Epidemiology and Management of Pre and Post Harvest Diseases of Peach, Plum and Nectarine

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1 Epiemiology n Mngement of Pre n Post Hrvest Diseses of Peh, Plum n Netrine Projet Leer: Coopertors: Dr. Jmes E. Askveg H. Forster, D. Thompson, D. Felts, J. Enns, K. Dy, B. Beee, B. Holtz ABSTRACT Two fiel trils were onute on the evlution of fungiies for rown rot lossom light mngement of seven peh n netrine ultivrs. Disese iniene in the ontrols ws low ( %) Disese ws signifintly reue y ll tretments. Blossoms from Fy Elert peh were use in lortory tests where the fungiies mixtures, s well s Qush n Inspire Super emonstrte exellent pre n post infetion tivity. Pre hrvest fungiie pplitions were evlute for the mngement of posthrvest rown rot ey. Single pplition progrms were overll eqully effetive to two pplition progrms if pplitions were one within 7 ys of hrvest. Vivno (metrfenone new fungiie lss), Quinte (quinoxyfen new fungiie lss), n pre mixtures of registere (e.g., Amnt, Pristine) or new fungiies (Lun Senstion, Lun Experiene, Inspire Super, Inspire XT, Quilt Xel, n Quris Top) were highly effetive in powery milew tril. Aitionlly, the nturl prout Regli lso signifintly reue the iniene of isese from tht of the ontrol. In posthrvest stuies we evlute fruit snittion n fungiie tretments. Snittion tretments were evlute minly for their effet on reuing fruit surfe inoulum. In these pking line trils, hlorine (100 ppm) n Persn (80 ppm) were effetive ginst some pthogens n ineffetive ginst others, wheres three experimentl quternry mmoni ompouns were more onsistent in reuing ey to very low levels n effetively remove n intivte surfe inoulum. Fluopyrm (Lun Privilege) n teuonzole (Elite, Orius) were evlute s potentil new posthrvest fungiies. In inoulte fruit stuies, fluopyrm ws mostly effetive ginst gry mol. Elite ws effetive ginst rown rot n gry mol. In omprison with Mentor, Elite ws more effetive ginst gry mol n Rhizopus rot, ut ws not effetive ginst sour rot. The emergeny registrtion for Mentor (propionzole) ws renewe in the 2009 seson n ontinues to provie effetive mngement of sour rot. 29

2 Askveg Epiemiology n Mngement of Pre n Post Hrvest Diseses SUMMARY OUTLINE Two fiel trils were onute on the evlution of fungiies for rown rot lossom light mngement of seven peh n netrine ultivrs. Disese iniene in the ontrols ws low ( % mong the six ultivrs) in the two Kerney Agriulturl Center orhrs. Still, isese ws signifintly reue y ll tretments. On Ryn Sun where the highest isese iniene (i.e., 4%) ourre in the non trete ontrol, lossom light ws reue to <0.1% y the new fungiie Lun Privilege (USF2015 fluopyrm) n the new pre mixtures Lun Senstion (USF2016, fluopyrm + trifloxystroin), Inspire XT (= ifenoonzole + propionzole), Quilt Xel (= zoxystroin + propionzole), Quris Top (= zoxystroin + ifenoonzole), s well s the registere pre mixture Ament (= teuonzole + trifloxystroin). Blossoms from the UC Dvis plot with Fy Elert peh were use in lortory tests where the ltter fungiies n mixtures, s well s Qush (metonzole, n SBI fungiie) n Inspire Super (=ifenoonzole + yproinil) emonstrte exellent pre n post infetion tivity, similr to Sl. The nturl prout Regli ws effetive in this experiment, ut not s effetive s the fungiies, wheres the ioontrol Atinovte ( preprtion of the tinomyete Streptomyes lyius) i not reue the iniene of lossom light. 2. Pre hrvest fungiie pplitions were evlute for the mngement of posthrvest rown rot ey in two orhrs with either one or two tretments. Hrvests were one one y n. seven ys fter the lst tretment. Single pplition progrms were overll eqully effetive to two pplition progrms if pplitions were one within 7 ys of hrvest. Promising new fungiies tht reue ey to low levels inlue Lun Privilege (USF2015) n Qush. As in the lossom stuies, the new pre mixtures Distinguish, Ament, Inspire Super, Lun Senstion, Inspire XT, Quilt Xel, n Quris Top performe very well. Syllit (oine) ws not or only slightly effetive. In ition, s in previous yers, the nilinopyrimiines Vngr n Sl were not s effetive s most of the other fungiies in these summer pplitions. 3. Vivno (metrfenone new fungiie lss), Quinte (quinoxyfen new fungiie lss), n pre mixtures of registere (e.g., Amnt, Pristine) or new fungiies (Lun Senstion, Lun Experiene, Inspire Super, Inspire XT, Quilt Xel, n Quris Top) were highly effetive in powery milew tril. Aitionlly, the nturl prout Regli lso signifintly reue the iniene of isese from tht of the ontrol. 4. In tril on the mngement of peh lef url, zirm gin ws more effetive thn opper oil tretments. Similr very low levels of isese were otine using single pplition in lte Jnury t higher (6 l) rte or two pplitions (mi Deemer n lte Jnury) t lower (4 l) rte. These re off lel rtes tht my e revise in supplementl lel. 5. In posthrvest stuies we evlute new n registere fruit snittion n fungiie tretments. Snittion tretments were evlute minly for their effet on reuing fruit surfe inoulum. In these pking line trils, hlorine (100 ppm) n Persn (80 ppm) were effetive ginst some pthogens n ineffetive ginst others, wheres three experimentl quternry mmoni ompouns were more onsistent in reuing ey to very low levels n effetively remove n intivte surfe inoulum. One of the quternry mmoni ompouns (i.e., Exp JBL 08A) lso signifintly reue the iniene of rown rot ey fter woun inoultion n inution of Cliforni Tree Fruit Agreement 2009 Annul Reserh Report 30

