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1 Biol 353 Pre-Professional Human Anatomy Exam I Fall 2016 page 1 of 8 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER ONLY 50 QUESTIONS. Do not answer more than 50 questions. If you answer more than 50 questions, then you will be graded on only the first 50 of these, regardless of whether the extra questions are answered correctly. Choose any 50 questions on the basis of your knowledge of the material. A good strategy is to first attempt to answer all 60 questions, but spend no more than 1 minute on any one. Then choose the 50 with which you are most confident, and then, and only then, transcribe your answers to the answer sheet. Be careful to record your answers on the appropriate number of the answer sheet. Completely blacken the letter of your choice. Completely strike out the number and all letters of the questions you choose not to answer. Turn in only your answer sheet. Keep the questions for future study. e.g. to indicate response "B", do this: 12) A B C D E ; don't do this: 12) A B C D E e.g. to omit a question, do this 12) A B C D E ; don't just leave it blank 1) If the following bones were listed from proximal to distal then which is out of place? A) pisiform B) scapula C) ulna D) metacarpal E) phalanx 2) Identify the INCORRECT relationship. A) the jugular foramen is lateral to the hypoglossal canal B) the mandibular foramen is inferior to foramen ovale C) the mandibular fossa is anterior to the mastoid process D) the sella turcica is anterior to the clivus E) the petrous temporal is anterior to the lesser wing of the sphenoid 3) Which of the following is NOT a feature or part of the sphenoid bone? A) greater wing B) anterior clinoid process C) lateral pterygoid plate D) foramen rotundum E) superior concha 4) Which of the following is an intramembranous bone? A) humerus B) frontal C) vertebra D) ilium E) patella 5) Which of the following abdominal regions are defined by the same transverse planes? A) hypochondriac and hypogastric B) hypochondriac and epigastric C) lumbar and iliac D) lumbar and inguinal E) inguinal and umbilical 6) Which of the following transmits one or more of the cranial nerves? A) jugular foramen B) foramen lacerum C) sulcus of the sigmoid sinus D) sella turcica E) pterygomaxillary fissure

2 Biol 353 Pre-Professional Human Anatomy Exam I Fall 2016 page 2 of 8 7) Which of the following is NOT a feature of the skull? A) coronoid process B) greater cornu C) lateral malleolus D) crista galli E) incus 8) Which of the following do not enter or exit the cranial cavity (as paired) through the same foramen? A) optic nerve and ophthalmic artery B) vertebral artery and spinal accessory nerve C) facial nerve and vestibulocochlear nerve D) oculomotor nerve and trochlear nerve E) maxillary nerve and mandibular nerve 9) Identify the INCORRECT relationship. A) the pisiform is medial to the pollex B) the anterior superior iliac spine is superior to the umbilicus C) the pubis is anterior to the ischium D) the lesser cornu is superior to the greater cornu E) fibula is lateral to the tibia 10) Identify the feature that is INCORRECTLY paired as one of the parts of the bone listed. A) acromion clavicle B) manubrium sternum C) ilium coxal D) medial malleolus tibia E) mental protuberance mandible 11) Identify the INCORRECT regional boundary. A) iliac crest division of abdominal and pelvic regions laterally and posteriorly B) transverse plane of sternal angle to 4 th thoracic intervertebral disc division of superior and inferior mediastina C) gluteal cleft division of gluteal and femoral regions D) transverse plane of lateral costal margin division of umbilical and hypogastric regions E) sternocleidomastoid muscle division of anterior and posterior cervical triangles 12) Which of the following is NOT a bone of the viscerocranium (splanchnocranium)? A) maxilla B) lacrimal C) mandible D) sphenoid E) palatine 13) If the following were listed from anterior to posterior then which is out of place? A) frontal sinus B) clivus C) foramen magnum D) posterior clinoid process E) internal occipital protuberance 14) If the following bones were listed from anterior to posterior then which is out of place? A) palatine B) premaxilla C) maxilla D) sphenoid E) temporal

