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1 Biology 353 Pre-Professional Human Anatomy Exam III Fall 2016 page 1 of 8 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER ONLY 50 QUESTIONS. Do not answer more than 50 questions. If you answer more than 50 questions, then you will be graded on only the first 50 of these, regardless of whether the extra questions are answered correctly. Choose any 50 questions on the basis of your knowledge of the material. A good strategy is to first attempt to answer all 60 questions, but spend no more than 1 minute on any one. Then choose the 50 with which you are most confident, and then, and only then, transcribe your answers to the answer sheet. Be careful to record your answers on the appropriate number of the answer sheet. Completely blacken the letter of your choice. Completely strike out the number and all letters of the questions you choose not to answer. Turn in only your answer sheet. You may keep the questions. e.g., to indicate response "B", do this: 12) A B C D E ; don't do this: 12) A B C D E e.g., to omit a question, do this 12) A B C D E ; don't just leave it blank 1) Identify the INCORRECT statement regarding the triceps muscle. A) its medial head separates the teres major and minor muscles B) it inserts on the olecranon process C) its innervation is by the radial nerve D) the medial head is deep to the lateral head E) its function is primarily antebrachial extension 2) Identify the INCORRECT description of muscle function. A) stylopharyngeus laryngeal levator B) pectoralis major brachial flexion C) iliacus femoral flexion D) peroneus brevis eversion E) latissimus dorsi vertebral extension 3) Which of the following muscles is NOT an extensor? A) splenius B) scaleneus posterior C) gluteus maximus D) quadriceps E) iliocostalis 4) What is circumscribed by the posterior belly of the digastric, sternocleidomastoid, and superior belly of the omohyoid muscles? A) anterior triangle of the neck B) carotid triangle C) posterior triangle of the neck D) submandibular triangle E) triangle of auscultation 5) Which of the following muscles does NOT originate from the pelvis? A) iliacus B) gracilis C) rectus femoris D) tensor fascia lata E) vastus intermedius 6) Identify the INCORRECT statement regarding the respiratory diaphragm. A) it is innervated by the phrenic nerve B) the psoas minor muscles pass through it via the arcuate ligaments (lateral retinacula) C) it inserts on the central tendon D) its primary function is forceful exhalation E) the descending aorta passes through it via the aortic hiatus

2 Biology 353 Pre-Professional Human Anatomy Exam III Fall 2016 page 2 of 8 7) Identify the INCORRECT association of muscle and compartment or group. A) rectus abdominis rectus sheath B) deltoideus rotator cuff C) flexor pollicis longus deep anterior antebrachial D) peroneus longus lateral crural E) gastrocnemius sural (superficial posterior crural) 8) Which of the following statements about the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle is INCORRECT? A) its innervation is the median nerve B) its insertions are the middle phalanges of digits II-IV C) its origin is the medial humeral epicondyle D) its chief antagonist is the extensor digitorum longus E) it is located in the superficial layer of the anterior antebrachial compartment 9) Which of the following is a symptom of cubital tunnel entrapment? A) drop hand B) claw hand C) ptosis D) ape hand E) winged scapula 10) Innervation of the pectoralis minor muscle is by which of the following? A) musculocutaneous nerve B) lateral pectoral nerve C) axillary nerve D) lateral thoracic nerve E) thoracodorsal nerve 11) Bell s palsy is a symptom of deficit of what nerve? A) oculomotor B) musculocutaneous C) facial D) trigeminal E) phrenic 12) What is the insertion of the brachialis? A) coracoid process B) supraglenoid tubercle C) intertubercular sulcus D) radial tuberosity E) coronoid process of the ulna 13) Which of the following pairs of muscles have the same innervation? A) pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi B) gluteus medius and tensor fascia lata C) flexor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis longus D) tibialis anterior and tibialis posterior E) biceps brachii and biceps femoris 14) Identify the INCORRECT relationship. A) the supinator is deep to the brachioradialis B) the vastus intermedius is posterior to the rectus femoris C) quadratus lumborum is anterior to the psoas major D) the quadratus femoris is inferior to the piriformis E) the gracilis is medial to the adductor longus

3 Biology 353 Pre-Professional Human Anatomy Exam III Fall 2016 page 3 of 8 15) Which of the following muscles opens your eyes? A) superior ocular rectus B) frontalis C) superior ocular obliquus D) levator palpebrae superioris E) orbicularis oculi 16) What is the innervation of muscles of mastication? A) facial B) trigeminal C) abducens D) glossopharyngeal E) hypoglossal 17) Which of the following is a muscle of the anterior antebrachium? A) brachialis B) brachioradialis C) abductor pollicis brevis D) pronator teres E) extensor digitorum longus 18) Which of the following share the same insertion? A) pectoralis minor and coracobrachialis B) biceps brachii and brachialis C) iliacus and gluteus maximus D) gluteus maximus and gluteus medius E) rectus femoris and vastus intermedius 19) What is the innervation of the thenar muscles? A) musculocutaneous nerve B) radial nerve C) median nerve D) ulnar nerve E) long thoracic nerve 20) Which of the following muscles is NOT innervated by the radial nerve? A) triceps B) extensor digitorum communis C) supinator D) palmaris longus E) extensor carpi radialis brevis 21) Which of the following does NOT insert on the tibia? A) biceps femoris B) iliotibial tract C) popliteus D) sartorius E) gracilis