3 Askveg Epiemiology n Mngement of Pre n Post Hrvest Diseses fruit for 6 h efore tretment n thus, ws le to inhiit erly infetions. Exp JBL 08A is registere for foo use in some ountries, ut registrtion in the US my not e possile. 6. Fluopyrm (Lun Privilege) n teuonzole (Elite, Orius) were evlute s potentil new posthrvest fungiies n ompre to fenhexmi, propionzole, pyrimethnil, n fluioxonil. In inoulte fruit stuies, fluopyrm ws mostly effetive ginst gry mol, intermeitely effetive ginst Rhizopus rot n not highly effetive ginst rown rot t the 8 oz rte. Elite ws not effetive ginst sour rot ut ws effetive ginst rown rot, gry mol, n somewht effetive ginst Rhizopus rot. The Orius formultion of teuonzole ws less effetive thn Elite. In omprison with Mentor, Elite ws more effetive ginst gry mol n Rhizopus rot, ut gin, ws not effetive ginst sour rot. 7. Vrious mixtures of registere n soon to e registere posthrvest fungiies t reue rtes were evlute to inrese the spetrum of tivity, reue the potentil of resistne, n provie ost effetive tretments for mnging posthrvest fruit eys. 8. The emergeny registrtion for Mentor (propionzole) ws renewe in the 2009 seson n ontinues to provie effetive mngement of sour rot. Propionzole resistne in popultions of Geotrihum nium hs not een reporte ommerilly with the loss of effiy or loss of rop trete with the fungiie. Shifts in sensitivity to the fungiie hve only een foun y others in trete fruit tht ws returne s ulls to orhrs. This prtie is highly isourge for ny fruit trete with fungiie. Where it is one, fruit shoul e spre out, iske, n plowe uner the soil immeitely to llow numerous miroes to ompete with the plnt pthogens. 9. Bseline popultions of G. nium showe wie rnge of sensitivity ginst propionzole with EC 50 vlues from 0.07 to 0.49 ppm. INTRODUCTION Blossom Blight n Pre Hrvest Brown Rot. In n integrte pproh for the mngement of rown rot of lossoms n fruit, fungiie use is urrently the most effetive ontrol strtegy. We hve shown in our stuies tht mny of the newer fungiies hve pre infetion (protetive effetive when pplie efore infetion) n post infetion (suppressive effetive when pplie up to 24 h fter infetion) tivity. Thus, single, properly time fungiie pplition n reue lossom light to zero or ner zero levels. Bro spetrum fungiies suh s Rovrl n Topsin M, n more nrrowspetrum fungiies suh s the SBIs Orit, Elite, n Inr; the nilinopyrimiines (APs) Vngr (yproinil) n Sl (pyrimethnil); the hyroxynilie Elevte (fenhexmi); s well s the pre mixes Ament (teuonzole + trifloxystroin) n Pristine (pyrlostroin + osli) re ville in Cliforni tht re very effetive for ontrol of rown rot. The newer fungiies were registere se on reserh in our lortory n urrently, we re eveloping new prouts with new moes of tion n new pre mixtures to ensure tht highly effetive mterils will lwys e ville to the stone fruit inustry n tht mixture n rottion progrms n e esigne to help prevent the seletion of resistnt popultions to ny given lss of fungiie. Thus, in 2009 we ontinue to onut omprtive lossom n pre hrvest effiy stuies with registere n new fungiie tretments. Single tive ingreient fungiies evlute inlue the SBIs Cliforni Tree Fruit Agreement 2009 Annul Reserh Report 31

4 Askveg Epiemiology n Mngement of Pre n Post Hrvest Diseses (Orit propionzole, Elite teuonzole, Inspire ifenoonzole, Qush metonzole), nilinopyrimiines (Vngr yproinil, Sl pyrimethnil), guniines (Syllit oine) n experimentl fungiies suh s the suinte ehyrogense inhiitor or SDHI (Lun Privilege (fluopyrm USF2015). In ition, we evlute the registere pre mixtures Pristine (QoI pyrlostroin + roxmie osli) n Ament (SBI teuonzole + QoI trifloxystroin) s well s numerous new pre mixtures inluing Distinguish (nilinopyrimiine pyrimethnil + QoI trifloxystroin), Inspire Super (SBI ifenoonzole + nilinopyrimiine yproinil), Inspire XT (SBI ifenoonzole + SBI propionzole), Lun Senstion (SDHI fluopyrm + QoI trifloxystroin), Lun Experiene (SDHI fluopyrm + SBI teuonzole), Quris Top (SBI ifenoonzole + QoI zoxystroin), n Quilt Xel (SBI propioonzole + QoI zoxystroin). We lso evlute the nturl prout Regli n the io ontrol Atinovte in lossom light n powery milew stuies. Alterntive mterils of new lsses re neee to prevent the overuse of ny one lss of fungiie euse resistne in rown rot popultions ginst the SBI fungiies hs evelope in other stone fruit growing res of the Unite Sttes n resistne in pthogens of other rops hs een reporte for Elevte n the nilinopyrimiines. Tretment filures fter using fungiies hve lso een reporte on stone fruits in some lotions in Cliforni over the lst yers. In 2007, n isolte of M. frutiol resistnt to the AP fungiies ws foun in Northern Cliforni n in 2009 severl isoltes of M. lx were foun to e resistnt to the sme fungiie lss. Fungiies were evlute on peh n netrine lossoms n fruit. As ompre to 2008, the nturl iniene of lossom light n fruit rot in our experimentl orhrs in 2009 ws higher n n extensive t set ws otine for six peh n netrine ultivrs. Single pplitions were one for lossom light ontrol, wheres for pre hrvest fruit ey mngement, progrms inlue one or two sprys t selete pre hrvest timings. Posthrvest Dey. Over the yers, we hve ientifie severl highly tive posthrvest fungiies n filitte their registrtion y ooperting with IR 4 n onuting resiue stuies. These fungiies inlue Sholr (fluioxonil), Juge (fenhexmi), Penote (pyrimethnil Feerlly registere in 2009 with CA registrtion pening in 2010), n Mentor (propionzole emergeny registrtion 2009, feerl pening in 2011). Registrtion of Mentor (full registrtion is expete for 2010) is pursue primrily euse of its high effiy ginst sour rot, ut this fungiie is lso tive ginst other eys. We ontinue to evlute these n experimentl fungiies (i.e., Lun Privilege, Lun Senstion) for their effiy ginst the mjor eys (i.e., rown rot, gry mol, Rhizopus rot, sour rot) with the gol of fining suitle posthrvest tretments for ll of the inustry s nees (i.e., effetive ey ontrol while meeting export MRLs) for mrketing high qulity fruit to mny mrkets. We lso evlute vrious mixtures of posthrvest fungiies t reue rtes to inrese the spetrum of tivity, reue the risk of resistne evelopment, n provie ost effetive tretments for mnging posthrvest fruit eys. Stuies were onute using ifferent pplition methos. Nturl prouts were not evlute for posthrvest ey ontrol euse in our previous tests, these mterils were shown to e ineffetive in reuing ey of fruit tht were woun inoulte efore or fter tretment. Beuse sour rot s well s other eys re often ssoite with poor snittion prties, hlorine use is oming uner inrese srutiny in some lotions ue to isposl issues, new snittion tretments (i.e., Persn iifie hyrogen peroxie, quternry mmoni ompouns) were evlute s fruit isinfesttion tretments. Ozone tretments previously were foun to e ineffetive in our stuies. In 2008 we emonstrte the high effiy of EXP JBL 08A ( quternry mmoni Cliforni Tree Fruit Agreement 2009 Annul Reserh Report 32

