Unit 1 Word Building: Glossary, Pronunciation, & Construction. Word Pronunciation Definition and deconstruction

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1 Unit 1 Word Building: Glossary, Pronunciation, & Construction Word Pronunciation Definition and deconstruction Construction is seen differently in different texts, e.g.: logy > study of > may be seen as -log/y or -logy logist > person who studies > may be seen as -log/ist or logist ostomy > to cut a new opening > may be seen as ostomy or os/tomy ectomy > to surgically remove > may be seen as ectomy or ec/tomy Abbreviations > a-bree-vee-ay-shuns > Short form of a word or phrase Acidosis > as-i-doe-sis > Abnormal condition of blood acid level, increased H + ions. Acid/osis Acronyms > ak-row-nims > first letter of each word in a phrase is used as short-hand like CDC, MRSA, RUQ, RBC Amenorrhea > a-men-or-ree-ah > absence of the discharge of menses (monthly period in women). a/men/o/rrhea Anaerobic > an-a-roe-bik > Pertaining to an organism living without air. An/aer/o/bic 1

2 Anatomy > a-nah-toe-me > All the pieces and part of a structure such as the human body. It is the form or shape or make up of a structure. Literally: to cut into the body (dissection) Anemia > a-knee-me-a > A relative lack of blood due to injury, diet, or illness. Literally, without (an) blood (emia) an/emia Antibiotic > an-tea-buy-ot-ik > This is the general term for the medication group fighting against bacterial infections. Literally, it means against life. Anti/bi/o/tic Antidote > an-tea-dote > A substance (medication), neutralizes or counteracts poisons. Anti/dote Antipyretic > an-tea-pie-ret-ik > A medication, lowers or reduces fever. Anti/pyr/etic Aplasia > a-play-ze-ah > The absence of development of an organ or cell type. A/plas/ia Arteriogram > ahr-tier-ee-oh-gram > Imaging: A radiologic study of the arteries of the human body looking for blockage, tears, or enlargements. Arteri/o/gram Arteritis > ahr-tier-eye-tis > Inflammation of the arteries. Arter/itis Arthritis > are-thri-tis > Inflammation of the joints. Arthr/itis 2

3 Bacteria (plural), Bacterium (singular) > bak-tier-ee-ah or bak-tier-ee-um > One-celled organism found in and on the human body. Some are helpful, others are pathogens, and others are opportunistic. Bacter/ia or Bacter/i/um Cardiac > kar-dee-ak > Pertaining (-ac) to the heart. Cardi/ac Cardiocentesis > kar-dee-oh-sen-tea-sis > Procedure: Removal of fluid from the heart. Cardi/o/centesis Cardiologist > kar-dee-ol-oh-jist > Specialist of who studies and treats heart disease. Cardi/o/logist or Cardi/o/log/ist Cardiomegaly > kar-dee-oh-meg-a-lee > Enlargement of the heart. Cardi/o/megaly Cardiomyopathy > kar-dee-oh-my-op-ath-ee > Disease of the heart muscle. Cardi/o/my/o/pathy Cellulitis > sell-u-lie-tis > Inflammation, infection of the skin cells. Cellul/itis Cerebrovascular > ser-eh-bro-vas-q-lar > Pertaining to the brain s blood vessels. Cerebr/o/vascul/ar Chondromyalgia > kon-dro-ma-lay-sah > Pain of the cartilage and muscle. Chondr/o/my/algia Colostomy > ko-los-toe-me > Surgical: Surgery to create a new opening in the colon. Col/ostomy or Col/os/tomy Craniostomy > kray-knee-os-toe-me > Surgical: to cut a new opening in the skull (cranium) 3