3 Biol 353 Pre-Professional Human Anatomy Exam I Fall 2016 page 3 of 8 15) Which of the following is NOT visible externally on the skull? A) superior nuchal line B) temporal line C) occipital condyle D) foramen rotundum E) coronoid process 16) Identify the INCORRECT association of feature and the structure within it or that passes through it. A) cribriform plate olfactory nerve B) jugular foramen vagus nerve C) foramen spinosum middle meningeal artery D) superior orbital fissure ophthalmic artery E) foramen magnum spinal accessory nerve 17) Which of the following is the principle path of venous blood drainage of the cranial cavity? A) foramen magnum B) sphenopalatine foramen C) carotid canal D) jugular foramen E) foramen spinosum 18) Identify the INCORRECTLY stated relationship. A) the buccal region is inferior to the temporal region B) the thenar region is lateral to the hypothenar region C) the antecubital region is anterior to the olecranon D) the antebrachium is anterior to the brachium E) the pectoral region is superior to the inguinal region 19) Which of the following is NOT part of the axial skeleton? A) sternum B) pelvis C) incus D) mandible E) vertebra 20) Identify the INCORRECT definition. A) neck narrow region adjacent to a caput B) ala wing C) diaphysis - shaft D) sulcus an elongate hole, tunnel or canal E) epicondyle paired point of muscle or ligament attachment adjacent to condyles 21) Identify the INCORRECT association of structure and organ contained within it. A) orbit eye B) posterior cranial fossa cerebellum C) pleural cavity lung D) sella turcica pituitary E) mediastinum stomach 22) Which of the following is NOT a feature or part of the temporal bone? A) mandibular fossa B) stylomastoid foramen C) carotid canal D) petrous portion E) foramen ovale

4 Biol 353 Pre-Professional Human Anatomy Exam I Fall 2016 page 4 of 8 23) Which of the following bones articulates with all of the others? A) nasal B) ethmoid C) frontal D) zygomatic E) parietal 24) Which of the following is INCORRECTLY defined? A) tuberosity usually convex area of muscle or ligament attachment B) ramus arm C) fossa gap between two or more bones D) sulcus groove E) meatus a large hole or gap 25) Where is McBurney s point? A) two thirds the distance from the right anterior superior iliac spine to the umbilicus B) two thirds the distance from the right anterior superior iliac spine to the pubic tubercle C) two thirds the distance from the left anterior superior spine to the right anterior superior iliac spine D) two thirds the distance from the umbilicus to the right anterior superior iliac spine E) none of the above 26) Which of the following is part of the appendicular skeleton? A) sacrum B) costa C) xiphoid process D) clavicle E) hyoid 27) Identify the feature or region that is INCORRECTLY paired with its location. A) ungual digit B) hallux manus C) calcaneal pes D) patella genu E) anus perineum 28) Identify the INCORRECT statement. A) the frontal and parietal bones are separated by the frontal plane B) the coronal plane is orthogonal to the sagittal plane C) adjacent vertebrae are separated from one another by the transverse plane D) the axilla lies in the parasagittal plane E) the incus and stapes are separated by the midsagittal plane 29) Identify the INCORRECT association of feature and the structure(s) contained within it. A) mediastinum heart B) middle ear cavity malleus C) alveolus root of tooth D) femoral triangle largest superficial artery and vein E) right hypochondrial region McBurney s point 30) Which of the following is an anterior region of the body? A) sural B) palmar C) perineal D) scapular E) popliteal

5 Biol 353 Pre-Professional Human Anatomy Exam I Fall 2016 page 5 of 8 31) Which of the following is NOT transmitted through the superior orbital fissure? A) oculomotor nerve B) trochlear nerve C) supraorbital nerve D) ophthalmic nerve E) abducens nerve 32) Identify the INCORRECT definition. A) crus leg B) cubitus armpit C) femur thigh D) digit finger E) cubitus - elbow 33) Which of the following is/are formed by only a single bone? A) cubital tunnel B) pelvis C) optic foramen D) foramen lacerum E) inferior orbital fissure 34) Which of the following is NOT an air-filled space? A) sigmoid sinus B) sphenoid sinus C) external auditory meatus D) middle ear E) internal nares 35) Identify the INCORRECT statement. A) the cribriform plate communicates (is a passage between) the anterior cranial fossa and the nasal cavity B) the inferior orbital fissure communicates the orbit and infratemporal fossa C) the maxillary sinus opens to the nasal cavity via the semilunar hiatus D) foramina ovale and rotundum communicate the middle and inner ear cavities E) the nasolacrimal duct communicates the orbit and nasal cavity 36) Identify the INCORRECTLY paired example of tissue type with example. A) dense regular connective tissue tendon B) stratified squamous epithelium epidermis of skin C) adipose yellow bone marrow D) transitional epithelium gall bladder E) smooth muscle walls of blood vessels 37) Identify the correct statement. A) the femoral triangle is synonymous with the inguinal region B) the popliteal region is proximal to the sural region C) the genital region is anterior to the pubic region D) the jugular notch is superior to the foramen magnum E) the axillary region is distal to the antecubital region 38) Identify the INCORRECT association of region and bone. A) antebrachium ulna B) pelvic sacrum C) manus metacarpal D) brachium clavicle E) crus fibula