5 Askveg Epiemiology n Mngement of Pre n Post Hrvest Diseses ompoun) tht voltizes off fter tretment n then is no longer etetle. We ntiipte tht this prout potentilly oul provie resiue free tretment option for mrketing fruit when no fungiies re llowe or it n e use in omintion with fungiies. With severl highly effetive n environmentlly sfe posthrvest fungiies ville n with n expning rsenl of pre hrvest fungiies, it is importnt to pply proper fungiie stewrship. Thus, our reserh is lso fousing on strtegies to prevent fungiie resistne in pthogen popultions. Determining fungiie sensitivity levels in fungl isoltes is ritil to etet ny hnges in sensitivity in pthogen popultions. For this, we re estlishing seline sensitivities of M. frutiol, B. inere, n G. nium ginst some of the newer fungiies. In ition to evluting new posthrvest fungiies n integrting them into mngement progrm, we hve lso een evluting ifferent posthrvest pplition methos n the omptiility of fruit otings with these fungiies. Furthermore, new fruit n equipment snittion tretments will e importnt to reue the mount of pthogen inoulum expose to the fungiies n to prevent the spre of inoulum uring posthrvest hnling in pkinghouses. This is one to ensure effiious fungiie usge, to mke tretments ost effetive to pkers, n to improve the pperne of trete fruit. Mngement of Powery Milew n Peh Lef Curl. In 2009, trils were lso onute on the mngement of powery milew n peh lef url ue to serious outreks in reent yers. For powery milew, the min fous ws the evlution of new fungiie pre mixtures n of rottion progrms. Dormnt, pre loom, n post loom spry progrms with zirm or opper mterils were onute for mngement of peh lef url. MATERIALS AND METHODS 1. Blossom Blight n Pre Hrvest Stuies for Brown Rot Evlution of Fungiies for Mngement of Brown Rot Blossom Blight n Pre Hrvest Fruit Dey. Trils were estlishe in two orhrs t the Kerney Agriulturl Center (KAC) in Prlier, CA, on three netrine ultivrs (i.e., Re Dimon, Summer Flre, n Summer Fire) n three peh ultivrs (i.e., Elegnt Ly, July Flme, n Ryn Sun) to evlute fungiies for ontrol of rown rot lossom light. Fungiies tht were pplie to trees using n ir lst spryer lirte for 100 gl/a re inite in the Figures of the Results. Rnomize su plots of four single tree replitions for eh tretment were use. Iniene of rown rot lossom light use y M. frutiol ws reore in April For this, 200 lossoms were evlute for light for eh single tree replition n tretment. In lortory stuies, pink u lossoms of v. Fy Elert were ollete, llowe to open in the lortory, n either inoulte with oniil suspension of M. frutiol (20K onii/ml) n trete fter 24 h with selete fungiies n nturl prouts using hn spryer (post infetion tivity), or trete n then inoulte fter 24 h (pre infetion tivity). Three replitions of 7 lossoms were use for eh fungiie. The two stone fruit orhrs t KAC were lso use for the evlution of pre hrvest tretments. Applitions were me in the fiel using n ir lst spryer (100 gl/a). In the first orhr, twopplition progrms were one with 10+3 y or y PHI pplitions to Re Dimon netrine, 10+3 y or y PHI pplitions to Elegnt Ly peh, n 13+4 y or y PHI pplitions to Ryn Sun peh. In the seon orhr, single pplition ws one t 6 or 13 Cliforni Tree Fruit Agreement 2009 Annul Reserh Report 33

6 Askveg Epiemiology n Mngement of Pre n Post Hrvest Diseses ys PHI to Summer Fire netrine, t 7 or 13 ys PHI to Summer Flre netrine, t 7 ys PHI to July Flme peh, n t 6 or 13 ys PHI to Ryn Sun peh. In this ltter orhr 6 h simulte rin tretments were one two n four ys fter fungiie pplition to rete n environment more onuive for fruit infetion. Four oxes of 48 fruit eh were hrveste for eh tretment (one per single tree replition). Fruit were pke in ommeril oxes n store for pproximtely 7 ys t 1 C. Fruit were then inute t 20C for 7 ys n evlute for iniene of ey. Evlution of Fungiies for Mngement of Powery Milew n Peh Lef Curl. A tril on the mngement of powery milew use y Poospher pnnos ws estlishe in ommeril v. Crson orhr in Butte Co. In ition to Regli n stylet oil, ten fungiie pre mixtures n five rottion progrms were evlute (see Fig. 6). Applitions were one on 3 5 (full loom), 3 26 (2 weeks fter petl fll), n (5 weeks fter petl fll). Disese ws evlute on June 9. For this, fruit of eh of the four single tree replitions were rte for isese. In tril on the mngement of peh lef url use y Tphrin eformns on Fy Elert peh t UC Dvis, zirm, opper mterils (i.e., Koie 2000, Koie 3000, Kentn 40DF, Bge X2), or Brvo were pplie t selete rtes y themselves or in rottions. In eh single fungiie or rottion progrm two pplitions were one either uring ormny ( , ), lte ormny ( ), or t post loom ( ) using n ir lst spryer t 100 gl/a. The high rte of Zirm (6 l) ws lso use in single spry tretment uring erly or lte ormny. All opper mterils were pplie in omintion with spry oil (415) t 2%. Trees were evlute for isese on April 15, For this, the numer of lef url infetions ws ounte on 100 shoots for eh of the four single tree replitions. 2. Posthrvest Mngement Stuies for Brown Rot, Gry Mol, Rhizopus Rot, n Sour Rot Experimentl Pking Line Stuies on Post Hrvest Fungiie Tretments for of Brown Rot, Gry Mol, Rhizopus Rot, n Sour Rot. Fungiies evlute inlue registere (Sholr 230SC, Mentor 45WP, Juge 50WG), soon to e registere (Penote 400SC similr to Sl 600SC), n experimentl (Lun Privilege, Lun Senstion) fungiies. In ition, tnk mixture tretments (Sholr Mentor, Sholr Juge, Mentor Juge, Mentor Penote, Elite Sholr, Elite Juge) were evlute t selete rtes. A rnge of netrine n peh ultivrs, s well s Csselmn plums, were use in these stuies s inite in the Results setion. Fruit were woun inoulte (wouns 1 x 1 x 0.5 mm) with G. nium (5x10 5 spores/ml), M. frutiol, B. inere, or R. stolonifer (3x10 4 spores/ml eh) n trete fter h. Tretments were pplie y low volume sprys () t 25 gl/200,000 l fruit or y n in line renh pplition on roller e. pplitions were one in ilute fruit oting to netrines n pehes (50% Primfresh 200) or in n unilute rnuse fruit oting (Deo 231) to plums. Aqueous in line renh pplitions with fungiie rtes/100 gl were followe y pplition with fruit oting. Tretment rtes re expresse s prout/200,000 l fruit. For eh tretment there were fruit for eh of four replitions. After tretment, fruit were inute for 5 8 ys t 20C n >95% RH. For evlution of fruit, the iniene of ey ws lulte se on the numer of eye fruit per totl numer of fruit trete. Evlution of New Snittion Tretments. In experimentl pking line stuies with inoulte netrine or peh fruit, the surfe isinfetnt tivity of Persn (80 ppm) n the quternry Cliforni Tree Fruit Agreement 2009 Annul Reserh Report 34