4 Biology 353 Pre-Professional Human Anatomy Exam III Fall 2016 page 4 of 8 22) What is the principle action of the iliopsoas? A) femoral extension B) femoral flexion C) femoral adduction D) femoral abduction E) femoral rotation 23) Which of the following is an appendicular muscle? A) sternocleidomastoid B) serratus anterior C) splenius capitis D) rectus abdominis E) serratus posterior superior 24) The cephalic vein passes through which of the following? A) carotid triangle B) deltopectoral triangle C) submandibular triangle D) caval hiatus E) adductor hiatus 25) Which of the following muscles is NOT a hypaxial muscle? A) transversospinalis B) external intercostal C) scaleneus anterior D) transversus abdominis E) longus colli 26) Identify the INCORRECT relationship. A) the internal jugular vein passes anterior to the scaleneus anterior muscle B) the subclavian vein passes anterior to the scaleneus anterior muscle C) the phrenic nerve passes anterior to the scaleneus anterior muscle D) the subclavian artery passes anterior to the scaleneus anterior muscle E) roots of the brachial plexus pass posterior to the scaleneus anterior muscle 27) Which of the following is NOT a lateral femoral rotator? A) piriformis B) inferior gemellus C) quadratus femoris D) pectineus E) obturator externus 28) Identify the INCORRECT insertion. A) quadriceps patella B) pectoralis minor coracoid process C) plantaris calcaneal tuberosity D) gluteus maximus greater trochanter E) gastrocnemius calcaneal tuberosity 29) Which of the following muscles does NOT insert on the scapula? A) latissimus dorsi B) trapezius C) serratus anterior D) pectoralis minor E) rhomboideus major

5 Biology 353 Pre-Professional Human Anatomy Exam III Fall 2016 page 5 of 8 30) Which of the following muscles has the most distal origin? A) semitendinosus B) vastus medialis C) gastrocnemius D) abductor hallucis E) flexor hallucis longus 31) Identify the correct association of muscle and group or compartment. A) trapezius epaxial B) sternohyoid hypobranchial C) teres major rotator cuff D) sartorius medial femoral E) tensor fascia lata anterior femoral 32) Identify the INCORRECT relationship. A) the ischial tuberosity is deep to the gluteus maximus B) the long head of the biceps brachii is lateral to its short head C) the obturator externus muscle is anterior to the obturator internus muscle D) the psoas minor is anterior to the psoas major E) the flexor digitorum longus muscle is lateral to the flexor hallucis longus muscle 33) Which of the following is primarily an antagonist of the quadriceps muscle? A) iliopsoas B) gluteus maximus C) triceps D) biceps femoris E) gracilis 34) Which of the following is most responsible for mandibular protraction? A) temporalis B) masseter C) digastric D) mylohoid E) lateral pterygoideus 35) Which of the following muscles is located in the cervical region? A) occipitofrontalis (epicranius) B) quadratus plantae (flexor accessorius) C) articularis genu D) opponens E) splenius 36) Muscles of the posterior compartment of the crus are innervated by which of the following nerves? A) obturator B) femoral C) tibial D) phrenic E) peroneal 37) From what do all of the gluteal muscles originate (at least in part)? A) femur B) sacrum C) ilium D) iliotibial tract E) inguinal ligament

6 Biology 353 Pre-Professional Human Anatomy Exam III Fall 2016 page 6 of 8 38) Inability to abduct the brachium above the horizontal implicates a deficit of which of the following muscles? A) pectoralis minor and/or subclavius B) subscapularis C) serratus anterior and/or trapezius D) rhomboideus major and minor E) latissimus dorsi 39) What terms describe the actions performed by a person kicking (forward)? A) flexion of the femur, extension of the crus B) extension of the of femur, flexion of the crus C) flexion of the femur and crus D) extension of the femur and crus E) none of the above 40) Which of the following muscles NEITHER originates NOR inserts by an aponeurosis? A) palmaris longus B) transversus abdominis C) latissimus dorsi D) buccinator E) respiratory diaphragm 41) Identify the INCORRECT insertion. A) subscapularis lesser tubercle B) extensor digitorum communis extensor expansion C) adductor longus linea aspera D) transversus abdominis linea alba E) supinator coronoid process 42) Which of the following muscles is NOT innervated by two different nerves? A) pectoralis major B) biceps femoris C) flexor digitorum profundus D) digastric E) occipitofrontalis (epicranius) 43) If the following muscles were listed from superior to inferior, then which is out of place? A) geniohyoid B) mylohyoid C) anterior belly of the digastric D) genioglossus E) platysma 44) Identify the INCORRECT relationship. A) the thyrohyoid muscle is superior to the sternothyroid muscle B) the adductor longus muscle is anterior to the adductor magnus C) the transversus abdominis is deep to the internal abdominal oblique muscle D) the levatores costarum muscles are lateral to the transversospinalis E) the soleus is anterior to the tibialis posterior muscle 45) Identify the INCORRECT statement. A) the tendons of the peroneus longus and peroneus brevis pass on opposite sides of the lateral malleolus B) the tendon of the plantaris lies between the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles C) the tendon of the flexor hallucis longus passes through a sulcus posterior and inferior to the sustentaculum tali D) the tendon of the peroneus longus passes through a notch between the cuboid and tuberosity of metatarsal V E) the tendon of the tibialis anterior is restrained by the extensor retinaculum

