 Musculocutaneous nerve and the muscles it supplies 30 Muscular distribution of the median nerve 31 Flexor digitorum superficialis muscle 32 Flexor pollicis longus, flexor digitorum profundus, and median nerve 33 Median nerve and deep dissection of the forearm 34 Motor distribution of the ulnar nerve 35 Motor distribution of the radial nerve I 36 Motor distribution of the radial nerve II 37 Bones of the hand 38 Palmar aponeurosis and anchoring connective tissue 39 Flexor retinaculum and superficial hand muscles 40 Deep thenar, hypothenar, and interosseous muscles

5 41 Interosseous and related muscles 42 Arteries of the hand 43 Deep palmar arch and deep branch of ulnar nerve 44 Nerves and arteries of the palm 45 Superficial palmar arch: median and ulnar nerves 46 Extensor tendons on dorsum of hand 47 Radial artery and superficial branch of radial nerve 48 Dorsum of hand 49 Palmar hand: deep dissection 50 Extensor tendons on dorsum of hand 51 Synovial flexor tendon sheaths 52 Synovial extensor tendon sheaths 53 Thumb muscles I 54 Thumb muscles II 55 Palmar interosseous muscles of the hand 56 Dorsal interosseous muscles of the hand 57 Some finger movements 58 Cutaneous nerve distribution on front of arm 59 Distribution of cutaneous nerves on back of upper limb 60 Muscle attachments of the anterior arm 61 Muscle attachments of the posterior arm 62 Muscle attachments on the anterior hand 63 Frontal (coronal) section of the right wrist and hand 64 Coronal section of the right shoulder 65 Ligaments of right shoulder joint, anterior view 66 Ligaments of the right shoulder joint, posterior view 67 Ligaments of the right elbow 68 Ligaments of the right elbow, anterior aspect 69 Sagittal section of right elbow 70 Frontal section of right elbow 71 Ligaments of the right wrist, palmar aspect 72 Ligaments of the right wrist, posterior aspect 73 Hand dissected 74 Wrist cross section 75 Hand cross section I 76 Hand cross section II Part V: Back 1 Superficial back muscles 2 Typical vertebrae 3 Rib vertebra articulation 4 Vertebral column 5 Back muscles I, superficial layer 6 Back muscles II, intermediate layers 7 Back muscles III, erector spinae 8 Back muscles IV, deepest muscles 9 Back muscles V, the multifidus 10 Back muscles VI, intertransversarii and interspinales 11 Ligaments of the posterior sacrum 12 Lumbar vertebrae 13 Sacrum 14 Cross section of cervical spinal cord

6 15 Spinal cord displayed from behind 16 The cauda equina of the spinal cord 17 Arterial supply and vascular pattern to a portion of the spinal cord 18 The intervertebral disks and internal vertebral venous plexus 19 Spinal cord, meninges, and internal vertebral venous plexus 20 Typical lumbar vertebra 21 Spinal cord and spinal nerves 22 Lumbosacral spine I 23 Lumbosacral spine II Part VI: The Lower Limb 1 Bones of the lower extremity 2 Superficial muscles of the right thigh, anterior view 3 Superficial muscles of the right thigh, lateral view 4 Superficial muscles of the right thigh, posterior view 5 Superficial muscles of the leg, anterior aspect 6 Superficial muscles of the right leg, lateral aspect 7 Superficial muscles of posterior leg 8 Muscles of medial right leg 9 Right coxal bone (innominate bone, hip bone) 10 Right hip bone (coxal bone) 11 The right femur 12 Right tibia and fibula Cartoon: Fibula and tibia 13 Bones of the right foot 14 Lumbar muscles 15 Arteries of the right thigh 16 Nerves of the lumbar plexus 17 Motor distribution of the femoral nerve, I 18 Motor distribution of the femoral nerve, II 19 Deep dissection of right thigh I 20 Deep dissection of right thigh II 21 Dissection of structures deep to inguinal ligament 22 Iliopsoas muscle and femoral nerve 23 Medial thigh muscles and obturator nerve 24 Adductor magnus and obturator nerve 25 Muscles of buttock and posterior thigh 26 Gluteus maximus and iliotibial tract 27 Posterior gluteal and thigh muscles 28 Posterior muscles of right gluteal region and upper thigh 29 Deep gluteal region 30 Hamstring muscles and gluteus medius 31 Gluteus minimus, semimembranosus, and sciatic nerve 32 Deep dissection of the right thigh 33 Cross section of right thigh 34 Deep structures of the leg and popliteal fossa 35 Deep dissection of lower leg 36 Deep dissection of popliteal region 37 Muscle attachments on the anterior pelvis and femur