7 Askveg Epiemiology n Mngement of Pre n Post Hrvest Diseses mmoni ompouns Exp JBL 08A, Deosn 315, or PRite (eh 1% v/v) ws ompre to tht of hlorine t 100 ppm. Fruit were non woun inoulte with rops of inoulum (M. frutiol, B. inere, G. nium t 5x10 5 spores/ml, R. stolonifer t 2.5x10 5 spores/ml), trete, n then woune t the inoultion sites with sterile toothpiks efore inution. Tretments were one y two sequentil high volume T Jet sprys over roller e with totl tretment time of. 16 se. Bseline Sensitivities (EC 50 Vlues) of G. Cnium ginst Propionzol. A totl of 24 isoltes of G. nium were otine from eying stone fruits in Cliforni n from the E. E. Butler olletion tht ontins isoltes of worl wie origin. In vitro sensitivities ginst propionzole were etermine using the spirl grient ilution metho. EC 50 vlues were summrize in r grph. Sttistil Anlysis of Dt. Dt for isese iniene (perentge t) were rsin trnsforme efore nlysis. Dt were nlyze using nlysis of vrine n lest signifint ifferene (LSD) men seprtion proeures of SAS 9.1. Results n Disussion 1. Mngement of Blossom Blight, Pre Hrvest Brown Rot, Powery Milew, n Peh Lef Curl Effiy of Fungiies for Mngement of Blossom Blight. The performne of fungiies ws evlute fter single pplitions t elye pink u or t full loom. Due to very low preipittion in the spring of 2009 t our tril site t Kerney Ag Center (56.5 mm etween Fe. 1 n April 1, 2009, s ompre to 49.0 mm in 2008, 59.4 mm in 2007 n mm in 2006 for the sme time perio), the iniene of lossom light ws low. The iniene of light in the untrete ontrol ws 2.5% for Re Dimon netrine, 1.4% for Elegnt Ly peh, 4 n 1.3% for Ryn Sun peh (two orhrs), 0.5% for Summer Fire netrine, n 0.5% for July Flme peh. On Ryn Sun where the highest isese iniene (i.e., 4%) ourre in the non trete ontrol, lossom light ws reue to <0.1% y the new fungiie Lun Privilege (USF2015 fluopyrm) n the new pre mixtures Lun Senstion (USF2016, fluopyrm + trifloxystroin), Inspire XT (= ifenoonzole + propionzole), Quilt Xel (= zoxystroin + propionzole), Quris Top (= zoxystroin + ifenoonzole), s well s the registere pre mixture Ament (= teuonzole + trifloxystroin) (Fig. 1). These tretments mostly were lso very effetive in the seon Ryn Sun orhr n on the other stone fruit ultivrs (exept on July Flme peh where isese iniene ws very low) (Figs. 1,2). Overll, Syllit, Vngr, n Sl were mong the less effetive tretments on some ultivrs, ut they were still very effetive on others. Blossoms from the UC Dvis Fy Elert peh plot were use in lortory tests. Lun Privilege, Lun Senstion, Inspire XT, Quilt Xel, Quris Top, Ament, s well s Qush n Inspire Super (=ifenoonzole + yproinil) emonstrte exellent pre n post infetion tivity, similr to Sl (Fig. 3). The nturl prout Regli ws effetive in this experiment, ut not s effetive s the fungiies, wheres the io ontrol Atinovte ( preprtion of the tinomyete Streptomyes lyius) i not reue the iniene of lossom light. Thus, Regli is promising lterntive lossom light tretment for orgni fruit proution. Atinovte shoul e teste t higher rtes. Cliforni Tree Fruit Agreement 2009 Annul Reserh Report 35

8 Askveg Epiemiology n Mngement of Pre n Post Hrvest Diseses Effiy of Pre Hrvest Fungiies for Mngement of Fruit Deys. The effiy of selete prehrvest fungiies for ontrol of fruit rown rot ey ws evlute uner mient onitions using two pre hrvest pplitions (3, one trils on eh of 3 ultivrs) n uner simulte rin onitions using single pre hrvest pplition (one tril on eh of 4 ultivrs). The nturl iniene of rown rot rnge etween 27.6% n 99% for fruit of the untrete ontrol when inute t 20C for 5 to 8 ys n thus, no fruit inoultions h to e one. In the first orhr with the two spry progrm, tretments were more effetive on Re Dimon netrine n Elegnt Ly peh thn on the lte mturing Ryn Sun peh. Among the new single fungiies the SBI Qush n the SDHI Lun Privilege provie very goo ey ontrol, wheres Syllit ws not effetive (Fig. 4). As in the lossom stuies, the new pre mixtures Ament, Inspire Super, Lun Senstion, Inspire XT, Quilt Xel, n Quris Top performe very well. On Re Dimon netrine, these tretments still performe very well when pplie 20 n 13 ys efore hrvest, wheres on Elegnt Ly peh only Lun Privilege, Lun Senstion, n Inspire XT resulte in exellent ey ontrol when pplie further he of hrvest (i.e., 17 n 10 ys PHI). As in previous yers, the nilinopyrimiines Vngr n Sl were not s effetive s most of the other fungiies in these summer fruit pplitions. Temperture n humiity re importnt ftors in etermining their performne s pre hrvest tretments (s emonstrte previously). In the seon orhr with single pre hrvest pplition n where two simulte rin tretments were pplie fter fungiie pplition, tretments loser to hrvest (6 or 7 ys PHI) were generlly more effetive thn erlier pplitions on Summer Flre n Summer Fire netrines (Fig. 5). On ll four ultivrs, the sme fungiies, inluing Lun Privilege n Qush, s well s most of the pre mixtures tht were very effetive in the first orhr performe lso very well in this seon orhr. In ition, the pre mix fungiie Distinguish ws lso very effetive. This fungiie, however, my not e ontinue to e evelope for use on stone fruit. Syllit, Sl, n Vngr gin were not or only slightly effetive. Conlusions on Blossom Blight n Pre Hrvest Dey Mngement. Our t inite tht numerous registere n new fungiies n e use s very effetive tretments for mnging lossom light n pre hrvest iseses, n for reuing posthrvest rown rot ey. Currently registere fungiies elong to six ifferent lsses, the SBIs (Orit, Elite, Inr, Rlly), the nilinopyrimiines (Vngr, Sl), the iroximies (Rovrl/Oil), the hyroxynilies (Elevte), s well s the roxmies (osli) n QoIs (pyrlostroin) tht re ontine in the premixture Pristine. Future registrtions inlue two itionl SBI fungiies (ifenoonzole Inspire n metonzole Qush), n the SDHI Lun Privilege, lss tht inlues the su groups enzimies (i.e., fluopyrm) n roxmies (i.e., osli). Thus, this FRAC group 7 hs the sme trget site suinte ehyrogense ut the su groups show slightly ifferent ffinity to the site. Still, resistne mngement prties shoul e followe y rotting etween FRAC Group numers. These fungiies re importnt to the stone fruit inustry euse of their tivity ginst rown rot, gry mol, n powery milews. Pre hrvest rottionl prouts for the SBIs re still neee tht re similrly highly effetive n lso hve some lolly systemi tivity. Although no new effetive fungiie lss hs een ientifie in reent yers, the registrtion of severl new premixtures, inluing Inspire XT, Quilt Xel, n Quris Top will prtilly fill this voi n provie tools for the implementtion of resistne mngement strtegies in rown rot ontrol. For prehrvest ey ontrol, single pplitions re est pplie within 8 ys of hrvest, wheres Cliforni Tree Fruit Agreement 2009 Annul Reserh Report 36