6 Biol 353 Pre-Professional Human Anatomy Exam I Fall 2016 page 6 of 8 39) Which of the following relationships are synonymous (in humans)? A) dorsal superficial B) palmar distal C) medial proximal D) cephalad superior E) posterior caudal 40) Which abdominal region(s) is/are inferior to the lateral iliac crest, and medial to the midclavicular lines? A) epigastric B) umbilical C) hypogastric D) inguinal E) hypochondriac 41) Which of the following structures are correctly paired as parts of the same bone? A) superior nuchal line mastoid process B) supraorbital foramen infraorbital foramen C) superior orbital fissure hypophyseal fossa D) mandibular condyle mandibular fossa E) greater palatine foramen hamulus 42) Which of the following is NOT a feature of the anterior cervical triangle? A) carotid triangle B) suprasternal notch C) sternal angle D) thyroid region E) submandibular triangle 43) Which of the following is NOT a feature or part of the temporal bone? A) internal auditory meatus B) styloid process C) mastoid process D) squamous portion E) sulcus of the transverse sinus 44) Which of the following is NOT a palpable surface landmark of the skeletal system? A) spine of the seventh cervical vertebra B) spine of the sphenoid C) acromion D) costal margin E) medial epicondyle of the humerus 45) Identify the feature that is INCORRECTLY paired with its location. A) philtrum superior labium B) alveolar margin mandibular ramus C) foramen ovale middle cranial fossa D) incisive foramen hard palate E) jugular foramen posterior cranial fossa 46) Identify the INCORRECT statement. A) the coronal plane separates anterior from posterior B) the frontal plane separates ventral from dorsal C) the transverse plane separates superior from inferior D) the midsagittal plane separates right from left E) the parasagittal plane separates proximal from distal

7 Biol 353 Pre-Professional Human Anatomy Exam I Fall 2016 page 7 of 8 47) In which of the following does hematopoiesis occur? A) periosteum B) osteon C) diploe D) epiphyseal plate E) none of the above 48) Which of the following does NOT transmit a branch of the trigeminal nerve? A) foramen rotundum B) superior orbital fissure C) supraorbital foramen D) mandibular foramen E) fenestra ovale 49) If the following are listed from lateral to medial then which is out of place? A) external auditory meatus B) stapes C) malleus D) incus E) fenestra ovale 50) Which of the following is NOT a cephalic region? A) buccal B) palpebral C) zygomatic D) nuchal E) auricular 51) Which of the following is characteristic of epithelial tissues? A) basal to apical or luminal polarity B) extracellular matrix C) membrane depolarization D) vascularity E) syncytium 52) Which of the following is NOT a form of connective tissue? A) areolar B) reticular C) glia D) fibrocartilage E) blood 53) Identify the correct statement regarding the midclavicular line. A) it bisects the areola B) it marks the superior margin of the heart C) it bisects the axilla into equal halves D) it is the common linear border separating the epigastric and hypochondriac regions E) it separates the right and left clavicles from one another 54) Which of the following transmits a nerve or artery of the same name? A) sphenopalatine foramen B) foramen lacerum C) nasolacrimal duct D) foramen spinosum E) stylomastoid foramen

8 Biol 353 Pre-Professional Human Anatomy Exam I Fall 2016 page 8 of 8 55) Which of the following foramina do NOT communicate with (exit from or enter into) the middle cranial fossa? A) foramen lacerum B) superior orbital fissure C) hypoglossal canal D) foramen spinosum E) foramen rotundum 56) Identify the INCORRECT statement. A) the infratemporal fossa is medial to the zygomatic arch B) the posterior cervical triangle is anterior to the superior portion of the trapezius muscle C) the triangle of auscultation is lateral to the scapula D) the femoral triangle is inferior to the inguinal ligament E) the laryngeal eminence is inferior to agger nasi 57) Identify the INCORRECT statement. A) the coronal plane separates the plantar pes from the dorsum pedis B) symphyses always lie in or are intersected by the midsagittal plane C) the parasagittal plane separates the pericardial and pleural cavities D) the transverse plane separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities E) the transverse plane separates the femoral and crural regions 58) Which of the following is NOT a feature of the nasal cavity? A) sphenoethmoid recess B) external nares C) inferior concha D) middle meatus E) lacrimal fossa 59) Which of the following bones does NOT enclose an air-filled cavity? A) zygomatic B) maxilla C) frontal D) temporal E) ethmoid 60) Identify the INCORRECT association. A) auricular cartilage ear B) alar cartilage agger nasi C) costal cartilage rib D) hyaline cartilage epiphysis E) septal cartilage nasal septum

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