4 Craniotomy > kray-knee-ot-oh-me > Surgical: To cut into the skull. Crani/o/tomy Dermatitis > dur-ma-tie-tis > Inflammation of the skin. Dermat/itis Dermatologist > dur-ma-tol-oh-jist > Specialist of who studies and treats skin diseases. Dermat/o/logist or Dermat/o/log/ist Dermatome > dur-ma-tohm > An instrument to cut or slice the skin. Dermat/ome Dermatosis > dur-ma-toe-sis > Abnormal condition of the skin. Dermat/osis Diagnosis (Dx) > die-ag-no-sis > Discernment through knowledge, this is the disease or injury the person is believed to have after taking a history and doing a physical exam/laboratory. Dia/gno/sis Dyspnea > dis-knee-ya > Difficult breathing. Dys/pnea Eccentric > ek-sen-trik > Moving away from the center, abnormal behavior. Ectopic > ek-top-ik > Something is out of place, a pregnancy or organ. Ec/topic Electronic Health Record (EHR) > e-lek-tron-ik health wrek-ord > Methodical collection of the electronic health information produced by visits and events pertaining to a specific individual. Also called Electronic Medical Record (EMR) 4

5 Embolectomy > em-bow-lek-toe-me > Surgical: Removal of a plug, an embolism. Embol/ectomy or embol/ec/tomy Encephalitis > en-sef-ah-lie-tis > Inflammation inside the head, used specifically for the brain. En/cephal/itis Endocarditis > en-doe-kar-die-tis > Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart. Endo/cardi/tis Endocrine > en-doe-krin > hormones, travel inside the blood stream. Endo/crine Endocytosis > en-doe-sigh-toe-sis > Condition inside of the cell or cells. Endo/cyt/osis Endomyocarditis > en-doe-my-oh-kar-die-tis > Inflammation of the inside lining of the heart muscle. Endo/my/o/cardi/tis Enterology > en-ter-ol-oh-gee > The process of studying the small intestines: duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. Enter/o/logy Enterostomy > en-ter-os-toe-me > Surgical: Surgery to create a new opening into the small intestines. Enter/ostomy or enter/os/tomy Epidemiologist > ep-ee-dee-me-ol-oh-jist > Specialist who studies the patterns, causes, and effects of health and disease conditions in defined populations. Epi/demi/o/logist or epi/demi/o/log/ist Eponyms > ep-oh-nims > Names of the people who discovered or described a particular structure or set of symptoms. 5

6 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) > eh-sof-a-go-gas-tro-due-oh-deh-nos-ko-pee > Procedure: The process of using a scope to look at the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine (duodenum portion), an EGD. Esophag/o/gastr/o/duoden/o/scopy Exogenous > eks-oh-je-us > Produced or originating from outside the organism or cell. Exo/gen/ous Exposure > eks-poe-zur > Contact with an element from the outside, the environment. Gastrectomy > gas-trek-toe-me > Surgical: Surgery to remove the stomach. Gastr/ectomy or gastr/ec/tomy Gastroduodenostomy > gas-tro-due-oh-de-nos-toe-me > Surgical: Surgery to create a new opening between the stomach and duodenum. Gastr/o/duoden/ostomy or gastr/o/duoden/os/tomy Gastroenterology > gas-tro-en-ter-ol-oh-gee > Inflammation of the stomach and small intestines. Gastr/o/enter/o/logy Hepatic > hep-at-ik > Pertaining (-ic) to the liver. Hepat/ic History (Hx) > hiss-tor-ee > The systematic medical record of past events, current symptoms, medication, allergies, and more relating to an individual. Hypothyroidism > hi-poe-thigh-roid-ism > Condition of the thyroid, not producing sufficient thyroid hormone to maintain homeostasis. A collection of symptoms. Hypo/thyroid/ism 6

7 Incision > in-si-zhun > To cut into. Infection > in-fek-shun > An organism, gets into the body. Injection > in-jek-shun > This medication delivered via a needle (most common), or a medication pushed into rectum or vagina or taken orally by mouth. Literally, to push inside. Internist > in-tur-nist > Specialist who studies and treats diseases of the internal organs. Intern/ist Intraorbital > in-tra-or-bit-al > Inside the orbit of the eye. Intra/orbit/al Laparotomy > lap-ar-ot-toe-me > Surgical: A surgical incision over the abdomen, usually vertically. Lapar/o/tomy Lymphoma > lim-foe-mah > Tumor of the lymph tissue. Lymph/oma Microscope > mike-row-scope > An instrument, looks at really small things. Micro/scope Morbidity > mor-bid-it-ee > Disease state, it is used as a ratio of sick or injured people versus well people. It tracks disease, injury, and medical efforts to correct these by CDC and other agencies. 7