9 Askveg Epiemiology n Mngement of Pre n Post Hrvest Diseses tretments in two spry progrm shoul e one t 7 to 10 y intervl within two weeks of hrvest. Evlution of Fungiies for Mngement of Powery Milew n Peh Lef Curl. In the powery milew tril, the emphsis ws on evluting the effiy of reently registere n experimentl premix fungiies tht re plnne for registrtion n on rottionl tretments. A new powery milewspeifi fungiie (Vivno metrfenone, BAS560) tht ws inlue in three of the rottions n pre mixtures of registere (e.g., Amnt, Pristine) or new fungiies (Lun Senstion, Lun Experiene, Inspire Super, Inspire XT, Quilt Xel, n Quris Top) were highly effetive in this tril with low isese pressure (3.2% iniene of isese on fruit) (Fig. 6). Aitionlly, the nturl prout Regli lso signifintly reue the iniene of isese from tht of the ontrol (1% iniene) n ws numerilly more effetive thn stylet oil (1.6% iniene). We pln to onut itionl trils in Although outreks of powery milew re very spori n lolize, we hope to e le to otin t for higher isese pressure onitions. In tril on Fy Elert peh on the mngement of peh lef url, the effiy of selete fungiies spry pplition progrms. The results in Fig. 7 inite tht Zirm ws the most effetive mteril in pplie lone or in rottion uring ormny, lte ormny, or post loom ws ompre in one or two mnging this isese. A single pplition of Zirm t 6 l/a pplie t erly ( ) or lte ( ) ormny ws similr highly effetive s two tretments t 4 or 5 l/a pplie uring erly n lte ormny. Disese ws reue from n iniene of 69.3% in the ontrol to 0.5 to 4.8% mong the Zirm tretments. The lower rtes of Zirm re off lel rtes tht my e revise in supplementl lel. Tretments with severl opper prouts in omintion with spry oil were lso effetive, resulting in n iniene of lef url etween 20.8 n 26%. Thus, the four opper prouts evlute were similrly effetive. Rottions tht inlue Zirm tretment uring erly, mi ( ) or lte ormny were highly effetive, ut were not effetive when this fungiie ws pplie post loom ( ). Furthermore, Zirm Koie rottion ws similrly effetive s Zirm Brvo rottion. Bse on this n previous yers trils, peh lef url is most effetively mnge y single or two ormnt pplitions with Zirm or rottion tht inlues one pplition of Zirm n opper prout or hlorothlonil. Thus, highly effetive tretments re ville for the mngement of peh lef url tht when properly time n reue isese iniene to very low levels. 2. Post Hrvest Dey Posthrvest stuies were prt of n ongoing effort to evelop n register new posthrvest tretments n to integrte the new mterils in resistne mngement strtegies tht inlue the use of proper rtes n pplition methos. Gols of our 2009 posthrvest reserh inlue the evlution of new fungiie (i.e., Lun Privilege fluopyrm) lone or in mixture with trifloxystroin (i.e., Lun Senstion); the ontinue evlution of registere (i.e., Sholr, Juge, Mentor) n soon to e registere (i.e., Penote) fungiies either lone or in selete pre mixtures t reue rtes; the re evlution of teuonzole (Elite, Orius) where IR 4 resiue trils were onute in the lte 1990s n registrtion ws elye until the reent registrtion for posthrvest use on plums; n the evlution of snitizing tretments. Cliforni Tree Fruit Agreement 2009 Annul Reserh Report 37

10 Askveg Epiemiology n Mngement of Pre n Post Hrvest Diseses In experimentl pking line stuies using inoulte netrines, fluopyrm (Lun Privilege) ws mostly effetive ginst gry mol, intermeitely effetive ginst Rhizopus rot (in trils not shown, effiy ginst Rhizopus ws lower thn in the presente figure), not highly effetive ginst rown rot, n ineffetive ginst sour rot (Fig. 8). Sholr, Mentor, n Penote performe onsistently in their spetrum of tivity n effiy with previous stuies; rown rot: ll three were highly effetive, gry mol: Sholr n Penote were highly effetive n Mentor showe reue effiy, Rhizopus rot: Sholr ws highly effetive, sour rot: only Mentor ws effetive. Teuonzole ws evlute using the 45WP Elite (Byer Crop Sienes) n the queous Orius 20AQ (MANA) formultions. Historilly, teuonzole hs een highly effetive ginst rown rot. In stuies on pehes n netrines selete tretments were only evlute for speifi eys where isrimintory results were expete in selete omprisons. Elite performe signifintly etter thn Orius n emonstrte higher effiy ginst gry mol n Rhizopus rot (Fig. 9). A mixture of Juge n Orius i not ontrol Rhizopus rot n h signifintly more ey thn Orius. Thus, this inites negtive intertion etween the two fungiies. In omprison with Mentor, Elite ws more effetive ginst gry mol n Rhizopus rot ut ws not effetive ginst sour rot s previous stuies hve shown. In evlution of mixture tretments, there ws no negtive intertion etween the iniviul fungiies in Juge Mentor (Fig. 10), Sholr Mentor (Figs. 10,11,12), or Sholr Juge mixtures (Figs. 11,12). A negtive intertion, however, ws oserve in Juge Elite tretments where the mixture ws less effetive ginst Rhizopus rot thn Elite lone (Figs. 13,14) similr to the Orius Juge mixture (Fig. 9). Mixture tretments with high effiy n the roest spetrum of tivity (rown rot, gry mol, Rhizopus rot, sour rot) inlue Mentor t the 4 oz rte: Mentor mixe with Juge (Figs. 9,10,15) or Sholr (Figs. 9,10,11,12,15) (the Mentor Penote mixture ws not evlute for sour rot). Highly effiious tretments ginst the mjor eys (rown rot, gry mol, Rhizopus rot) inlue Sholr Mentor (Figs. 10,11,12,13), Sholr Elite (Fig. 13,14), Sholr Juge (Fig. 11,12), n Sholr Penote (Fig. 14). These mixtures were still highly effetive when Sholr 230SC, the most ostly omponent of these mixtures, ws use t rte of 8 fl oz or even 4 fl oz (equivlent to 150 or 75 ppm, respetively, when pplie t 100 gl/200,000 l). Thus, these mixtures hve gret potentil to e ost effetive, highly effiious, ro spetrum tretments tht lso reue the risk of resistne evelopment. In omprisons of low volume spry n high volume in line renh pplitions using inoulte netrine n peh fruit, oth pplition methos were highly effetive with the fungiie tretments evlute, ut there ws tren for in line renh pplitions eing generlly more effetive (Figs. 11,12). For the stuies on plums, only in line renhes were use n selete tretments showe to e highly effetive (Figs. 13,14). In line renhes nee to e evlute in ommeril settings where onentrtions n e monitore over time s fungiie solutions re re yle. The emergeny registrtion for Mentor (propionzole) ws renewe for the 2009 seson n ontinues to provie effetive mngement of sour rot. Propionzole resistne in popultions of Geotrihum nium hs not een reporte ommerilly with the loss of effiy or loss of rop trete with the fungiie. Shifts in sensitivity to the fungiie hve only een foun y others in Cliforni Tree Fruit Agreement 2009 Annul Reserh Report 38