7 38 Muscle attachments on the posterior pelvis and femur 39 Lumbosacral plexus 40 Gastrocnemius 41 Soleus, gastrocnemius, and plantaris 42 Flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus 43 Deep muscles in the posterior leg compartment 44 Flexor hallucis longus 45 Muscles of lateral leg 46 Anterior dissection of right leg 47 Muscle attachments on the anterior leg 48 Muscle attachments 49 Bones of foot, medial aspect Cartoon: Pedigree 50 Bones of foot, inferior aspect 51 Plantar arteries 52 Plantar dissection of the right foot 53 Arteries of right knee joint 54 Arteries of the posterior leg 55 Motor distribution of the common fibular (peroneal) nerve 56 Foot: anterior-superior aspect 57 Dorsum of the foot 58 Deep dissection of plantar foot 59 Plantar muscles I 60 Plantar muscles II 61 Plantar muscles III 62 Plantar muscles IV 63 Motor distribution of the tibial nerve 64 Plantar arteries of the right foot 65 Ligaments of the hip joint 66 Frontal section of right hip joint 67 Right knee joint 68 Ligaments of the right knee 69 Right knee joint 70 Muscle attachments on the dorsum of the foot 71 Muscle attachments on plantar surface of right foot 72 Muscles of plantar foot 73 Planes of sections of right foot 74 Sections of right foot 75 Ligaments of right ankle joint and foot 76 Ligaments of the ankle joint and foot 77 Ligaments of the foot and ankle 78 Plantar ligaments of the right foot 79 Frontal section of ankle and foot 80 Incisions on plantar surface of foot 81 Incision in back of medial malleolus 82 Oblique section of the right foot 83 Cutaneous nerves of the lower extremity, anterior aspect 84 Cutaneous nerves of the lower extremity, posterior aspect Part VII: Head and Neck

8 Cartoon: Trigemini (triplets) 1 Superficial muscles of the face and neck 2 Muscles of facial expression 3 Superficial structures on the lateral head 4 Bones of the skull, anterior aspect 5 Bones of the skull, lateral aspect 6 Facial nerve 7 Landmarks on the lateral skull 8 Temporalis and masseter muscles 9 Temporalis muscle 10 Buccinator and orbicularis oris muscles 11 Median section of skull and mandible 12 Interior of the skull 13 Superficial veins of the head and neck 14 External carotid artery and its branches Cartoon: Sagitta 15 Cranial dural venous sinuses 16 Head and neck: midsagittal aspect 17 Superior sagittal sinus 18 Interior of the skull with cranial nerve exits 19 Facial nerve and its branches 20 Functional components of the facial nerve 21 Inferior surface of skull Cartoon: Temporal 22 Sphenoid bone 23 Temporal bone, external surface 24 Temporal bone, internal surface 25 Superficial muscles of the neck 26 Left side of neck I 27 Left side of neck II 28 Mandibular nerve and maxillary artery I 29 Mandibular nerve and maxillary artery II 30 The eyelid and eye in orbit 31 Extraocular muscles 32 Eye and orbit 33 Nerves of the orbit, superior aspect 34 Nerves of the orbit, lateral aspect 35 Lower half of right eye 36 Principal veins of face and orbit 37 The lacrimal apparatus 38 Dissection of ear and cast of bony labyrinth 39 Dissection of ear 40 Middle ear and ear ossicles 41 Ear ossicles and part of eardrum 42 Middle ear ossicles 43 Dissection of right ear showing middle ear and cochlea 44 Membranous labyrinth of left inner ear cut open 45 Dissection of right temporal bone showing sigmoid sinus and facial canal 46 Section through external ear, middle ear, and inner ear Cartoon: Tragus 47 Cartilages of the nose

9 48 Nasal cavity, lateral wall 49 Nasal cavity, bones and cartilages 50 Nasal cavity, lateral wall and frontal section 51 Pterygopalatine ganglion 52 Olfactory nerves and arterial supply of nasal cavity 53 Right wall of nasal cavity and ethmoidal air cells 54 Projection of paranasal sinuses on front and side of face 55 Oral and nasal cavities in sagittal section 56 Skull, coronal section 57 Sagittal section of head 58 Pharynx 59 Muscles of the tongue, pharynx, and larynx 60 Oral cavity 61 Tongue I 62 Tongue II 63 Tongue and related structures, coronal section 64 Temporomandibular joint Cartoon: Latin words used to describe parts of the nervous system 65 Mandible 66 Salivary glands 67 Oral cavity, from inside 68 Infratemporal fossa 69 Maxillary artery 70 Muscles of the pharynx 71 Arytenoid and cricoid cartilages 72 Vocal ligaments and muscles 73 Larynx, cartilages 74 Pharynx, posterior aspect 75 Arytenoid cartilages 76 Larynx, cartilages, posterior aspect 77 Larynx, nerves and muscles 78 Larynx, coronal section 79 Muscle origins and insertions on side of skull 80 Skull, inferior aspect 81 Autonomic outflow in the head I 82 Autonomic outflow in the head II Cartoon: Synapse 83 Inferior view of the brain 84 Medial view of right half of brain 85 The cranial nerves 86 Brain stem 87 Arterial supply at base of brain Cartoon: Thalamus means bedroom 88 Head frontal section: level of eyes and nasal cavity 89 Head frontal section: level of eye muscles, sinuses 90 Head frontal section: level of maxillary sinuses 91 Head frontal section: level of sphenoid sinuses 92 Head frontal section: level of optic chiasm level 93 Head frontal section: level of carotid canal 94 Head frontal section: level of pons, internal jugular vein 95 Head frontal section: level of dens of axis

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