7 Biology 353 Pre-Professional Human Anatomy Exam III Fall 2016 page 7 of 8 46) Identify the pair of synergistic muscles. A) brachioradialis supinator B) serratus posterior superior serratus posterior inferior C) flexor digitorum superficialis flexor digitorum longus D) subscapularis infraspinatus E) temporalis digastric 47) Which of the following muscles does NOT traverse the cubitus? A) extensor carpi radialis brevis B) biceps brachii C) palmaris longus D) flexor pollicis longus E) pronator teres 48) Which of the following is/are NOT intrinsic to the manus? A) palmar aponeurosis B) lumbricals C) extensor digitorum brevis D) opponens pollicis E) dorsal interossei 49) Identify the INCORRECT muscle and innervation. A) levator palpebrae superioris facial nerve B) quadriceps femoral nerve C) gastrocnemius tibial nerve D) trapezius spinal accessory nerve E) lateral ocular rectus abducens nerve 50) Which of the following muscles NEITHER originates NOR inserts on the femur? A) biceps femoris B) piriformis C) sartorius D) adductor longus E) plantaris 51) Identify the INCORRECT association of muscle and function. A) sternocleidomastoid cranial/cervical rotation B) rectus abdominis abdominal extension and rotation C) deltoideus brachial abduction D) puborectalis continence E) palmar interossei digital flexion and adduction 52) Which of the following muscles is a depressor? A) stylopharyngeus B) levator scapulae C) serratus posterior inferior D) rhomboideus minor E) inferior pharyngeal constrictor 53) Which of the following pairs of muscles share the same innervation? A) sternocleidomastoid and trapezius B) biceps brachii and flexor digitorum superficialis C) soleus and peroneus longus D) adductor pollicis and flexor pollicis brevis E) latissimus dorsi and serratus anterior

8 Biology 353 Pre-Professional Human Anatomy Exam III Fall 2016 page 8 of 8 54) Which of the following NEITHER originates NOR inserts on the coracoid process? A) trapezoid and conoid coracoclavicular ligaments B) short head of the biceps brachii C) long head of the biceps brachii D) pectoralis minor E) coracobrachialis 55) Identify the INCORRECT association of passage and structure(s) that pass through it. A) carpal tunnel tendon of palmaris longus B) intertubercular sulcus long head of biceps brachii C) lesser sciatic foramen tendon of obturator internus D) bifurcation of tendons of tendons of flexor digitorum superficialis tendons of flexor digitorum profundus E) tarsal tunnel tendon of flexor digitorum longus 56) Identify the INCORRECT association of passage and structure(s). A) deltopectoral triangle cephalic vein B) quadrangular space axillary nerve C) caval hiatus esophagus D) pelvic diaphragm anus E) adductor hiatus femoral artery 57) Identify the INCORRECT statement regarding the adductor magnus muscle. A) it inserts on the linea aspera B) it inserts on the adductor tubercle C) it is innervated by the obturator nerve D) its primary antagonists are the gluteus medius and minimus E) it is directly anterior to the biceps femoris 58) Identify the INCORRECT statement regarding the quadriceps muscle. A) it inserts on the patella (or tibial tuberosity, if you prefer) B) it is innervated by the femoral nerve C) its primary function is crural extension D) its primary antagonists are the hamstrings muscles of the posterior femoral compartment. E) it originates exclusively from the femoral diaphysis 59) Identify the INCORRECT statement regarding the gluteus maximus. A) its primary function is femoral abduction B) its innervation is the inferior gluteal nerve C) it is superficial to the ischial tuberosity D) it inserts on the iliotibial tract E) it inserts on the gluteal tuberosity 60) Identify the INCORRECT association of muscle and function. A) gastrocnemius plantarflexion B) tibialis anterior eversion C) tibialis posterior inversion D) supraspinatus lateral humeral rotation E) popliteus rotation

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