11 Askveg Epiemiology n Mngement of Pre n Post Hrvest Diseses trete fruit tht ws returne s ulls to orhrs. This prtie is highly isourge for ny fruit trete with fungiie. Where it is one, fruit shoul e spre out, iske, n plowe uner the soil immeitely to llow numerous miroes to ompete with the plnt pthogens (i.e., M. frutiol, G. nium). There were no reports of ny filures of Sholr tretments t pkinghouses or t finl mrkets n thus, there is no eviene of ny resistne evelopment ginst this fungiie. Evlution of the Disinfetion n Post Infetion Ativity of New Fruit Snitizing Tretments in the Mngement of Brown Rot, Gry Mol, Rhizopus Rot, n Sour Rot of Netrines n Pehes. Two experimentl pking line stuies with netrines n pehes were onute on the omprtive evlution of Persn, quternry mmoni ompouns (Exp JBL 08A, Deosn 315, PRite), n hlorine. The isinfetion tivity ws evlute y rop inoulting nonwoune fruit with spore suspension, treting fruit, n wouning fruit t the inoultion site fter tretment. The evelopment of ey ws use s n initor of the effiy of the tretments for isinfeting fruit. All tretments were pplie s high volume sprys using two sequentil T Jet pplitions on roller e. As shown in Fig. 16, n similr to our stuies in 2008, results otine for tretments with Persn n hlorine were inonsistent n effiy ws generlly low. This is in ontrst to our stuies with sweet herries where Persn hs emonstrte very goo surfe isinfetion tivity, etter thn or equl to hlorine. Possily, ontminting fungl spores re more esily essile for the snitizer on the smooth skinne herry fruit. In the urrent stuies on netrines n pehes, there lso ws tren for tretments eing more effetive on the smoother skinne netrine thn on the peh fruit. Tretments were one on roller e with tretment time of. 16 se. Thus, se on this n lst yer s results (2008 Fig. 23), Persn or hlorine tretments for isinfeting pehes n netrines shoul est e use on rush e with etergent (e.g., Epilen 1+24 ilution) with extene tretment urtion (15 to 30 se). Tretments with three experimentl quternry mmoni ompouns were more onsistent in reuing ey to low levels n effetively remove n intivte surfe inoulum (Fig. 16). Exp JBL 08A ws the most effetive of the three ompouns evlute. In itionl stuies, this mteril lso signifintly reue the iniene of rown rot ey fter woun inoultion n inution of fruit for 6 h efore tretment n thus, ws le to inhiit erly infetions (t not shown n lst yer s stuies). Exp JBL 08A is registere for foo use in some ountries, ut registrtion of quternry mmoni ompoun in the US for iret use on foo prouts my not e possile. Bseline Sensitivities (EC 50 Vlues) of G. Cnium ginst Propionzole. An extene seline popultion of 24 isoltes of G. nium showe wie rnge of sensitivity ginst propionzole. EC 50 vlues for myelil growth rnge from 0.07 to 0.49 ppm (Fig. 17). The isolte with the lowest sensitivity ws prt of the E. E. Butler Geotrihum olletion tht ws estlishe more thn 40 yers go. It is unlikely tht this isolte ws ever expose to the fungiie. Thus, the overll rnge of sensitivity in this popultion is 7X n shoul e onsiere within the true seline. Evlution of itionl isoltes will proly further hnge this rnge (e.g., 10X rnge of sensitivity). Cliforni Tree Fruit Agreement 2009 Annul Reserh Report 39

12 Askveg Epiemiology n Mngement of Pre n Post Hrvest Diseses Perspetive on Post Hrvest Dey. Currently, fluioxonil (Sholr) n fenhexmi (Juge) re fully registere for posthrvest use on stone fruit in Cliforni. Pyrimethnil (Penote) hs een feerlly registere in July 2009 through the IR 4 progrm n the Cliforni registrtion is expete for A Setion 18 emergeny registrtion ws grnte gin for propionzole (Mentor) in 2009 for mngement of sour rot n Setion 3 full registrtion tht is eing pursue through the IR 4 progrm is expete for Thus, the Setion 18 emergeny registrtion nees to e renewe gin for the 2010 seson. With this spetrum of fungiies, ll mjor eys of stone fruit n e mnge with high effiy n, if properly pplie, long istne shipping of high qulity Cliforni stone fruit n e one. Due to its onsistent high performne over the lst 12 yers, Sholr represents the orner stone of the tools for mnging posthrvest stone fruit eys. Still, selete mixtures n pplition methos tht we hve ientifie llow for lower rtes tht n mke fungiie tretments more ost effetive, inrese the spetrum of tivity, n potentilly reue seletion of resistne in pthogen popultions. In ition, new effetive snitizers will e importnt in integrte mngement strtegies with fungiies n provie stewrship in the use of pestiies. The use of snitizers is espeilly ritil in the mrketing of pre onitione or tree ripene fruit n for mnging ey orgnisms, suh s sour rot like eys not use y G. nium, tht nnot e ontrolle y ny of the fungiies registere on stone fruit. Peroxyeti i (e.g., Persn) when use with neutrl lener or etergent on rush e n e use effetively n similr to hlorine wshes. Beuse quternry mmoni ompouns (e.g., EXP JBL 08A, P Rite, Deosn) lso signifintly reue ey on wouninoulte fruit in ition to non woun inoulte fruit, these ompouns my potentilly e lterntive snitizers n fungiie tretments uner low isese pressure. Still, there re no foo tolernes estlishe in the Unite Sttes n in mny other ountries n ny registrtion will e long term effort. Cliforni Tree Fruit Agreement 2009 Annul Reserh Report 40

13 Askveg Epiemiology n Mngement of Pre n Posthrvest Diseses Fig. 1. Effiy of fungiie tretments for mngement of rown rot lossom light of netrine n peh ultivrs t the Kerney Agriulturl Center - Orhr 1 Fig. 2. Effiy of fungiie tretments for mngement of rown rot lossom light of netrine n peh ultivrs t the Kerney Agriulturl Center- Orhr 2 Single fungiies Re Dimon Netrine Elegnt Ly Peh Ryn Sun Peh Single fungiies Syllit 3.4FL 48 fl oz Sl 600SC 12.8 fl oz Vngr 75WG 5 oz Qush 50WG 4 oz Premixtures Lun Privilege (USF2015) 4 fl oz Ament 50WG 3 oz Ament 50WG 6 oz Lun Senstion (USF2016) 4 fl oz Inspire Super SC 10 fl oz Inspire XT (A8122B) EC 5 fl oz Inspire XT (A8122B) EC 7 fl oz Quilt Xel (A15909A) SC 10 fl oz Quris Top (A13703G) SC 14 fl oz Iniene of lossom light (%) One pplition of eh tretment ws me in the fiel on t 40-50% loom using n ir-lst spryer (100 gl/a). Blossoms were evlute for lossom light on There were four single-tree replitions for eh tretment. Premixtures Syllit 3.4FL 48 fl oz Sl 600SC 12.8 fl oz Vngr 75WG 5 oz Qush 50WG 4 oz Elite 45WP 6 oz Orit 3.6EC 4 fl oz Lun Privilege (USF2015) 4 fl oz Ament 50WG 6 oz Distinguish 480SC 18 fl oz Lun Senstion (USF2016) 4 fl oz Lun Experiene (USF2017) 6 fl oz Inspire Super SC 10 fl oz Inspire XT (A8122B) EC 7 fl oz Quilt Xel (A15909A) SC 10 fl oz Quris Top (A13703G) SC 14 fl oz Ryn Sun Peh July Flme Peh Iniene of lossom light (%) One pplition of eh tretment ws me in the fiel on to Ryn Sun (45% loom) n July Flme peh (55% loom) using n ir-lst spryer (100 gl/a). Blossoms were evlute for lossom light on There were four single-tree replitions for eh tretment. Cliforni Tree Fruit Agreement 2009 Annul Reserh Report 41

14 Fig. 3. Evlution of the pre- n post-infetion tivity of new fungiies ginst rown rot lossom light of Fy Elert peh Atinovte 12 oz + Brekthru 10 fl oz Regli 1% MOI 106B 1% Sl 600SC 12.8 fl oz Vngr 75WG 5 oz Qush 50WDG 4 oz Lun Privilege (USF2015) 4 fl oz Ament 50WG 3 oz Ament 50WG 6 oz Lun Senstion (USF2016) 4 fl oz Inspire Super SC 10 fl oz Quris Top (A13703G) SC 14 fl oz Inspire XT (A8122B) EC 5 fl oz Quilt Xel (A15909C) 10 fl oz Askveg Epiemiology n Mngement of Pre n Posthrvest Diseses Pre-infetion tivity Post-infetion tivity Iniene of stmen infetions (%) Blossoms t poporn stge were ollete in the fiel n llowe to open in the lortory. Blossoms were then either trete using n ir-nozzle spryer 24 h efore (pre-infetion tivity) or fter (post-infetion tivity) inoultion with onii of M. frutiol (15,000 onii/ml). Blossoms were inute t 20C for 4-5 ys n were then evlute for stmen infetions. Cliforni Tree Fruit Agreement 2009 Annul Reserh Report 42