8 Mortality > mor-tal-it-ee > The state of being mortal, the ability to die. It is used to track the number of deaths, age, and cause as a report of the CDC and other agencies. Myospasm > my-oh-spazm > The involuntary contraction of the muscle(s). My/o/spasm Nasopharynx > nay-zo-fair-inks > The nose and throat. Nas/o/pharynx Objective > ob-jek-tiv > This is the facts, they are seen, touched, heard or perceived by a provider during an exam. It is the findings which can be measured and analyzed. Ophthalmoscope > of-thal-moe-scope > An instrument to look at the eyes. Ophthalm/o/scope. Alternate: op-thal-moe-scope Orthopedist > or-tho-pee-dist > Specialist who studies and treats disease and injury of the bones, including surgery. Orth/o/ped/ist Osteitis > os-tea-eye-tis > Inflammation of the bone. Oste/itis Osteoarthritis > os-tea-oh-are-thri-tis > Inflammation of the bone and joint. Usually used as a term describing the wear and tear on joints. Oste/o/arthr/itis Osteotome > os-tea-oh-tohm > An instrument, cuts bone. Oste/o/tome 8

9 Parksonism (an eponym) > parh-kin-son-izm > A collection of symptoms associated a progressive disorder of the nervous system. Pharyngitis > fair-in-jie-tis > Inflammation of the back of the throat (pharynx). Pharyng/itis Physical Exam (PE) > fiz-zi-kal x-am > A set of procedures performed on or with the patient to define the body s status and function for health exam, illness, or injury. Pneumonia > new-mow-knee-ah > An infection, inflames the air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs. There are many different types and causes. Pneumon/ia Prognosis > prog-no-sis > Condition of predicting knowledge, a forecast of outcome. Pro/gno/sis Rheumatology > roo-mah-tol-oh-gee > Specialist who studies and treats diseases of the joints. Rheumat/o/logy Rhinitis > rye-nigh-tis > Inflammation of the nose. Rhin/itis Rhinoplasty > rye-no-plas-tee > Surgical: surgery to repair of the nose. Rhin/o/plasty Rhinorrhea > rye-no-ree-ya > Discharge or flow from the nose (runny nose). Rhin/o/rrhea Rhinoscopy > rye-nos-kop-ee > Procedure: The process of using an instrument to look in or at the nose. Rhin/o/scopy 9

10 Sclerosis > sklar-oh-sis > Abnormal condition of hardening. Scler/osis Splenectomy > sple-nek-toe-me > Surgical: Surgery to remove the spleen. Splen/ectomy or splen/ec/tomy Stethoscope > steth-oh-scope > An instrument to listen to body sounds from the Greek for chest. Steth/o/scope Subjective > sub-jek-tiv > This is the concern of the patient, in their own words, with their own descriptions of events as it related to illness or injury. It is the given history. Terminology > tur-min-ol-oh-gee > The process of studying the vocabulary or words of a specific language. Termin/o/logy Tomogram > toe-moe-gram> Imaging: A radiographic procedure, takes a series of x-rays in slices or cuts. Tom/o/gram Tonsillitis > tohn-si-lie-tis > Inflammation of the tonsils, lymphatic tissue found at the back of the throat. Tonsill/itis Tracheotomy> trake-ee-ot-oh-me > Surgical: surgery to cut into the trachea (windpipe). Trache/o/tomy Treatment (Tx) > treet-ment > The medical, surgical, dental, or psychiatric management of a patient s illness or injury. It can also include preventive medicine to avoid illness and injury. It is part of the plan in the acronym SOAP. Urostomy > your-os-toe-me > Surgical: Surgery to create a new opening into the ureter to drain urine. Ur/ostomy or ur/os/tomy 10

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