15 Askveg Epiemiology n Mngement of Pre n Posthrvest Diseses Fig. 4. Effiy of prehrvest fungiie tretments for mngement of rown rot (nturl iniene of ey) of netrines n pehes t the Kerney Agriulturl Center - Orhr 1: Two prehrvest pplitions Single fungiies Syllit 3.4FL 48 fl oz Sl 600SC 12.8 fl oz Vngr 75WG 10 oz Qush 50WG 3.5 oz Re Dimon netrine 10+3 ys PHI ys PHI e e e e e e e e e ef ef e ef ef e f Iniene of rown rot ey (%) Lun Privilege (USF2015) 4 fl oz Premixtures Ament 50WG 6 oz Ament 50WG 3 oz Lun Senstion (USF2016) 4 fl oz Inspire Super SC 10 fl oz Inspire XT (A8122B) EC 5 fl oz Inspire XT (A8122B) EC 7 fl oz Quilt Xel (A15909C) 10 fl oz Quris Top (A13703G) SC 14 fl oz Elegnt Ly peh Ryn Sun peh 10+3 ys PHI ys PHI 13+4 ys PHI ys PHI Single Syllit 3.4FL 48 fl oz fungiies Sl 600SC 12.8 fl oz Vngr 75WG 10 oz ef e Qush 50WG 3.5 oz e e f e Lun Privilege (USF2015) 4 fl oz f f f e Pre- Ament 50WG 3 oz e e mixtures Ament 50WG 6 oz ef ef ef e Lun Senstion (USF2016) 4 fl oz ef ef ef e Inspire Super SC 10 fl oz e Inspire XT (A8122B) EC 5 fl oz ef e ef e Inspire XT (A8122B) EC 7 fl oz ef f f e Quilt Xel (A15909C) 10 fl oz e ef e Quris Top (A13703G) SC 14 fl oz e Iniene of rown rot ey (%) Applitions were me in the fiel on 6-12 n for Re Dimon, on 7-3 n for Elegnt Ly, n on 7-29 n for Ryn Sun using n ir lst spryer t 100 gl/a. Fruit were hrveste n store t 1C for 7 ys n were then inute t 20C for 7 ys. Cliforni Tree Fruit Agreement 2009 Annul Reserh Report 43

16 Askveg Epiemiology n Mngement of Pre n Posthrvest Diseses Fig. 5. Effiy of prehrvest fungiie tretments for mngement of rown rot (nturl iniene of ey) of netrines n pehes t the Kerney Agriulturl Center - Orhr 2: One prehrvest pplition, simulte rin tretment fter fungiie tretment - Single fungiies Syllit 3.4FL 48 fl oz Sl 600SC 12.8 fl oz Vngr 75WG 10 oz Qush 50WG 3.5 oz Single fungiies Elite 45WP 6 oz Orit 3.6EC 4 fl oz Lun Privilege (USF2015) 4 fl oz Premixtures Distinguish 480SC 18 fl oz Ament 50WG 6 oz Lun Senstion (USF2016) 4 fl oz Lun Experiene (USF2017) 6 fl oz Inspire Super SC 10 fl oz Inspire XT (A8122B) EC 7 fl oz Quilt Xel (A15909C) 10 fl oz Quris Top (A13703G) SC 14 fl oz Premixtures Summer Flre netrine 7 ys PHI 13 ys PHI e Syllit 3.4FL 48 fl oz Sl 600SC 12.8 fl oz Vngr 75WG 10 oz Qush 50WG 3.5 oz Elite 45WP 6 oz Orit 3.6EC 4 fl oz Lun Privilege (USF2015) 4 fl oz Ament 50WG 6 oz Distinguish 480SC 18 fl oz Lun Senstion (USF2016) 4 fl oz Lun Experiene (USF2017) 6 fl oz Inspire Super SC 10 fl oz Inspire XT (A8122B) EC 7 fl oz Quilt Xel (A15909C) 10 fl oz Quris Top (A13703G) SC 14 fl oz Not one Summer Fire netrine 6 ys PHI 13 ys PHI h fgh Not one gh gh efg e e Not one g g fg ef e e July Flme peh 7 ys PHI e e e e e e e e e e e fgh ef fgh Iniene of rown rot ey (%) Ryn Sun peh 6 ys PHI 13 ys PHI ef Not one Not one e e e ef e ef e ef ef e e ef ef e f Iniene of rown rot ey (%) Applitions were me in the fiel on 6-25 (Summer Flre n July Flme), 7-14 (Summer Fire), n (Ryn Sun) using n ir lst spryer t 100 gl/a. The orhr ws irrigte with overhe sprinklers for 6 h 2 n 4 ys fter fungiie pplition. Fruit were hrveste n store t 1C for 7 ys n were then inute t 20C for 7 ys. efg ef Cliforni Tree Fruit Agreement 2009 Annul Reserh Report 44

17 Askveg Epiemiology n Mngement of Pre n Posthrvest Diseses Fig. 6. Effiy of fungiie tretments for mngement of powery milew of v. Crson peh in Butte Co. Progrm Prout* FB wk APF wk APF Single @ prouts Fungiie Ament @ pre-mixes Ament 50WG @ Lun Senstion (USF2016) 4 @ Lun Experiene (USF2017) 5 @ Pristine 38WG Inspire Super SC 10 @ Inspire XT (A8122B) EC 5 @ Inspire XT (A8122B) EC 7 @ Quilt Xel (A15909) 10 @ Quris Top (A13703G) SC 14 @ Fungiie Iproione 4F 32 fl rottions BAS @ Iproione 4F 32 fl BAS @ Iproione 4F 32 fl Quinte 2L 7 @ Qush 50WG --- Aoun 2F 12.5 fl oz --- Distinguish 480SC 18 fl BAS fl Disese iniene on fruit (%) Tretments were pplie using n ir-lst spryer t rte of 100 gl/a. FB = full loom, APF = fter petl fll. Evlution ws one on Fig. 7. Effiy of fungiie tretments pplie uring ormny n pre-loom ginst peh lef url of Fy Elert pehes in fiel tril t UC Dvis Tretments* Iniene (%) Single Koie l + oil --- fungiies Koie l + oil --- Bge X2 28DF 5.5 l + oil --- Kentn 40DF 6.5 l + oil --- Zirm 76DF efg Zirm 76DF 6 l fg Zirm 76DF fg Zirm 76DF g Rottions Koie l + oil ef Zirm 76DF 5 l Bge X2 28DF 5.5 l + oil e Zirm 76DF 5 l Zirm 76DF 7 l e Koie l + oil 2% Zirm 76DF 7 l Brvo pts Zirm 76DF 7 l e Zirm 76DF 8 l Koie l + oil 2% Zirm 76DF 8 l Tretments were pplie in the fiel using n ir-lst spryer (100 gl/a). The pplition on ws post-loom tretment. Disese evlution ws one on Cliforni Tree Fruit Agreement 2009 Annul Reserh Report 45

18 Askveg Epiemiology n Mngement of Pre n Posthrvest Diseses Fig. 8. Effiy of posthrvest tretments with new n registere fungiies for mngement of posthrvest eys of Re Dimon n Summer Flre netrines in experimentl pkingline stuies - Fruit inoulte, trete, n inute - Mentor 45WP 4 oz Lun Privilege SC 8 fl oz Lun Senstion SC 8 fl oz Sholr 230SC 16 fl oz Penote 400SC 32 fl oz M. frutiol Summer Flre B. inere Re Dimon B. inere Summer Flre Iniene of ey (%) R. stolonifer G. nium Re Dimon Re Dimon Not one Not one Fruit were woun-inoulte with M. frutiol, B. inere, or R. stolonifer (3 x 10 4 spores/ml), s well s with G. nium (5 x 10 5 spores/ml) n trete fter h using pplitions. Applitions in 50% Primfresh 200 were t volume of 25 gl/200,000 l n were one on roller e. Fruit were then inute for 6 ys t 20C. Fig. 9. Effiy of posthrvest tretments with new n registere fungiies for mngement of posthrvest eys of Ryn Sun peh n Summer Fire netrine in experimentl pkingline stuies - Fruit inoulte, trete, t n inute - A. Ryn Sun peh M. frutiol B. inere R. stolonifer Fruit were woun-inoulte Elite 45WP 8 oz Not one e with M. frutiol, B. inere, Orius 20AQ 4.3 fl oz Not one or R. stolonifer (3 x 10 4 spores/ml), s well s with Orius 20AQ 4.3 fl oz + Juge 50WG 16 oz G. nium (5 x 10 5 Orius 20AQ 4.3 fl oz + Sholr 230SC 8 fl oz spores/ml) n trete fter Not one Not one h using Mentor 45WP 4 oz pplitions. Applitions in Mentor 45WP 4 oz + Penote 400SC 16 fl oz 50% Primfresh 200 were t Not one Not one volume of 25 gl/200,000 Mentor 45WP 4 oz + Juge 50WG 16 oz e l n were one on roller e. Fruit were then Mentor 45WP 4 oz + Sholr 230SC 8 fl oz Not one Not one inute for 6 ys t 20C Iniene of ey (%) B. Summer Fire netrine M. frutiol B. inere R. stolonifer G. nium Elite 45WP 8 oz Not one Not one Orius 20AQ 4.3 fl oz Not one Not one Orius 20AQ 4.3 fl oz + Juge 50WG 16 oz Not one Not one Orius 20AQ 4.3 fl oz + Sholr 230SC 8 fl oz Not one Not one Mentor 45WP 4 oz Not one Not one Mentor 45WP 4 oz + Penote 400SC 16 fl oz Not one Mentor 45WP 4 oz + Juge 50WG 16 oz Not one Not one Mentor 45WP 4 oz + Sholr 230SC 8 fl oz Not one Not one Iniene of ey (%) Fig. 10. Effiy of posthrvest tretments with new n registere fungiies for mngement of posthrvest eys of Summer Flre netrine n Elegnt Ly peh in experimentl pkingline stuies - Fruit inoulte, trete, n inute - M. frutiol Summer Flre B. inere Elegnt Ly B. inere Summer Flre R. stolonifer Elegnt Ly G. nium Elegnt Ly Juge 50WG 24 oz Not one Not one Mentor 45WP 4 oz Sholr 230SC 16 fl oz Juge 50WG 24 oz + Mentor 45WP 2 oz Juge 50WG 24 oz + Mentor 45WP 4 oz Sholr 230SC 12 fl oz + Mentor 45WP 2 oz Sholr 230SC 12 fl oz + Mentor 45WP 4 oz Iniene of ey (%) Fruit were woun-inoulte with M. frutiol, B. inere, or R. stolonifer (3 x 10 4 spores/ml), s well s with G. nium (5 x 10 5 spores/ml) n trete fter h using pplitions. Applitions in 50% Primfresh 200 were t volume of 25 gl/200,000 l n were one on roller e. Fruit were then inute for 6 ys t 20C. Cliforni Tree Fruit Agreement 2009 Annul Reserh Report 46

19 Askveg Epiemiology n Mngement of Pre n Posthrvest Diseses Fig. 11. Effiy of posthrvest tretments with new n registere fungiies for mngement of posthrvest eys of Summer Fire netrines in experimentl pkingline stuies - Fruit inoulte, trete, n inute - Tretment - wx Sholr 230SC 4 fl oz Sholr 230SC 4 fl oz Sholr 230SC 8 fl oz Sholr 230SC 8 fl oz Sholr 230SC 16 fl oz Sholr 230SC 16 fl oz Sholr 4 fl oz + Juge 50WG 8 oz Sholr 4 fl oz + Juge 50WG 8 oz Sholr 8 fl oz + Juge 50WG 16 oz Sholr 8 fl oz + Juge 50WG 16 oz Sholr 8 fl oz + Mentor 45WP 4 oz Sholr 8 fl oz + Mentor 45WP 4 oz Penote 400SC 16 fl oz Appliton metho Drenh Drenh Drenh Drenh Drenh Drenh Drenh M. frutiol B. inere R. stolonifer G. nium Not one Not one Not one Not one Not one Not one Not one Not one Not one Not one Not one Iniene of ey (%) Fruit were woun-inoulte with M. frutiol, B. inere, or R. stolonifer (3 x 10 4 spores/ml), s well s with G. nium (5 x 10 5 spores/ml) n trete fter h using pplitions. Low volume spry pplitions were one in 50% Primfresh 200 t 25 gl/200,000 l fruit. In-line renh pplitions were one using queous fungiie solutions n were followe y pplition with fruit oting. All pplitions were one on roller e. Fruit were then inute for 6 ys t 20C. Fig. 12. Effiy of posthrvest tretments with new n registere fungiies for mngement of posthrvest eys of Ryn Sun peh in experimentl pkingline stuies - Fruit inoulte, trete, n inute - Tretment - wx Sholr 230SC 4 fl oz Sholr 230SC 4 fl oz Sholr 230SC 8 fl oz Sholr 230SC 8 fl oz Sholr 230SC 16 fl oz Sholr 230SC 16 fl oz Sholr 4 fl oz + Juge 50WG 8 oz Sholr 4 fl oz + Juge 50WG 8 oz Sholr 8 fl oz + Juge 50WG 16 oz Sholr 8 fl oz + Juge 50WG 16 oz Sholr 8 fl oz + Mentor 45WP 4 oz Sholr 8 fl oz + Mentor 45WP 4 oz Penote 400SC 16 fl oz Appliton metho Drenh Drenh Drenh Drenh Drenh Drenh Drenh M. frutiol B. inere R. stolonifer G. nium Not one Not one ef Not one ef Not one ef Not one ef f Not one Not one Not one ef Not one e Not one ef f Not one Not one Iniene of ey (%) Fruit were woun-inoulte with M. frutiol, B. inere, or R. stolonifer (3 x 10 4 spores/ml), s well s with G. nium (5 x 10 5 spores/ml) n trete fter h using pplitions. Low volume spry pplitions were one in 50% Primfresh 200 t 25 gl/200,000 l fruit. In-line renh pplitions were one using queous fungiie solutions n were followe y pplition with fruit oting. All pplitions were one on roller e. Fruit were then inute for 6 ys t 20C. Cliforni Tree Fruit Agreement 2009 Annul Reserh Report 47

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